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Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:41 pm
by Shrink Attack
Cocktails and Dreams wrote: You are simply a lying POS.
I can understand you being upset about something. And I can also understand you calling someone out when you think that you need to. I can even understand you calling someone a liar if you think that's the case.

But I don't think it's ever appropriate to call someone on this MB a POS. That kind of thing seriously derails a discussion and turns it into a personal flame war rather than a debate. Good contributors have left this MB in the past because of stuff like that, and I'd rather not see that kind of thing happen again.


Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:45 pm
by Route C
Cocktails and Dreams wrote:
Sandman62 wrote:But Frank, at least if KDS runs a week before drafts, if you get your 10-14th choice, you at least have a ful week to mock and review ADPs to adjust your strategy.

And Chad, while I understand and respect your decision on where to play the bulk of your leagues being influenced by when KDS runs, telling the owners and the entire MB community about it DOES come across as bullying. No one is saying it shouldn't affect your decision (the way you keep telling us that having it a week before shouldn't matter to us, as if we're just too stupid to figure that out, when in reality, we just disagree)... But FEELING that way and essentially threatening to take your money elsewhere aren't the same, IMO (and apparently some others).
If you are going to put words in my mouth like Route C, please be at least remotely close to being correct. You are nowhere near doing that here. Where in the hell did I say I was taking my money elsewhere? Did you even read my post?
Pretty sure I never put words in your mouth. Just letting you know how it sounded to me. I think presentation is important if you want to have support for your ideas. If you just want to talk then by all means don't change a thing. If you want to be heard then maybe a small change would help. I'd start with not calling another player a POS!


Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:56 am
by Money
I have no preference, either way is fine with me. Just offer separate leagues, one week or one day. What's the problem?

Just for clarification, in my industry POS is "Point of Sale". ;)


Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:17 am
Calling Dr. Phil......


Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:53 pm
by Money
Money wrote:I have no preference, either way is fine with me. Just offer separate leagues, one week or one day. What's the problem?

Just for clarification, in my industry POS is "Point of Sale". ;)
My previous position was one of neutrality. After the events of the first week of games and the drafts that ensued I've had a change of opinion. The game Thursday night was a deal changer. There was obviously significant movement in the ADP at the top of the draft. This would alter anyones KDS that gives it much thought. I now think that the KDS should either be eliminated if we continue to draft after a regular season game, or KDS for those leagues should not be due until after that game has been played.

I understand that this added a lot of intrigue and intrest to the events this weekend, but I say screw that. For the kind of money we're playing for we don't need the added intrigue and discussion to stimulate our experience. The "Luck" factor in football just gets bigger and bigger with these types of rules

Just my two cents.