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Live Scoring

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:18 am
by renman

There are a few reasons I personally did not contact you. First, generally you and Greg have always been very active on the message boards and given that it was week one of the season I figured one or both of you would be keeping up with things. I also would not call you personally over something like this given my assumption is you guys always do a great job and will get it figured out. Had I been having problems entering in my proper lineup I would have called. But the scoring thing wasn't (for me) a panic filled priority. It is more about game enjoyment going forward. I do have concerned about what God loves is saying about how lesser games have functioning software where as the event that has people investing thousands of dollars is laboring.

I now see people saying that they have downloaded google whatever and firefox and it still isn't working. All I ask is for some steady updates during this week on how the process is coming along so we can be good to go with proper, accurate, and quick score updates for week two... which cannot get here fast enough for me!

ps. Thanks for the week one beating Sandman!

[ September 14, 2010, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: Renman ]

Live Scoring

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:55 am
by Sandman62
Anytime Renman! ;)

Live Scoring

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:02 am
by Glenneration X
Greg, Tom, in one of your preseason chats, you had mentioned that a live scoring toggle was in the works for football similar to what was recently provided for baseball.

However, this live scoring page opens up a new window when accessed in lieu of opening up the live scoring within the original window as it does in baseball. There's no way to toggle to another team's live scoring that way, unless I'm missing something.

Will the toggle be provided here as well? I found it a great upgrade in baseball.


Live Scoring

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:05 am
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by Sandman62:
Ok Tom, that's what I'll do in the future. But I thought specifically that you and Greg would've preferred not to have your cell phone email flooded when all of the issues are neatly consolidated here on the boards. IMO, it would seem more productive for you to have at least one Fanball person monitor the boards on Sunday.

That's fine. This is the same process we've had every year in the NFFC. Greg and I always are checking emails and receiving phone calls. People contact us on a daily basis if they are having issues and we do what we can to solve them in a timely fashion. I'm not sure why people assumed that would change Week 1 of this season.

The bottom line is we aren't going to be able to have someone monitor the boards at all times. Our contact information is here for a reason. Please use it. Once again, Greg and I cannot help to get problems fixed if no one is telling us that problems are arising in the first place.

So were people having problems with live scoring last night? If so, what browser were you using and what specific problems were you having? Let me know and I'll forward the information to our programmers.


Live Scoring

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:07 am
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by Erok:
Tom-- I do run Firefox and still couldnt access my teams last night.It's very likely you have multiple user names and you're not using the one where your teams are located. If you are unable to access the site please email me your user name and password and I'll check on it. Thanks.

Live Scoring

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:10 am
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by SkinRod:
Google Chrome does not fix the problem neither does Safari. I have both and neither is working. I also emailed Tom as instructed and the site will still not access. My laptop is brand new, dont get it, why some are ok and others are not, very dissappointing. Michael, I replied to your PM last night. The problem you were having had nothing to do with the site. You had multiple user names and were using one that didn't have your teams on it. I sent you the info that should provide you access. If you're still unable to access the site please email me at [email protected] and we'll get this addressed.

Live Scoring

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:14 am
by TradeStar28
It's 9am e.s.t. and I do not see the overall standings for the Classic and the Primetime?

Is this some sort of joke?