ELIAS Stats Revisions?

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by BLACKHAND » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:36 am

i think what matt was trying to say is that a defender CAN cause pass interference on a pass caught out of bounds by the defender causing him to catch it out of bounds.

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by mattjb » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:37 am

Originally posted by felixflamingo:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
quote:Originally posted by felixflamingo:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
can't believe people are trying to justify this. there was no pass completion to Nicks as it was ruled out of bounds. the completion never existed. it doesn't matter that it should have counted - there are probably half a dozen plays every week that should count that don't. It wasn't ruled out of bounds. If it was out of bounds it wouldn't have been pass interference. [/QUOTE]what are you on about? tha catch WAS ruled out of bounds.
Of course it can still be pass interference. Do you even know the rules of the game? :confused:
[/QUOTE]Guess I don't. How can a there be pass interference on a catch that couldn't have been made in the first place genius?
[/QUOTE]Pass Interference takes place BEFORE the catch. And he could have caught the ball in bounds (and in fact he did) BUT the official clearly rules the catch out of bounds.

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by mkrucek » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:38 am

Originally posted by felixflamingo:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
quote:Originally posted by felixflamingo:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
can't believe people are trying to justify this. there was no pass completion to Nicks as it was ruled out of bounds. the completion never existed. it doesn't matter that it should have counted - there are probably half a dozen plays every week that should count that don't. It wasn't ruled out of bounds. If it was out of bounds it wouldn't have been pass interference. [/QUOTE]what are you on about? tha catch WAS ruled out of bounds.
Of course it can still be pass interference. Do you even know the rules of the game? :confused:
[/QUOTE]Guess I don't. How can a there be pass interference on a catch that couldn't have been made in the first place genius?
[/QUOTE]Is there a reason you are becoming more condescending with each post? Of course there can be pass interference and the catch made out of bounds. That was the call here. And Elias changed the ruling on the field, not a stat change.
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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by Rog » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:42 am

so if the pass was ruled incomplete on the field ,never reviewed,and the giants took the pass interference yardage.how in the heck did the elias scorers change it to a completion?that is just absurd to even try to justify.the point being it was ruled incomplete and never asked to be reviewed!so did the score changer review it him/herself and rule it a completed catch?

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by mattjb » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:44 am

Originally posted by Who?:
so if the pass was ruled incomplete on the field ,never reviewed,and the giants took the pass interference yardage.how in the heck did the elias scorers change it to a completion?that is just absurd to even try to justify.the point being it was ruled incomplete and never asked to be reviewed!so did the score changer review it him/herself and rule it a completed catch? that is exactly what they've done.

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by thegambler » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:50 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by thegambler:
side question, anyone can answer:

when there is a scoring change does the nffc automatically make the correction or do we have to request it?

thanks in advance Andy, all of these scoring changes come directly from Elias Sports and are changed throughout the week. Our rules clearly state that changes can be made up until Thursday at 6 pm ET. At that point, NFFC scoring is final. Nobody has to request these changes; heck, we don't request them. It's Elias Sports going through the tapes of each game and making sure the correct stats are done for each game. Those changes are usually done by Wednesday night and announced on all fantasy sites.

I am honestly shocked that Elias made this scoring change the way they did. The ref clearly walked off the penalty, there was no review of Nicks' feet being inbounds and the spot of the ball was different than what happened on the play. I think it sets a bad precedent from Elias and the NFL. This really does seem like a stat change for fantasy players, not for NFL purposes. Mistakes are made each game by NFL referees and Elias doesn't correct them on Wednesday. I'm not sure why they corrected this one, but as a game operator we have to use the official stats of the NFL and thus this change is made as Elias sees fit.
[/QUOTE]greg, i don't think i worded my question right. i wasn't trying to imply that the nffc contacts elias for stat and scoring changes i wanted to know that after elias comes out with a stat/scoring change that if the scoring on the nffc side is automatically corrected on the league pages? i am sure it is but coming over from the wcoff and their wonderful customer service we never knew what was going on.


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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by particra » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:53 am

My guess is that Nicks and/or the Giants requested the scoring change, much like how baseball teams sometimes request changes on errors/hits.

Greg Ambrosius
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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:56 am

Originally posted by thegambler:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by thegambler:
side question, anyone can answer:

when there is a scoring change does the nffc automatically make the correction or do we have to request it?

thanks in advance Andy, all of these scoring changes come directly from Elias Sports and are changed throughout the week. Our rules clearly state that changes can be made up until Thursday at 6 pm ET. At that point, NFFC scoring is final. Nobody has to request these changes; heck, we don't request them. It's Elias Sports going through the tapes of each game and making sure the correct stats are done for each game. Those changes are usually done by Wednesday night and announced on all fantasy sites.

I am honestly shocked that Elias made this scoring change the way they did. The ref clearly walked off the penalty, there was no review of Nicks' feet being inbounds and the spot of the ball was different than what happened on the play. I think it sets a bad precedent from Elias and the NFL. This really does seem like a stat change for fantasy players, not for NFL purposes. Mistakes are made each game by NFL referees and Elias doesn't correct them on Wednesday. I'm not sure why they corrected this one, but as a game operator we have to use the official stats of the NFL and thus this change is made as Elias sees fit.
[/QUOTE]greg, i don't think i worded my question right. i wasn't trying to imply that the nffc contacts elias for stat and scoring changes i wanted to know that after elias comes out with a stat/scoring change that if the scoring on the nffc side is automatically corrected on the league pages? i am sure it is but coming over from the wcoff and their wonderful customer service we never knew what was going on.

[/QUOTE]Yes, it's automatically corrected on Wednesday night when stats are re-run. Everyone should have seen the changes this morning and if Elias changes anything today it will be reflected tomorrow morning. All results are final then. I'll post the Elias changes today and hopefully we're done with them for Week 2.
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Tom Kessenich
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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:00 am

Originally posted by Hells Satans:
My guess is that Nicks and/or the Giants requested the scoring change, much like how baseball teams sometimes request changes on errors/hits. The difference I see, though, is the play itself never existed as Matt said. This wasn't ruled an incomplete pass on the field. It was ruled a PI. Therefore, no attempt or completion occurred. The league office essentially created a play to occur in order to allow these new stats to exist. That's rather unbelievable in my opinion.

Stat changes occur all the time but they do so for plays that have occurred. This play officially did not occur. Again, it's like my analogy for baseball. This is akin to a player hitting a foul ball only to have the official scorer decide it should've been a home run and subsequently awarding him a home run. That would never happen in baseball and it's easy to understand why.
Tom Kessenich
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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by mattjb » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:14 am

the fact it was called out of bounds by the side official is important though Tom. There was a catch in week one (it was discussed briefly on here but i can't for the life of me remember who it was) where the official announced that the pass interference call had been accepted even though it was a completed catch. that was changed (during the game) to a catch and i think rightly so - the assumption being the official simply made a mistake when he announced it. The key difference being the catch was not ruled out of bounds (as Nicks was) and there was no difference in yardage between the penalty and the catch.

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