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Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:23 am
by thegambler
Originally posted by BillyWaz:

My comment of "if you like this play here, etc." was not meant to be nasty, I simply was saying you should play at the format you like best.

Saying "well if I don't want to play at FFPC I won't have a playoff" is crazy. There are 2 high stakes games out there with 2 different playoff formats.

If you make them BOTH have a 4 team playoff then THERE IS EVEN LESS OPTIONS!!

I think you are confusing the fact that your opinion for the playoffs (and I can see why it is since you came from WCOFF) is what the majority would want, but I don't think that is the case.

The NFFC started in 2004, and is currently the longest running high stakes game out there. It started them with only TWO people getting in the playoffs, and have changed the rules so that the BEST team gets the majority of the league prize money. I don't think it would have lasted that long if people "didn't want it".

However, Greg and Tom have been great about changing formats to improve this game, and will continue to work hard in that respect.

I just think you think your opinion is the MAJORITY, when I don't think it is.

Fact is if you want a game to be EXACTLY the way you want it, you are going to have to start your own league. i personally believe that a playoff format is what the majority does want....that is why the wcoff was the biggest and the ffpc was 2nd biggest and now the biggest HSFF league. people enjoy having a better chance at making the playoffs. having 4 teams gives more people a chance. keeps more teams involved longer. more teams involved longer makes for happier team owners and more repeat costumers, who in turn recommend your site/league.

i would say the numbers favor a playoff...

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:26 am
by Sandman62
LMAO that the WCOFF folks are chastising longtime NFFC players about resisting change when in fact they are coming here from another contest and want this one to be run exactly like what THEY are used to! :rolleyes:

[ November 16, 2011, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: Sandman62 ]

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:45 am
by thegambler
Originally posted by Sandman62:
LMAO that the WCOFF folks are chastising longtime NFFC players about resisting change when in fact they are coming here from another contest and want this one to be run exactly like what THEY are used to! :rolleyes: yeah it is pretty funny....

i find it funnier that long time NFFC players are so resistant to change. that they want less players and less money. :rolleyes:

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:50 am
by BillyWaz
Please explain how your playoff system creates more people and more money???? :confused:

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:59 am
by DoubleG
this thread is hilarious. if i were running an event, i would not want to be associated with "how wcoff conducted their game/business"

if people think they attracted so many players because of their playoff system, i don't think you are seeing the bigger picture.

wcoff got so many people because their payouts were too good to be true. allegedly a big PONZI scheme.

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:02 am
by thegambler
Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Please explain how your playoff system creates more people and more money???? :confused: i am not saying that "my" playoff system creates more money or people. i am only going by the biggest HSFF events: the wcoff and ffpc. both have (in wcoff's case, had) playoffs. nffc is much smaller then wcoff ever was. that shows me more people liked the wcoff format, which was playoffs. also ffpc has grown very fast over the last 3 years mainly because they have a very similar system to the wcoff....and with the wcoff having the problems they were having the last couple of years, before they went out of business, the ffpc was grabbing desgruntled wcoff players left and right.

it does make some sense doesn't it or do you think i am way off?

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:03 am
Originally posted by thegambler:
quote:Originally posted by Sandman62:
LMAO that the WCOFF folks are chastising longtime NFFC players about resisting change when in fact they are coming here from another contest and want this one to be run exactly like what THEY are used to! :rolleyes: yeah it is pretty funny....

i find it funnier that long time NFFC players are so resistant to change. that they want less players and less money. :rolleyes:
[/QUOTE]i really never get worked up over the mb stuff BUT ... i find it a little distubing that the wcoff guys are trying to strongarm the NFFC into their way. im a gambler , my bucks are that if a vote was to take place it would not even be close as far as changing the playoff ( or whatever the **** you call it ) the way they have it now. when you play in the american league you use a DH , national league the pitcher hits. i say to those who dont play here next year ( fewer than you think ) cause of the playoff that is in place here.....dont let the door hit you in the azz.

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:06 am
Originally posted by DoubleG:
this thread is hilarious. if i were running an event, i would not want to be associated with "how wcoff conducted their game/business"

if people think they attracted so many players because of their playoff system, i don't think you are seeing the bigger picture.

wcoff got so many people because their payouts were too good to be true. allegedly a big PONZI scheme. exactly

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:22 am
by thegambler
Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
quote:Originally posted by thegambler:
quote:Originally posted by Sandman62:
LMAO that the WCOFF folks are chastising longtime NFFC players about resisting change when in fact they are coming here from another contest and want this one to be run exactly like what THEY are used to! :rolleyes: yeah it is pretty funny....

i find it funnier that long time NFFC players are so resistant to change. that they want less players and less money. :rolleyes:
[/QUOTE]i really never get worked up over the mb stuff BUT ... i find it a little distubing that the wcoff guys are trying to strongarm the NFFC into their way. im a gambler , my bucks are that if a vote was to take place it would not even be close as far as changing the playoff ( or whatever the **** you call it ) the way they have it now. when you play in the american league you use a DH , national league the pitcher hits. i say to those who dont play here next year ( fewer than you think ) cause of the playoff that is in place here.....dont let the door hit you in the azz.
[/QUOTE]thanks for your very helpful post....keep up the good work. looks like my azz is staying here for awhile. sorry for that....

yep might not be close in the nffc but in every other fantasy football league it would be a blowout for playoffs.

i love how we are referred to as wcoff guys.... :D

Playoff System Protest

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:25 am
by joetreff

i find it funnier that long time NFFC players are so resistant to change. that they want less players and less money. :rolleyes: A couple people proposing an overhaul of a system that has worked for 8 years and getting some resistance = NFFC players are resistant to change? That's where you just are missing something...

I've been here 7 years, would check the WCOFF website once in a while and the thing that amazed me was the playoffs, the page was a mile long. If you made the playoffs you made it along with over 100 other people, maybe more, someone can correct me if they want...

That's not something I'm remotely interested in. So count 1 against your "majority"