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Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:16 am
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
Barlow, now that's a fantasy dynamo for you. Emma must have hung up on you after the 2nd round. it's all about value scarecrow. i thought you would have learned by now


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:34 am
by TamuScarecrow
it's all about value scarecrow. i thought you would have learned by nowSo true, GG. I'd have to see your roster grid. Good luck tonight, my friend.


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:48 am
Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
3INTBOY, after looking at your rb situation I can see why you are rooting for the KC two-headed hydra as the rest of them suck. Duce Staley and Willie Parker, they're not even a two-headed inchworm. You better hope your wrs go wild every week. And remember, non-ABC members can be abused on this thread, and usually are. :D I have thick skin. NP at all.
I really like Staley/Parker for the 2nd RB spot. You can call me crazy...

One thing I DON'T have to do is have my WRs go wild. All they need to do is stay near LAST years averages and I will be in fine shape. A little higher or lower will be fine.

No doubt, it will be interesting.....

And I do like AB, not enough to start a thread!




Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:32 am
by Dr. FI$HER
Originally posted by the snake:
for all those that lack the foresight out there (Into3Boys); 2005 Horn/Stallworth = 2004 Harrison/Wayne= the quintessential definition of a TWO headed SERPENT monster...SNAKE Snake-

You must be smokin the Florida cryp with that kind of comparison. Save me a toke or two!

More like a two headed D^ldo than a monster. You are totally F#ck*d!

[ September 07, 2005, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: Dr. FI$HER ]


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:40 pm
by TradeStar28
Originally posted by the snake:
Fi$'s quite obvious that you are attempting (rather feebly SNAKE might add), to goad SNAKE into a verbal sparring session with you...SNAKE ain't a falling for it...SNAKE's choice of illegal substances has long been smack, not smoke...but alas, let's talk about you and SNAKE, Fi$hBreath...we both drafted from the #11 spot - your team is lacking in 2 areas as SNAKE seethes it and those who are in the know and are in on these threads in their heart of hearts, realizes this...SNAKEs will eat Fi$h all day/evening long as the swalowing/digestive process is a lenghty and painful one for the fi$h (an apt metaphor for the upcoming season long spanking your club will suffer compared to SNAKE)...taking Dunn instead of Stud-in-the-making-R.Brown was your first, but not last mistake last Saturday... Warrick Dunn has outperformed his ranking for 7 years in a row....Atlanta was #1 last year in rushing....

I like Ronnie Brown, but drafting Warrick Dunn is like paying 2 bux a gallon for gas tomorrow.

Please stop speaking in 3rd person makes you sound silly....Fisher thinks so


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:42 pm
by Dr. FI$HER

So now you are saying Ronnie Brown will outproduce Warrick Dunn.(LMAO) You are yet to put your $$ where your mouth is.

I will gladly pit Dunn versus Brown and/or my team against yours for the season. Once again Snake are you up for some action or is the $1250 you flushed away enough of a loss for you?


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:08 pm
by King of Queens
I took Ronnie Brown in a couple of leagues this year. He'll do okay, maybe even make a decent RB3. From doing satellites and NFBC leagues over the past 2 weeks, it's pretty obvious that Ricky Williams' preseason success has had an impact on Brown's ADP. Personally, I don't believe that Ricky is going to be much of a factor once he's reinstated -- the Nick Saban personality conflict will be more of a factor than people have discussed.

Then again, this whole Ronnie/Ricky debate may be moot -- the Dolphins are a terrible team. 4 wins would be an accomplishment for this sorry crew.


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:42 pm
by Route Collectors
Prez Rick has added AB to yet another team tonight - that's why he's the prez. :D

Although I still think the 6th round is showing AB too much love Rick. :eek: