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Week 2 Thoughts & Observations

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:16 am
by CoMoHusker
As great as both Brady and Manning are, I don't think they can be placed on the same level as Montana, Elway, and even Marino. The rules in the NFL today completely favor QB's and offenses in general.

I view Montana has the greatest ever for a number of reasons but what is most impressive about that generation of QB play was how damn tough they were. I mean these guys weren't being protected like they are today where defenders are afraid to fully go after the QB because there is a great chance that it will cost their team 15 yards. There were hits to head, 300+ defenders driving them into the ground, etc.

The five yard chuck rule was non-existent or hardly enforced meaning defenders had a much greater advantage than they do today. Not to mention PI penalties weren't being called with the type of frequency that they are today.

Can you imagine the types of numbers and additional records that Montana, Elway, and Marinos of the league would have put up if they were "protected" as much as today's star QB's are?

Tom and Peyton are great and definite top 10 of all-time but I think their numbers are inflated due to the way the game is played today. You can compare Brady and Manning but I think it is unfair when the comparisons start stretching to Brady vs. Montana, etc. IMO.

Week 2 Thoughts & Observations

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:29 pm
by rkulaski
Originally posted by Stealth SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by rkulaski:
quote:Originally posted by Stealth SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
quote:Originally posted by Hells Satans:
What Brady has had is the most innovative and brilliant head coach of his era. Moving to a two TE approach where it is the TEs that stretch the field, removes the linebackers and safeties from the middle of the playing field, and allows Welker and Woodhead to work underneath with less traffic is brilliant. Yeah, they've done an impressive job of replacing what Moss provided with what the two TEs provide. In both cases, the underneath receivers are able to operate without defenses clamping down on them. It's a great system the Patriots have and that's likely a key reason why Cassel did so well there too. Of course, having stud talents like Moss and Welker don't hurt either. [/QUOTE]Welker "STUD TALENT"?!? :confused: :eek: ...the kat was NADA before Handsome Tommy started spiraling the pigskin in his direction, man...and how does his talent match up with, er, let's say Marvin Harrison, Reggie Wayne, Dallas Clark, Edgerrin James, etc. in their primes, eh?...c'mon man, Welker has the SAME talent level as Brandon Stokley did in his prime when he played for the Colts...TK, again, with all due respect, the comparison in talent level is not even CLOSE imho ;) ...
[/QUOTE]I think you underestimate Welker....

The Brady-Manning debate will always be that. They are both that good.

Manning's WRs more talented? I think so but there have been games where the Colts were on the field for maybe 20 min because of their defense. There have been games where Manning has won for Indy by having to score on EVERY possession. So many things to take into account on Manning vs Brady and I'm just throwing one more out there. Brady better coach and game plan with Belichek... Manning pretty much runs his offense, call his own plays. Does that count for anything? Brady has beaten Manning in the playoffs but I do believe at this point in time, Manning had the last laugh. :D
[/QUOTE]Uhm, Peyton might have indeed had the LAST laugh but mucho mas importantly Handsome Tommy has had way MORE laughs ;) ...
[/QUOTE]Too bad they most likely won't get a chance to go at each other again this year. :(