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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:54 am
by mattjb
Originally posted by Coltsfan:
I'm chiming in late here and I haven't read the entire thread here but this is what I "thought" happened.

1. Nicks DID make the catch in bounds.

2. The refs called passed interference immediately so the Giants did not need to challenge the call.

3. Nicks got credited with the catch and yardage by Elias.

4. What happened with Eli? Does he get extra yardage as well?

Even though I think that the ball was caught in bounds by Nicks, I hate them changing the stats. As long as they are doing changes I really need Elias to find me about 2.5 more points somewhere so that I can win my Primetime game! :D

Wayne Good question on Eli.

You missed out the biggest point however. The side official clearly signalled no catch.

ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:00 am
by Coltsfan
Originally posted by mattjb:
quote:Originally posted by Coltsfan:
I'm chiming in late here and I haven't read the entire thread here but this is what I "thought" happened.

1. Nicks DID make the catch in bounds.

2. The refs called passed interference immediately so the Giants did not need to challenge the call.

3. Nicks got credited with the catch and yardage by Elias.

4. What happened with Eli? Does he get extra yardage as well?

Even though I think that the ball was caught in bounds by Nicks, I hate them changing the stats. As long as they are doing changes I really need Elias to find me about 2.5 more points somewhere so that I can win my Primetime game! :D

Wayne Good question on Eli.

You missed out the biggest point however. The side official clearly signalled no catch.
[/QUOTE]I assumed that after elias reviewed the play they saw it was actually a catch so that's why they made the change. (it's the only explanation that begins to make any sense at all.) And since the Giants didn't challenge due to the penalty they called it a catch. Obviously Elias felt like it really was a catch after looking back at it. I sure can't remember any kind of precedence for this...... I do agree with everyone else that it shouldn't have been changed. And I have Nicks in a LOT of leagues.


ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:04 am
by Tom Kessenich
The concern clearly seems to be - Where does it stop? If someone after the fact can decide an incomplete pass is complete what else can be changed? What if someone looked at the final play of the Bills-Raiders game and decided it was Moore who came down with the catch? Do the Raiders now get a victory?

That's the Pandora's box that has been opened by this baffling ruling. And if the answer is it's an arbitrary decision than that makes it even worse. There are probably a handful of blown calls each week in every game. Why was this one selected as a play that needed to be changed?

Utterly baffling.

ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:08 am
you can see the giants accepted the penalty with the clock not starting until the snap. otherwise the clock would have started again even if he went out of bounds with over 5 min left.

wayne made a valid point on eli. he would have to get the yardage.

ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:13 am
by Coltsfan
Have their been situations before where the yards passing and yards receiving don't add up?


ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:38 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Coltsfan:
Have their been situations before where the yards passing and yards receiving don't add up?

Wayne The NFL box scores are showing Eli Manning with 19 completions for 223 yards and Giants receivers have 19 catches for 223 yards. The NFFC scoring also has Manning with 223 yards, so it looks like Elias has changed this across the board and all box scores should be showing the proper changes that they made.

[ September 22, 2011, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]

ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:39 am
by Coltsfan

How about his brother Eli???? :D


ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:50 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Coltsfan:

How about his brother Eli???? :D

Wayne I knew I never should have drafted him in the FPC. I can't get Peyton off my brain. :D