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Sunday, Sept. 2nd Draft Champions Express IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:41 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Okay, we have full leagues tonight and Sunday night for the NFFC Draft Champions Express and we're already working on next week's 3-hour tours!! :mrgreen: We now have ONLY 10 SPOTS LEFT for the Sunday, Aug. 26th DC Express, a perfect time to prep for the live events. This will be one of the last offerings for the Draft Champions National Championship as slow draft leagues will conclude on Aug. 21st and we won't have any DC Expresses on Friday, Aug. 31st. We will offer one more date and time: Sunday, Sept. 2nd, but outside of that this will be the last offering.

Sign up online under $150 Draft Champions Express if you'd like to join either Friday night's Express or Sunday's DC Express. Friday's offering will be the final Friday offering of the season, so good luck everyone there.

Here's the current signup lists for these Draft Champions Express leagues next weekend:

Friday, Aug. 24, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
3. Bill Strickler, Holiday, Florida
4. Thomas Greenwald, Carpentersville, Illinois
5. Ante Meich, Bayside, New York
6. glenn dalgleish, Belle River, Ontario
7. Michael Cosgrove, Richmond, Virginia
8. Dickson Kesler, Hampstead, North Carolina
9. Jon Thomason, Janesville, Wisconsin
10. Joseph Treffiletti, Sunrise, Florida
11. Mike Sanda, Warwick, Rhode Island
12. Matthew Shepherd, Napa, California
13. Ken Magner, Freehold, New Jersey
14. bill cleavenger, Morganfield, Kentucky

Sunday, Aug. 26, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. John Bosch, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3. Benjamin Greenfield, Bronx, New York
4. Joe Conte, Campbell, California
5. Fawaz Ali, Brooklyn, New York
6. Tarek Zindani, Brooklyn, New York
7. Adiep Ali, Brooklyn, New York
8. Joseph Treffiletti, Sunrise, Florida
9. Shawn Childs, Forestdale, Massachusetts
10. Todd Butler, Midlothian, Virginia
11. Keith Butler, Chesterfield, Virginia
12. Bryan Steimetz, Las Vegas, Nevada
13. Matthew Shepherd, Napa, California
14. ralph byron, Cicero, Illinois

NFFC Draft Champions Express League
Sunday, Sept. 2nd at 8 pm ET
30 Rounds, 14 Teams, 60 Seconds Per Pick
1. Anthony Visano, Toronto, Ontario
2. Charles West, Houston, Texas
3. James McCabe, Indianapolis, Indiana
4. Hugo Penilla, Orlando, Florida
5. William Blankenship, Rocklin, California
6. Laurence Curtis, Mission Viejo, California
7. Garrick McFadden, Osseo, Minnesota
8. Michael Becker, Fairfax, Virginia
9. derek reno, Spencer, Massachusetts
10. Matthew Mire, Sagle, Idaho
11. Reed Kasaoka, Amherst, New York
12. Scott Stauffer, Naperville, Illinois
13. Jon Davis, Savannah, Georgia
14. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois

NFFC Draft Champions Express League #2
Sunday, Sept. 2nd at 8 pm ET
30 Rounds, 14 Teams, 60 Seconds Per Pick

1. Vinicius Ferreira, Las Vegas, Nevada
2. Michael Bell, Alexandria, Virginia
3. John Lodi, Mashpee, Massachusetts
4. Ryan Patsko, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
5. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
6. David Blake, Mokena, Illinois
7. Jesee Jastremski, Garfield, New Jersey
8. Howard Vera, Bronx, New York
9. Robert Mihulka, Mt. Michigan
10. George Kleemann, Palatine, Illinois
11. Maunka Morgan, Midland, Michigan
12. kenny enfield, Sept-Iles, Quebec
13. Larry Bagiardi, Port Charlotte, Florida
14. Reed Kasaoka, New York

Re: 10 SPOTS LEFT IN Sunday, Aug. 26th Draft Champions Expre

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:38 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Okay, the NFFC Draft Champions League is coming to an end this week with the slow drafts, but we will still be offering fast drafts this weekend on Friday and Sunday nights. These are called Draft Champions Express and both will start at 3 pm ET. We have 11 SPOTS LEFT on Friday and 10 SPOTS LEFT ON SUNDAY!! Jump on in if you want one final shot at the $10,000 grand prize and one final shot of prepping for the live drafts. Thanks all.

Here is the current signup list:

Friday, Aug. 24, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
3. Jerrod Cleveland, Henderson, Kentucky

Sunday, Aug. 26, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. John Bosch, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3. Benjamin Greenfield, Bronx, New York
4. Joe Conte, Campbell, California

Re: 7 SPOTS LEFT IN Sunday, Aug. 26th Draft Champions Expres

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:43 am
by Tom Kessenich
SIX spots left for Aug. 26

Sunday, Aug. 26, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. John Bosch, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3. Benjamin Greenfield, Bronx, New York
4. Joe Conte, Campbell, California
5. Fawaz Ali, Brooklyn, New York
6. Tarek Zindani, Brooklyn, New York
7. Adiep Ali, Brooklyn, New York
8. Joseph Treffiletti, Sunrise, Florida

Re: 3 SPOTS LEFT IN Sunday, Aug. 26th Draft Champions Expres

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:32 pm
by Greg Ambrosius

Wow, those went fast. If you want to compete on Sunday Night in the 8 pm ET Draft Champions League that starts and finishes in 3 hours then sign up NOW!! This one is going to sell out soon. Thanks all.

Here's the current signup list for both offerings this weekend:

Friday, Aug. 24, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
3. Jerrod Cleveland, Henderson, Kentucky

Sunday, Aug. 26, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. John Bosch, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3. Benjamin Greenfield, Bronx, New York
4. Joe Conte, Campbell, California
5. Fawaz Ali, Brooklyn, New York
6. Tarek Zindani, Brooklyn, New York
7. Adiep Ali, Brooklyn, New York
8. Joseph Treffiletti, Sunrise, Florida
9. Shawn Childs, Forestdale, Massachusetts
10. Todd Butler, Midlothian, Virginia
11. Keith Butler, Chesterfield, Virginia
12. Bryan Steimetz, Las Vegas, Nevada

Re: 2 SPOTS LEFT IN Sunday, Aug. 26th Draft Champions Expres

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:57 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Don't forget that the last Friday Night Draft Champions League will be this Friday at 8 pm ET. We already have four teams signed up for that one, leaving us with ONLY 10 SPOTS LEFT!! Let's end the bowling season with several beer frames!! :lol: Thanks all and good luck this weekend.

Here's Friday's current signup list, which includes a good group so far:

Friday, Aug. 24, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
3. Jerrod Cleveland, Henderson, Kentucky
4. Bill Strickler, Holiday, Florida

Re: 1 SPOT LEFT IN Sunday, Aug. 26th Draft Champions Express

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:45 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Okay, there's ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT now for Sunday's Draft Champions Express. We are not offering a second league that night, so once this closes we are done with this league. Please sign up online and the first one in will get the last spot. Thanks everyone for making these one-night DCs such a huge success. This will be a staple of the NFFC going forward.

Here's the current lineup card for this league:

Sunday, Aug. 26, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. John Bosch, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3. Benjamin Greenfield, Bronx, New York
4. Joe Conte, Campbell, California
5. Fawaz Ali, Brooklyn, New York
6. Tarek Zindani, Brooklyn, New York
7. Adiep Ali, Brooklyn, New York
8. Joseph Treffiletti, Sunrise, Florida
9. Shawn Childs, Forestdale, Massachusetts
10. Todd Butler, Midlothian, Virginia
11. Keith Butler, Chesterfield, Virginia
12. Bryan Steimetz, Las Vegas, Nevada
13. Matthew Shepherd, Napa, California

Remember, we are offering a DC Express on Friday night for anyone who would still like to get into a league yet this week. 11 spots left there.

Re: 11 SPOTS LEFT IN Friday, Aug. 24th Draft Champions Expre

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:26 am
by Greg Ambrosius

We will close out this league now. Please set your KDS preferences today and we'll lock in your draft spots shortly. There's no time to wait anymore. Once these leagues fill, you should get an email shortly after that with the KDS deadline and then the draft spots. Enjoy on Sunday night and good luck everyone.

Here is the lineup card for that league:

Sunday, Aug. 26, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. John Bosch, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3. Benjamin Greenfield, Bronx, New York
4. Joe Conte, Campbell, California
5. Fawaz Ali, Brooklyn, New York
6. Tarek Zindani, Brooklyn, New York
7. Adiep Ali, Brooklyn, New York
8. Joseph Treffiletti, Sunrise, Florida
9. Shawn Childs, Forestdale, Massachusetts
10. Todd Butler, Midlothian, Virginia
11. Keith Butler, Chesterfield, Virginia
12. Bryan Steimetz, Las Vegas, Nevada
13. Matthew Shepherd, Napa, California
14. ralph byron, Cicero, Illinois

We still have 11 SPOTS LEFT for Friday Night's Draft Champions Express. If you want to smack talk with Gekko, this is the time to do it as he's still learning the player pool!!! :mrgreen: Bring on the sharks for this league!! :lol: Here's the current signup list for that one:

Friday, Aug. 24, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
3. Bill Strickler, Holiday, Florida

Re: 10 SPOTS LEFT IN Friday, Aug. 24th Draft Champions Expre

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:26 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Now down to 10 SPOTS LEFT in Friday's DC Express. 3 hours, 30 rounds, 420 players picked in 180 minutes. Who wouldn't love that format? :mrgreen:

Here's the current lineup card and one of the last chances to win the $10,000 grand prize since we shut off the slow draft format. Good luck all.

Friday, Aug. 24, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
3. Bill Strickler, Holiday, Florida
4. Thomas Greenwald, Carpentersville, Illinois

Re: 9 SPOTS LEFT IN Friday, Aug. 24th Draft Champions Expres

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:21 pm
by Tom Kessenich
NINE spots left for Friday night's draft. Who else wants to dive in and compete for the $10,000 grand prize?

Friday, Aug. 24, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
3. Bill Strickler, Holiday, Florida
4. Thomas Greenwald, Carpentersville, Illinois
5. Ante Meich, Bayside, New York

Re: 9 SPOTS LEFT IN Friday, Aug. 24th Draft Champions Expres

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:42 am
by Greg Ambrosius
We have TWO nights left now to compete for the $10,000 grand prize in the NFFC Draft Champions National Championship:

Friday, Aug. 24th at 8 pm ET
Sunday, Sept. 2nd at 8 pm ET

I can't think of a better way to prep for the Main Events than competing in these two 30-round, 14-team Draft Champions Leagues where you'll get to know the player pool inside out. We have 9 SPOTS LEFT on Friday night and I'd love to get this one filled. Who's up for one more "bowling night?" :mrgreen: Here's the current signup list for that one:

Friday, Aug. 24, 8 pm ET
1. Kyle Brinkmann, Albion, Illinois
2. Mark Srebro, York, Pennsylvania
3. Bill Strickler, Holiday, Florida
4. Thomas Greenwald, Carpentersville, Illinois
5. Ante Meich, Bayside, New York

And then we'll close out the season next Sunday with another Draft Champions League. I'm very confident at least one league will fill that night.

Okay, if you're interested please sign up under the $150 Draft Champions Express link and we'll do all we can to fill up these last two nights. I think the Draft Champions Express has become a big hit and we'll definitely continue these in football and baseball going forward as we continue to be the leader in these slow/fast draft leagues. Thanks everyone. It's great to have another national championship and a nice $10,000 grand prize on an economical $150 entry fee.