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Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:23 pm
by COZ
I've been in two online drafts already and I amazed by the lack of knowledge of proper draft emergency protocol. We are men, we prepare for emergencies, not whine in the chat box or type "HELP" and expect the draft watcher to know you are having a problem. When you have a draft problem, there is a BIG RED "HELP" BUTTON below the draft room. And the draft watcher gives out a phone number prior to the draft.

YOU PRESS THE BIG RED HELP BUTTON. AND THEN YOU FOLLOW THROUGH WITH A PHONE CALL to the draft watcher. So you should probably write down his phone number prior to the draft. I always have it on a post-it note on my computer. Its unbelievable to me how many people still are not following the proper emergency protocol. Instead they whine in the Chat box as if its the fellow drafters responsibility to help you out or expect someone to be watching every pick. These are big money, "professional," leagues, its not the responsibility of your fellow drafters to help you out and hit the HELP button for you or tell you that you just drafted Chris Givens from NO (not the Chris Givens from STL drafted two rounds earlier) while you insist you drafted the Chris Givens from STL even though it clearly states New Orleans and then you just whine in the chat box or type "HELP."

We all make mistakes, or inevitably have some malfunction, but to not even be aware of, nor follow the proper emergency protocol to me is inexcusable and disrespectful to your fellow drafters. Let's act like men and be prepared in case of an emergency. Sick of it already. And I don't want to deal with it for future drafts.




Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:02 pm
by jnugget
I am currently in a $150 sat draft.

I had the two pick, draft slot 11 had Internet trouble and was auto picked Calvin and ARod. Tom stops the draft- Luke and Mike were the admins and didn't ask the owner if he had trouble- after the owner calls Tom. Meanwhile, I select the only person left in my queue (CJ?K) and it for some reason gives me Brees. At some point, Tom left. I call Luke's number immediately (the one he gave at the start) and it goes straight to voicemail as he's on the line with owner 11. While calling, I hit the button shown above twice, post on the MSG board immediately who I wanted and then call again- all to no avail. They then stop the draft to fix owner 11, restart and I post "what about my pick" and call- this time getting mike on the line. He doesn't stop the draft and tells me I should hit the red button, which I do again and he still doesn't stop it. Someone then takes CJ and he tells me I'm out of luck. I am currently auto drafting for the first time in my life and am quite pissed about how this went down. I apologize to the others in that league for not finishing, but I think most would have done the same.

Sometimes the red help button just isn't good enough I guess...