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If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:28 pm
by kjduke
Try to find one with Steve Contris and Paul Fisher. They will single handedly add 3 weeks to the length of the draft.

I can understand how some people want to draft really, really slowly because they're not yet prepared for the season, or perhaps don't understand how the auto-pick function works, or maybe they just love drafting so much that they never want it to end ... so if you're one of those people, look for these guys on the signup sheet. Most draft days per dollar cost of anything you'll sign up for all season.

And if you draft as slow as they do, you can probably milk one DC draft all the way 'til opening day.

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:38 pm
by Marc Quitsch
KJ, I stopped Slow drafts altogether because every single draft was consumed with the ever going argument between the people who want to use the time limit to it's extent, the people who enjoy making the pick as soon as they get the email telling them that it's their turn, and the people who have a steady pace, and check the draft room a few times a day to see when they're going to be up.

The absolute worst it the "Spite Drafters". They are called out because they take 5-10 hours to make a pick that was the very next guy on the ADP list. When they are called out, the Spite Drafters take up to 12 hours to make each and every pick until the end, to teach everyone a lesson for complaining.

The Slow Drafts are a great idea if it were just suggested that everyone check their emails and/or the draft room more often.

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:39 pm
by BigBlueNation
KJ, welcome to the new generation of slow drafts..... :cry: ... :shock:

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:45 pm
by BillyWaz
Haven't done any slows this year, and probably won't for this exact reason.

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:13 pm
by edelman24
Let's get a fast paced slow draft going like Doughy puts together on the baseball side...too bad MTM doesn't do football he could collect cell phone numbers for us :mrgreen:

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:39 pm
by morons
On the plus side, many of these speed-bumps in the slow drafts aren't prepared, they draft guys who are retired or dead, and thus they aren't going to be competitive.

Do what Grauplisthberger does- enter every slow draft, you're bound to be picking every few hours that way.

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:08 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
edelman24 wrote:Let's get a fast paced slow draft going like Doughy puts together on the baseball side...too bad MTM doesn't do football he could collect cell phone numbers for us :mrgreen:
We will gladly offer a 4-hour DC for anyone who feels the need to draft in a faster-paced DC. Mike, I can start the list with you or KJ if you'd like. Just say the word.

For the most part, these DCs are averaging about 2 1/2 rounds per day. Some are faster than that, others are slower than that. But for the most part, these DCs are getting done between 12 days and 17 days. I understand the frustration when one person holds up a draft, but two rounds per day for drafts in June and July aren't the worst pace at all. But again, we understand the frustration when one person seems to be holding up 11 other owners.

We'll gladly offer faster paced DCs and of course the DC Expresses have been selling out pretty regularly. And yes, we do ask the slower drafters to stay vigilant and try to keep things moving, even if the rules do state that you have 8 hours per pick. In some cases, the 1-Round Auto Que can do magical things for you. Everyone should use it and keep things moving along.

There are many ways to do the DC, but we do ask everyone who participants to communicate with the other league members when you are on the clock and at least let folks know if you can get to your pick soon or if you will be out of touch for a bit. It allows everyone to continue with their lives and to be ready when you do have time to pick. But this isn't rocket science and setting up your Que 2 or 3 picks before your next pick makes sense. Then when it's your turn to pick, you've narrowed the field and can easily make your pick.

The DCs work when everyone communicates and thinks of others. It's the best prep in the industry and the $20,000 grand prize isn't bad, either. Again, if we need a faster format, just say the word.

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:49 pm
by kjduke
There should be a delineation between signing up for a regular slow draft - one in which you're expected to pick when you're able and which should finish in around two weeks - and one where people who want to go by the letter of the rule and use 8 hours on a regular basis.

I don't think we want to exclude those types of drafters ... I just think they should have their own SUPER SLOW draft experience, where everyone can take their 8 hours and no one complains. Then, if they find that drafting with a bunch of like-minded people really doesn't make for a great draft experience, they can join the rest of us in a regular slow draft and pick accordingly.

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:51 pm
by boutrous11
whatever happened to the time bank idea, where you get a total amount of time for the entire draft, say 48 hours or something, that you can use up any way you wish...

Re: If you want to sign up for a super slow draft ...

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:57 am
by edelman24
Greg..It's not about the clock, it's exactly what KJ stated its about getting like minded individuals together, when that happens it makes these drafts so much more enjoyable. A big contingent of owners won't even come near these drafts because of the few owners who choose to take all their time imagine how many more leagues there could be if those owners got involved in these leagues as well. The new trend this year it seems is there are 2 or 3 owners who sign up for just about every single league and while at times they are good with their picks, there are many other times they are not, and drafts have no flow to them and when 9 of 12 people are in a room and you can bang out 5-6 rounds in a day you are stuck waiting 3 or 4 hours for the same owners every day and you only get 2 rounds done if you are lucky. I understand it's not against the rules to do that, but it would be nice to somehow get in a league where we know those issues won't occur for those of us who don't want to deal with it.