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NFFC Las Vegas: Monet Ballrooms At The Bellagio

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:39 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
I'm happy to report today that we have finalized most of our arrangements with the Bellagio over both weekends and I have great news to report. Sear this in your minds:


All of our live events over both weekends from Sept. 2nd to Sept. 9th will be in the Monet Ballrooms at the Bellagio. As most of you know, this is the best location in the Bellagio Convention Center. These are the ballrooms usually reserved for wedding receptions as all four ballrooms connect to the walkout patio overlooking the pool. It's a fantastic setup for us, so enjoy.

The Monet Ballrooms are located next to the Business Center in the Bellagio Convention Center. All of the live events will be there, so easy enough to plan ahead.

Now, that being said we are still working on space for Saturday, Sept. 10th. We have a plan and will announce that shortly. Unfortunately, there is a huge convention that weekend that is securing space not only at the Bellagio but many of the other top hotels on The Strip. It's going to be an outrageously busy weekend there. We need to get creative for just that one day and I'll announce plans once we have finalized. That's the one tricky day, but we have a plan in place. Stay tuned.

So remember, MONET BALLROOMS and be ready for some fun. :D

Second thing: I will be in Las Vegas on the First Weekend in advance of Friday's drafts and will gladly host early arrivers for drinks in my suite to kick off things. Anyone in town on Thursday, Sept. 1st by 6 pm who wants to gather for some drinks and hang out a bit is more than welcome to join me and Dennis upstairs. More details to come, but we can watch the final NFL pre-season games and get to know each other before knocking heads over the next 2-3 days. Everyone is invited and drinks are on me.

Second weekend: Someone has our beautiful Penthouse Executive Suite the next week, so unfortunately we don't have the two suites like we had last year. Trust me, I tried to get them for the First Weekend and the Second Weekend and they were taken. So bummed. But I do have a different suite for the Thursday, Sept. 8th NFL opener. We can fit 30+ folks in that one and we're trying to get one more. These suites are hard to get on this weekend this year, tougher than I've ever seen before. But we'll have two different rooms to watch the games in and I'll provide drinks and munchies. We don't have a sponsor for this year's Thursday Night Viewing Party, but the NFFC is happy to host everyone to kick off the Second Weekend the right way. Plan to join us.

We will have live drafts at the Bellagio on Sept. 7th, 8th and 9th with more details coming on the 10th. We don't have a room block at the Bellagio, but go to for the best available rates.

We are filling up a lot of leagues in Las Vegas on both weekends, so don't delay if you want to compete and join us. Room rates are going up in Las Vegas because of the Labor Day demand and the NFL Opener weekend demand. Get your travel plans taken care of now and join us at the best venue any high-stakes contest is hosting at this year. Thanks all and enjoy.

Re: NFFC Las Vegas: Monet Ballrooms At The Bellagio

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 9:18 am
by Greg Ambrosius
As I stated in this earlier post above, space is tight in Las Vegas on the Second Weekend because a huge convention is starting that Saturday at several of the top Strip hotels, including the Bellagio. We have our space for Saturday almost finalized and I'll explain everything shortly, but trust me when I say we have fabulous space on Saturday for all of the Primetimes, Classics and the Platinum. More details to come very shortly, but all is fine for Saturday, Sept. 10th.

Unfortunately, it's come to my attention this weekend that Scott Atkins of the FFWC is calling some of our top players and telling them that we don't have space and won't be able to host live drafts in Las Vegas on Saturday, Sept. 10th. THAT IS TOTALLY FALSE.

It's a shame that our industry has gotten to this level, but I won't go that low. All I can tell you is that if Scott calls you with these crazy statements again, please let him know that the NFFC is in the heart of the Strip and that he should just concentrate on his own drafts at the Tropicana. We will continue to run the best live drafts at the best hotels on the Strip and he's more than welcome to host his at the Trop. Good luck to all.

This is desperation at its best, calling our top customers with such a stupid story. We never worry about our competitors because all we care about is taking care of our own customers. We would never stoop to this level. We have a great Second Weekend planned in Las Vegas and things are really shaping up nicely. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will follow a great First Weekend at the Bellagio and everything will be held in the beautiful Monet Ballrooms, the finest set up at the Bellagio.

Space for Saturday is secured and the contract should be signed tomorrow. I'll explain everything shortly, but don't believe this B.S. from a desperate competitor. It's as low as it gets. We have great space and we'll announce everything shortly. See ya in Vegas for great fun and great drafts.

Re: NFFC Las Vegas: Monet Ballrooms At The Bellagio

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:55 pm
by Team Legacy
Real nice.

Those two guys I spoke with
A. I didn't call, we chatted on Facebook
B. They're my customers too, you don't own them.
C. THEY mentioned they were at Bellagio on Saturday, I simply corrected them and quoted YOUR own post. They had no idea, so don't blame me for your lack of communication.

You and Tom can gang up on me on Twitter all you want and call me a liar, but what exactly did I lie about? Not that it matters, but I simply replied that you didn't have space on Saturday and I even offered you some space in our 24,000 sq feet at the Trop.

Lastly, as a paying customer, I would think you'd call me first before making such a ridiculous and childish post. My tweet was in response to yours, so let's not pretend and be all righteous.

If I'm not welcome here, I'll take the cash from my reserved primetime entry if you're offering it.

Re: NFFC Las Vegas: Monet Ballrooms At The Bellagio

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:18 am
by Don Draper
Scott - you "offered" Greg space on a public Twitter account??? If your interest was sincere, why not pick up the phone and give Greg a call or email him??? Oh are competing against him.

Your full tweet was....
"Yikes! NFFC has no space for Sat drafts in LV? We have 24,000 sq ft of space @TropLV if you need it. @GregAmbrosius"

Re: NFFC Las Vegas: Monet Ballrooms At The Bellagio

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:06 am
by King of Queens
I still have the Employee Handbook for the first job I had out of college. One of the first pages of the book contains the following passage:

"Through doing only first class business, and that in a first class way, Morgan has become one of the world's largest and strongest financial enterprises. Yet today, as in the beginning, for Morgan men and women in all they do, the first thing is character: dealing honorably and responsibly with others."

Thank you, Greg and Tom, for all that you do.