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1 Spot Left: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:41 pm
by kjduke
Since the Original Gridiron is almost sold out an hour after I emailed last year's owners ... and last year we had a number of guys who wanted in but it sold out too quickly ... this year we'll try for two leagues!

The second league would be a 12-teamer and begin right after the Thursday night opener finishes, which should be around 8pm pacific. It also will be held in the Executive Suite.

The 12-team payout would be $5600/2800/1500 for the top 3 teams. DC format with a $1K entry.

Additionally, there's an extra $500 per team cost, plus all bidding money, which goes into a 100%-payout private pool. Private pool $ is collected after bidding on the night of the draft via cash/check/paypal. This pool is paid out in 1/16th increments to the weekly high-scorer. Bidding money comes from cash bidding for draft slots in round 1 and round 2. Let's get the signups going. :)

2017 Post-Game Gridiron
1. KJ Duke
2. Mark Moyer
3. Scott Stauffer
4. Jules McLean
5. Scott Keikoan
6. Glenn Lowy
7. Rob Silver
8. Ted Cohan
9. Billy Waz
10. Frank Mammola
11. Michael Cole

Re: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron: Thursday, Sept.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:10 pm
by wideright
Im in!

Re: 4 SPOTS LEFT: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:17 pm
by kjduke
This is filling much faster than I thought. :o

Let's plan on a 12-teamer, but if demand is there maybe it will be another 14er if everyone agrees.

Re: 3 SPOTS LEFT: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:39 am
by moyer1313
Hopefully, we can make this a 14-teamer, too!

Thank you,
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Re: 3 SPOTS LEFT: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:56 pm
by RedRyder
I prefer a 12 teamer, I like the idea of it being different from the afternoon one.

Re: 3 SPOTS LEFT: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:59 pm
by kjduke
RedRyder wrote:I prefer a 12 teamer, I like the idea of it being different from the afternoon one.
Agree Jules, plus with the late start ... let's stick with a 12.

Re: 3 SPOTS LEFT: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 6:20 am
by BillyWaz
I'll take a spot in the "after hours" Gridiron.

Re: 2 SPOTS LEFT: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 1:20 pm
by kjduke
BillyWaz wrote:I'll take a spot in the "after hours" Gridiron.
You're in Waz, down to 2 spots.

Re: 2 SPOTS LEFT: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 1:56 pm
by COZ

I'm interested in this but I've never done, nor am I fan of the bidding for draft spots, but, to clarify when you say bidding for 1st & 2nd round spots, those are packaged together, i.e. 1.12 & 2.1 together and not separate bidding for round 2 picks am I correct? Also, what are the typical bid amounts for draft spots? And is there 3RR? Please advise.

Re: 2 SPOTS LEFT: 12-Team NFFC Post-Game Kickoff Gridiron

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 2:09 pm
by kjduke
COZ wrote:KJ,

I'm interested in this but I've never done, nor am I fan of the bidding for draft spots, but, to clarify when you say bidding for 1st & 2nd round spots, those are packaged together, i.e. 1.12 & 2.1 together and not separate bidding for round 2 picks am I correct? Also, what are the typical bid amounts for draft spots? And is there 3RR? Please advise.
You bid for each round separately, so you could win both 1.1 and 2.1. Picks are made immediately after each winning bid so you know who is left on the board for next pick. Round 2 bidding determines slot for remainder of the draft and we use 3RR, so first pick in R2 also starts R3. Last year bidding totaled over $7K, with highest team ~$1200 combined. Bidding is lighter in 12-team ... last one of those total was $4K with highest ~$600. Weekly payout last year was $880 so one weekly win covers bidding cost for almost every team. Prior year 12-teamer week was worth $625.

Also, I will suggest the reason you're not a fan of bidding for slots is because you've never done it. Soon you'll be a fan. :D