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Live Chat Roll Added To NFFC Countdown

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:29 am
by Greg Ambrosius
The Message Boards continue to be our first line of communicating with our NFFC customers, but sometimes we need even quicker interaction. That's why we've added the Live Chat Roll on the NFFC Countdown pages so that we can push leagues that are selling and more. Now you can have instant communication with us and can ask questions or anything else very quickly. It is live on the first page of Countdown and every contest link as well. The same Chat Roll will be on every contest Countdown; it's not specific to each contest.

There are many times when we have just a couple of spots left that folks can ask us if we think this league will sell out or not on Live Chat. We'll be there to push the leagues, to answer questions and to just talk football if needed. It's great to do that on the Message Boards, but this is a second area with more immediacy for everyone.

Check it out and we'll add this to baseball in 2018 as well. Thanks to the guys at SportsHub for quickly responding to this request and getting it on our Countdown page. Thanks all and enjoy.

Re: Live Chat Roll Added To NFFC Countdown

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:35 pm
by Marc Quitsch
Will it replace the "ask the nffc a question" links and pages? Because my posts there are unanswered.