When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Greg Ambrosius
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:15 am

Thanks once again everyone for a GREAT, GREAT time in all four cities. Everything went smoothly again.

Okay, here's the game plan for this week. Everyone is flying back to Iola today with the small draft boards except me as I'm running today's Ultimate League in Las Vegas. We'll all convene in the office on Tuesday and load all of the rosters then. We should have everything loaded by Tuesday afternoon and work with STATS to get them posted as soon as we can. Our goal is to have all of the rosters visible to you on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning at the latest.

We do not designate starters for you from the draft. Every team is responsible for going into their team pages and designating the starters for Week 1. If you have log-in problems or can't remember your log-in or password, e-mail me immediately at [email protected] and I'll get you set up before rosters are loaded. Don't wait until the last minute to find out you can't remember how to access your team.

Every week, you can designate your starters five minutes before the game that player is in. So this week, if you want to start any of the Colts or Saints on Thursday, make sure you designate them as a starter five minutes before kickoff on Thursday. You can then designate your other starters on Sunday before the 1 pm EST games and if needed, you can make decisions before the late Sunday games, the Sunday night game and the two Monday night games. Sound good? Obviously, once you designate them as a starter and the game starts, those players are locked.

On your team pages, you'll have access to the league draft again and I believe access to other league drafts. Enjoy all of the information from 2007 Draft Day. League schedules will also be found there, showing your matchups.

Good luck this week all. Should be a great, great contest.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Greg Ambrosius
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:10 am

Okay, just a followup to my earlier post: All of the NFFC rosters have been loaded this morning and we are just double-checking them now and sending them to STATS. It's going to take some time for STATS to then load them into your team pages and it's possible it may take until tomorrow morning to get this done. Some leagues may appear today and some tomorrow, so don't fret if you start to see some people talking about their league results and having the ability to see other league drafts. All of them will eventually be loaded.

Again, if you don't have your log-in info now, or you don't see a team link for the live draft you were in, or your co-manager doesn't have access to your team yet, e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll get it taken care of. Let's do that before Thursday's first game if possible. Tom and I will be in Las Vegas this weekend for the WCOFF draft, so I'd hate to miss this before we leave.

We're on schedule with the entry of the league results. Now just give us a day or so to load them onto your pages. With any luck, we'll have many of them posted soon.
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by gomizzouman » Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:50 am


Can you clarify for everyone how the flex will work this year? For example, if I start Devery Henderson in my flex on Thursday and then on Sunday morning a situation occurs where I want to start him at receiver and put a RB in the flex. Is this possible in 2007 or is he locked into the flex position?

I know there was some discussion about this earlier in the off-season, but I can't remember the final resolution.

Obviously, starting Henderson in the WR spot will solve most of the problems, but there are all kinds of wacky things that can happen on a Sunday morning within an hour of game time that can put this scenario in play.

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Greg Ambrosius
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:11 am

Originally posted by Big MO:

Can you clarify for everyone how the flex will work this year? For example, if I start Devery Henderson in my flex on Thursday and then on Sunday morning a situation occurs where I want to start him at receiver and put a RB in the flex. Is this possible in 2007 or is he locked into the flex position?

I know there was some discussion about this earlier in the off-season, but I can't remember the final resolution.

Obviously, starting Henderson in the WR spot will solve most of the problems, but there are all kinds of wacky things that can happen on a Sunday morning within an hour of game time that can put this scenario in play.

Jon Yes, this is correct. We programmed it that way earlier this year. I will double check with STATS again, but I'm positive that I already announced this year that the Flex is now more Flexible!! :D Good luck NFFCers.
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Greg Ambrosius
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:58 pm

All NFFC leagues are now available on your team pages. We are correcting two teams in Las Vegas League 6 and the $1300 Las Vegas Auction League, but those should be live shortly. Enjoy everyone.
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by lumpy463 » Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:01 pm

Hey Greg,

LV 1
The team is entered correctly.
But I am not sure of the order for the draft stats.
I know we did not take Daniels in the 7th round over Cooley, Shockey, etc.
Stats must have reversed that round.

Derek "Lumpy" Anderson
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by Inf4life » Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:11 pm

Chicago 3 is not there.
2007 NFFC Classic Champion

Greg Ambrosius
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:26 pm

Looks like NY7 was missing. We just resent it to STATS, so give us a bit for that one.
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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:37 pm

Yep, it isn't there, but as usual, you are right on it! :D

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When Will Rosters Be Loaded?

Post by Diesel » Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:38 pm

Greg, I emailed you about this, but I'll put it up here too, so you don't get 14 other emails about this...

The NY Auction league doesn't have a schedule up. It's set up as a scoring only league right now.

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