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SOLD OUT: The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet!!

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:19 am
by Greg Ambrosius
We are happy and proud to announce the industry's first single-entry season-long national contest: The NFFC Silver Bullet. This contest has a $1,000 entry fee, a $4,000 league prize and a $30,000 grand prize. The Top 3 teams in each league advance to the Championship Round, where 45 owners will compete in Weeks 14-16 for the $30,000 grand prize.

This contest is limited to 180 unique owners. No team will be able to have a co-manager to make sure the list is as clean as possible and there won't be any shared prizes form. Only one unique owner per team. We are attempting to fill 15 leagues, while providing good league prizes and a solid overall prize pool as the Top 10 finishers in the Championship Round will receive prizes. If this concept takes off, we will gladly add to the overall prize pool and build up that grand prize. But for now, with a new, unique concept, we are starting small.

Thankfully, the early response to this concept from our die-hard players has been very positive. We opened Registration this morning and immediately got signups. Since there are only 180 spots available, we will keep a countdown of those entries here and count down from 180 to 0. Right now we only list TBD on the date and location, but in early February we will add draft dates, times and locations. We will offer live Silver Bullet drafts in Las Vegas and New York, but the majority of offerings will be online. We look forward to selling out this contest during this debut season.

We don't have the Contest page finished for this one yet, but you can secure your spot by going to:

My Teams
Add Post-Season Contest
Pull listings down to the bottom for Silver Bullet

Right now you have to pay for this contest with money on account or credit card. In early February when the entire site launches, then you can sign up to pay by check or pay on Aug. 1st by credit card. We'll also have dates, times and locations by then that you can update on your My Teams page. We just wanted to announce this concept early and give owners a chance to secure their spot by putting this under the Post-Season listings. But again, if you want to pay later you can when the site is live. Sign up then.

Here's our early birds who love this single-entry contest and have secured their spots:

2019 NFFC Silver Bullet Signup List:
1. Michael Zucca
2. Wilson Moy
3. Mike Sanda
4. Frank Mammola
5. Mike Santos
6. Shawn Gundy
7. Andy Saxton
8. Scott Kaplan
9. Scott Stauffer
10. Jules McLean
11. Matt Modica
12. Chad Schroeder
13. kurt kuekes
14. John Pathe
15. Chris Gillman
16. David Martino
17. Andrew Weil
18. Curtiss Hills
19. John Bosch
20. Jeff Clampitt
21. Todd Whitestone
22. Billy Wasosky
23. Sen R
24. Brian Harris
25. Adrian Quintana
26. joey brown
27. Cal Suer (NY)
28. David Webb
29. Matthew Bayley
30. Brian Harwood
31. Jason Emma
32. John Rozek
33. Dominic Mignano
34. Rakesh Chilakapati
35. Curtis Hirsch
36. Jeremy Wilck
37. Mike Weber
38. John Bugbee
39. john spurlock
40. Glenn Schroter
41. Jason Anthony
42. Matthew Zozula
43. Lonny Graves
44. Donald Thompson
45. Michael Ciallela Jr.
46. Rex Brown
47. Ryan Erickson
48. Kenny Stratton
49. Daren Eliason
50. Justin Kueber
51. Glenn Lowy
52. Dan Williamson
53. Joseph DiGalbo
54. Michael Swann
55. James Bradtke
56. Mark Milazzo
57. Kristopher Ruetz
58. Bradley Willis
59. Brian Finkel
60. Zachary Aretakis
61. Kyle Brinkmann
62. Steven Clair
63. Jeffrey Kozlowski
64. Thomas Libretti
65. Jason Aberli
66. john spurlock
67. Michael Bell
68. Michael Edelman
69. Christopher Vaccaro
70. Tom Yates
71. Joe Berg
72. matthew alberti
73. Greg Link
74. Erik Emanuele
75. Chad Surratt
76. Brian Bellinger
77. Wayne Ferguson
78. Samuel Horton
79. John Luxem
80. Chris Brommel
81. Paul Dietzman
82. Vlad Sedler
83. Rob Giese
84. Eddie Gillis
85. Cortie Wilson
86. Ramon Valentin
87. Vincent Staffilino
88. Charles Gibellina
89. William Sovak
90. Michael Foresta
91. Daryl Hope
92. mike bergmann
93. Michael Graf
94. Austin Maynard
95. Jack Haan
96. Theo Gremminger
97. Ken Magner
98. John Hughs
99. Robert Sabini
100. Anthony Mogavero
101. Don Lacknett
102. Chris Birchby
103. Brad Thibodeaux
104. James Loveless
105. derick duckels
106. Chris Ferchen
107. Matthew Davis
108. Paul Felker
109. Michael Cole
110. Michael Leone
111. Ryan Calderon
112. Teddy Staples
113. Emmett Ruland
114. Randy Neu
115. Marc Winokur
116. John Pierce
117. Paul Spiteri
118. Brett Baker
119. Kenneth Ford
120. Joe Lostrangio
121. Christopher Steele
122. Frank Nunes
123. Brett LaBar
124. Kurt Uhler
125. Jim Christie
126. Chris Carlson
127. Chris Eibl
128. Mark Srebro
129. Duke Viveros
130. Thomas Kay
131. Rich McClellan
132. Kevin Proctor
133. Dalton Del Don
134. Steve Fiore
135. George Kleemann
136. Jody Ryan
137. Matthew Shepherd
138. Adam Bignell
139. Michael Amarante
140. Nina Dulacki
141. Lane McVey
142. Jordan Epping
143. Neil Hassett Jr.
144. John Pausma
145. David Strand
146. Brad Kroupa
147. Dustin Wagner
148. matt prosky
149. John Fish
150. Tony Graupensperger
151. Jason Steeves
152. Bill Strickler
153. Brian Ng
154. Darin Poston
155. Colin Weatherwax
156. Jack Kitchen
157. Mark Hartsfield
158. Todd Levy
159. Daniel Baker
160. John Rundle
161. KJ Duke
162. Paul Giordano
163. Todd Buhr
164. William Dandridge
165. Nelson Sousa
166. Jared Danielsen
167. Brian Owens
168. Stephen Ranaghan
169. Joe Friedlander
170. Ronny Mor
171. Chris Cosley
172. Henry Muto
173. Joe Pke
174. Silas Dain
175. Edward Schuster
176. Greg Dietzler
177. Derrick Stoudymire
178. Michael Secor
178. Michael Vitanza
179. Todd Hunter
180. Graham Dawick

2019 NFFC Silver Bullet
Saturday, August 31, 7 pm ET
1. Cal Suer
2. Joseph DiGalbo
3. Thomas Libretti
4. Eddie Gillis
5. Theo Gremminger
6. James Loveless
7. Zachary Aretakis
8. Mark Srebro
9. Kristopher Ruetz
10. Chad Schroeder (O)
11. Lonny Graves (O)
12. Kenneth Ford (O)

Friday, September 6
2 pm PT
1. Scott Stauffer
2. Rakesh Chilakapati
3. Bill Wasosky
4. Mike Weber
5. John Bugbee
6. Jason Anthony
7. Pat Chamberlain
8. Daren Eliason
9. Michael O`Brien
10. Ken Magner
11. Mark Milazzo
12. Randy Neu

Saturday, September 7
2 pm PT
1. Frank Mammola
2. Brian Finkel
3. Steven Clair
4. Greg Link
5. mike bergmann
6. matthew alberti (O)
7. Cortie Wilson (O)
8. Mark Hartsfield (O)
9. Todd Buhr (O)
10. Michael Ciallela Jr. (O)
11. Joe Friedlander (O)
12. Chris Cosley (O)

Sunday, August 18
8 pm ET (FULL)
1. wilson moy
2. David Martino
3. Scott Kaplan
4. Michael Swann
5. Bradley Willis
6. Todd Whitestone
7. Samuel Horton
8. Paul Dietzman
9. Michael Graf
10. Jack Haan
11. Vlad Sedler
12. Paul Felker

Tuesday, August 20
9:30 pm ET (FULL)
1. derick duckels
2. Mike Santos
3. Ryan Calderon
4. Paul Spiteri
5. Don Thompson
6. Rob Giese
7. Shawn Gundy
8. Frank Nunes
9. Brett LaBar
10. Kurt Uhler
11. Jim Christie
12. Chris Carlson

Saturday, August 24
9 pm ET
11. Michael Edelman
2. Matthew Davis
3. Michael Cole
4. Brett Baker
5. Chris Eibl
6. Jody Ryan
7. Adam Bignell
8. Michael Amarante
9. Jordan Epping
10. Glenn Schroter
11. John Pausma
12. John Spurlock

Wednesday, August 28
9 pm ET (FULL)
1. John Pathe
2. Adrian Quintana
3. Jeff Clampitt
4. Sen R
5. Matthew Zozula
6. Ryan Erickson
7. Justin Kueber
8. Glenn Lowy
9. Kyle Brinkmann
10. Jason Aberli
11. Chad Surratt
12. Michael Foresta

Friday, August 30, 8 pm ET
8 pm ET
1. Dan Williamson
2. Ramon Valentin
3. Rex Brown
4. Kevin Proctor
5. Dustin Wagner
6. David Webb
7. Brian Ng
8. Brian Harwood
9. Todd Levy
10. Marc Winokur
11. John Rundle
12. KJ Duke

Sunday, September 1
9 pm ET (FULL)
1. Michael Zucca
2. Michael Sanda
3. Andrew Weil
4. Curtiss Hills[/flash]
5. Dominic Mignano
6. Michael Bell
7. Christopher Vaccaro
8. Chris Brommel
9. Andy Saxton
10. Anthony Mogavero
11. Chris Birchby
12. Matt Bayley

Monday, September 2
10 pm ET
1. Jules McLean
2. John Pierce
3. Jason Emma
4. Christopher Steele
5. Kurt Kuekes
6. Brian Bellinger
7. James Wimmers
8. Duke Viveros
9. Dalton Del Don
10. Neil Hassett Jr.
11. Brad Kroupa
12. matt prosky

Tuesday, September 3
9 pm ET
1. John Bosch
2. Brad Thibodeaux
3. William Sovak
4. Darin Poston
5. Daniel Baker
6. Paul Giordano
7. Colin Weatherwax
8. Nelson Sousa
9. Jared Danielsen
10. Austin Maynard
11. Silas Dain
12. Edward Schuster

Wednesday, September 4
8 pm ET
1. James Bradtke
3. Erik Emanuele
4. Wayne Ferguson
5. Charles Gibellina
6. Robert Sabini
7. Don Lacknett
8. Chris Ferchen
9. Matthew Shepherd
10. John Fish
11. Tony Graupensperger
12. Stephen Ranaghan

Thursday, September 5
1. joey brown
2. Curtis Hirsch
3. Joe Berg
4. Daryl Hope
5. Joe Lostrangio
6. Jason Steeves
7. Mark Hartsfield
8. Henry Muto
9. Joe Pike
10. Greg Dietzler
11. Michael Secor
12. Graham Dawick

Friday, September 6
9 pm ET
1. Brian Harris
2. John Hughs
3. Michael Leone
4. Steve Fiore
5. Bill Strickler
6. William Dandridge
7. Brian Owens
8. Emmett Ruland
9. Ronny Mor
10. Derrick Stoudymire
11. Michael Vitanza
12. Todd Hunter

Saturday, September 7, 9 pm ET (2 leagues)

1. Chris Gillman
2. John Rozek
3. Jeremy Wilck
4. Matt Modica
5. john spurlock
6. John Luxem
7. Vincent Staffilino
8. Teddy Staples
9. Thomas Kay
10. Rich McClellan
11. George Kleemann
12. Nina Dulacki

Re: 167 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:04 pm
by Darik B
Man, the heavy hitters coming out early for this one. I love it. We are genuinely excited about it. 180 may be low. But we'll fill it and grow for 2020. It's been a whirlwind how fast this came together.

Re: 167 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:08 pm
by Sabretooth
I'll be signing up soon as well. Just wondering why some people on the list have an asterisk by their name?

Re: 161 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:42 am
by Route C

Re: 159 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:35 pm
by BillyWaz
I'll reserve my spot.....thanks!

Re: 155 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:53 pm
by Coltsfan
I guess I need this explained as the payouts don't seem anything at all like what the NFFC would typically pay out.

Entry Fees - 180 x $1000 = $180,000


15 Leagues x $4000 = $60,000
Overall $30,000

Total Prize Money $90,000

Something has to be wrong with my math here as I know you guys normally payout 70 - 85%


Re: 155 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:38 pm
by Marc Quitsch
Wayne, I think you are missing spots 2-25 in the playoff run for the $30k. There are prizes way past the 30k.


Re: 167 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:51 pm
by Darik B
Sabretooth wrote:
Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:08 pm
I'll be signing up soon as well. Just wondering why some people on the list have an asterisk by their name?
These are simply those paying by check (or delayed CC payment Aug 1) and our way of noting it.

Re: 155 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:55 pm
by Darik B
Coltsfan wrote:
Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:53 pm
I guess I need this explained as the payouts don't seem anything at all like what the NFFC would typically pay out.

Entry Fees - 180 x $1000 = $180,000


15 Leagues x $4000 = $60,000
Overall $30,000

Total Prize Money $90,000

Something has to be wrong with my math here as I know you guys normally payout 70 - 85%

Hey Wayne, the $30,000 is only the 1st place prize. We are paying down 2nd-10th as well...basically another $20,000. Also, leagues prizes are $4,000, $2,000, $500. So we're at the upper end of our national contest payout % (assuming sellouts).

You can see prizes here:

Hope that helps.


Re: 155 Spots Left In The Debut NFFC Silver Bullet

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by Coltsfan
That definitely helps. I was just looking at the original post. I knew there had to be something I was missing.
