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draft day

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:57 pm
by fypm
This was my first year in the NFFC. I enjoyed my experience, but for the money invested, I thought there would be people more prepared than they were. Maybe it's me, but there were too may times in my draft that people were stunned or unprepared to pick. For a person with 16 years of experience of fantasy football, I was prepared and had back-up plans ready to cover all scenarios. Too many times people took there alotted time in the first two rounds. To me this doesn't make sense. Maybe I'm in the minority, but these people should be the best of the best and actually yhey were just mediocre. Just my opinion, but I thought it should be said.

draft day

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:03 pm
by Nag'
If everyone around you was so mediocre, wouldn't this make your path to the $100G that much easier? Then why complain about it?

Oh and congratulations on your upcoming Championship. :rolleyes:

draft day

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:16 pm
by TexasHeat
Originally posted by F.Y.P.M:
This was my first year in the NFFC. I enjoyed my experience, but for the money invested, I thought there would be people more prepared than they were. Maybe it's me, but there were too may times in my draft that people were stunned or unprepared to pick. For a person with 16 years of experience of fantasy football, I was prepared and had back-up plans ready to cover all scenarios. Too many times people took there alotted time in the first two rounds. To me this doesn't make sense. Maybe I'm in the minority, but these people should be the best of the best and actually yhey were just mediocre. Just my opinion, but I thought it should be said. Competition not tough enough for ya? lol haven't played a down yet and already hearing this.
What league are you in?

draft day

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:18 pm
by TexasHeat
Also you should know... just b/c someone has the cash to enter, doesn't make than a fantasy guru like yourself.

draft day

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:41 pm
by Shrink Attack
Why complain about dead money? Sharks can't survive without eating the little fishies around them.

Also, when I'm drafting from one of the "corner" slots (2, 3, 12, 13), I often know my pick immediately but I take my time announcing it so that I have more time to prepare for my next pick, which will be coming up shortly.

I drafted in a league Monday where some Einstein drafted Jimmy Smith! He was probably drafting from an old magazine ranking. I love having that guy in my league, since he's no competition and he's no real threat to steal away Free Agents during the season, either.

It's also one of the "unfair" advantages once you enter the Championship Round against Teams from other tougher leagues who had skimpier Free agent pickups during the year.

[ September 06, 2006, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: Shrink Attack ]

draft day

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:07 am
by Nutty Scrat
I've been playing fantasy sports for almost 20 years now and even though I come prepared to the various drafts, senerios change throughout each and every draft. I am by far not even close to being the best at fantasy sports but they give an alotted time for a reason and if you chose to use it it's one's choice. If one's ready throw out your pick but if not use your minute to your own choice. It's in the rules. Just one man's humble opinion. May not be the right one but I'm sticking to it! LOL

draft day

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:42 am
by fypm
Im not saying im going to win a championship or that i myself had the best draft, but for the money that this league costs this is a business investment of sorts, so for a 1300 investment wouldnt you want to be prepared for all scenerios and not have to fumble around picks when the guy next to you takes who you were looking at, as far as being a fantasy guru im by far not one but im smart enouph not to come to a National Draft unprepared.

draft day

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:05 am
by renman

Using the fact that many owners used their ENTIRE SIXTY SECONDS for their pick as an indictment on how prepared they are is not really fair. I would and could argue that due to it being a higher stakes league owners WOULD likely take as much time as is offered them. In a silly league among pals back home picks go faster because the stakes are not high. Here the stakes are high and I would never be-grudge someone for taking their time because to me it often shows they are taking this very serious as much as it saying anything about how prepared they are.

Not to mention for any serious fantasy football player draft day is like christmas morning. Why would you be in such a rush to get it overwith? I wish it lasted longer!

draft day

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:29 am

I personally did not have that problem in our league (Chicago - League#6) but I do understand what you are saying. Ya get a team on the clock in the first round and it's like they have no clue on who to draft. I simply prefer and draft that progresses through its rounds in a timely (or more than) fashion. Nothing like drafting and 4 of 5 teams taking their alotted time every round.

draft day

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:02 am
by renman

What is the rush? lol