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Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:57 am
by Tom Kessenich
Hey folks, we're pleased to welcome Nate Ravitz from to our Message Boards for the first of our "celebrity" chat sessions. Nate is not only a well-respected industry vet but he's also a participant in both our NFFC and NFBC events. So let's get started with today's chat. Nate has already answered one question beforehand:

Nate, what effect do you think the loss of LeCharles Bentley, will have on Reuben Droughns' production this year?

"It's hard to overstate the loss of a Pro Bowl center, but Bentley wasn't in Cleveland when Droughns rushed for 1,200+ yards last year, and the Cleveland line will still be better than in '05 with the addition of Kevin Schaffer. Regardless, the key for Droughns will be the play of Charlie Frye and, to a lesser extent, Kellen Winslow. They need to give the Browns a semblance of a passing game or Droughns will be in real trouble."

And here's another question for you Nate:

NateDog - Would you be surprised if Caddy Williams was a top 5 RB at the end of the season (NFFC scoring of course)?

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:03 am
by Appleman
Nate, what is your forcast for Carson Palmer this year? What about the output of other Bengals if he can't go the 1st few weeks?

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:06 am
by RiFF
Early reports out of Denver seem to indicate Walker is looking good. What kind of numbers are you forecasting for him this year?

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:06 am
by GOD Loves You
What's up Nate? Thanks for doing this.

Couple questions....

Can you envision Clinton's receptions going up due to Al Saunders O? I see a 50-60 reception season coming.

Take your pick and why.....

Andre Johnson vs. Roy Williams

Drew Bennett vs. Deion Branch

Chris Simms vs. David Carr

Mark Clayton vs. Kevin Curtis

Alex Smith vs. Jeb Putzier

And lastly, will Grammatica beat out Gostkowski?

BTW, what's up with your NFBC team??


Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:07 am
by NateRavitz
Okay, I'm here now. Sorry for the delay.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:09 am
by NateRavitz
On Tom's question.

I think Caddy Williams has a shot to go into next season as a top 5 back, but not an especially good shot. NFFC scoring only hurts him. As long as Michael Pittman is around, I don't see Caddy matching the receptions of the other top backs.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:09 am
by GOD Loves You
Ok, one you think the "other Bell" could be a major sleeper this year in Denver? Saw he's already overtaken Cobbs, whom many were high on. Could he be the next RB who produces due to the scheme?

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:10 am
by NateRavitz
To Appleman:

I have Palmer projected about 5-10 percent below where my projections would have been had he never been hurt. I'm confident his injury will be a non-issue this season. He's looked very good so far, and it's not like he runs around a lot. The cast arround him is so good that the Bengals should be able to protect him well.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:11 am
by da bears
How do you think Kevin Jones will fare this year? So far he's been a huge bust. Also what about Chris Brown?