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Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:39 am
by jimchristie
What a class organization!!! Open up my mailbox to see an envelope from STATS with a check inside; Great job, Greg, Tom and STATS!!!! There is nothing else to say except, see you in Vegas in late March!!!!


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:53 pm
by TR
Good deal, hopefully will get mine this week also!


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:57 pm
by cuse475
I would like to echo these sentiments. This was our first year playing in the NFFC and you've restored our confidence in HSFF. Like many others, we are owed money from the other guys and know we'll never see it. Back in August, I was so disillusioned with fantasy football that I was 90% sure to skip a year.....maybe more. Our research (and gut) said that the NFFC and FFPC were the only two reputable contests left, but I still didn't feel comfortable pulling the trigger. The life was sucked out of fantasy football for me.

Two things happened: 1) My brother reminded me of the fun and camaraderie of our annual Vegas trip and how little time we actually get to ourselves with work commitments, coaching, family obligations, etc., and 2) I reached out to Greg to learn more about the NFFC. I guess that 10% was tugging at me more than I realized. Greg didn't hit me with a "hard sell". Instead, he responded in a timely fashion, thanked me for considering his contest, gave a detailed breakdown of the financial commitment, set the expectation level of the live event, gave me his cell number for additional questions, and even offered to buy me a beer.

The dialogue was refreshing and I called my brother to tell him I was "back in". Game-Set-Match.

Fast forward to this morning. I went to the mailbox to find a check from STATS, Inc. for winning our league.

Greg and Tom, thank you for a great season....and for running a first class, high quality business.

The Irish Curse


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:11 pm
by bald is beautiful
I got mine today as well. Thanks!


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:46 pm
by Ry's Guys
Got mine too! Thanks guys!


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:02 pm
by Team Legacy
Keep these good news stories pouring in!


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:28 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by The Irish Curse:
I would like to echo these sentiments. This was our first year playing in the NFFC and you've restored our confidence in HSFF. Like many others, we are owed money from the other guys and know we'll never see it. Back in August, I was so disillusioned with fantasy football that I was 90% sure to skip a year.....maybe more. Our research (and gut) said that the NFFC and FFPC were the only two reputable contests left, but I still didn't feel comfortable pulling the trigger. The life was sucked out of fantasy football for me.

Two things happened: 1) My brother reminded me of the fun and camaraderie of our annual Vegas trip and how little time we actually get to ourselves with work commitments, coaching, family obligations, etc., and 2) I reached out to Greg to learn more about the NFFC. I guess that 10% was tugging at me more than I realized. Greg didn't hit me with a "hard sell". Instead, he responded in a timely fashion, thanked me for considering his contest, gave a detailed breakdown of the financial commitment, set the expectation level of the live event, gave me his cell number for additional questions, and even offered to buy me a beer.

The dialogue was refreshing and I called my brother to tell him I was "back in". Game-Set-Match.

Fast forward to this morning. I went to the mailbox to find a check from STATS, Inc. for winning our league.

Greg and Tom, thank you for a great season....and for running a first class, high quality business.

The Irish Curse Chris, if that's your first post on our boards you need to start posting more often!!! :D

This is the type of testimonial our whole industry needs. The goal this year was to keep HSFF players from leaving the space and I think two contests did just that. We showed that you don't have to over promise or sell a bill of goods of something that will never happen to be successful. It's just not that hard to run first class events, first class contests, pay all the bills that come with live events and still have plenty of money left over to pay the prizes and pay the employees.

We also wanted to prove that we could pay quickly in baseball and got checks out just 2 weeks after the regular season. It took us 3 weeks to get out the football checks, but the holidays make it harder in December. Still, we got all regular season checks out before New Year's for all of our contests and the second batch of checks will come just as quickly in January.

Kudos to STATS and their entire accounting department for making this happen. As for the rest, we're just happy to keep guys like Chris and his brother doing what they enjoy doing each year in Las Vegas. And we're going to expand what we did this year and really blow out that NFL Opening Weekend in Las Vegas. Thanks for the kind words, but the best is yet to come. Should be a BLAST next year.

Thanks again all and it's your money. You earned it. So enjoy it.


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:22 pm
by TR
Not sure what happened...filled out the W9 form on my league page a few weeks back and just checked to see everything else filled in except for SSn...very strange but I resubmitted and hope it went thru this time


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:28 am
by 76erfan
got mine yesterday too..thanks!


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:42 am
by Jersey Dawg
I got my check for most points in my Primetime league last night and expect to get the balance for winning the League Championship in a couple more weeks time.

Greg and Tom run this contest better than anyone can hope for. They are always reachable, give you no line of BS and follow through with what they say. Who can ask for more?

Greg, as a creditor in that "other" event, I too am very happy you kept me in the game. Not only because I won money this year, but more importantly because I love fantasy football and was about to walk away forever due to the WCOFF fiasco. Thanks again for running a top shelf (THE TOP SHELF) event. I'll be back in Vegas year after year after year.
