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Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 7:40 am
by Greg Ambrosius
We've already announced that Ken Magner of New Jersey was our first official NFFC signup as he registered for the NFFC draft, the Auction League and the Draft Masters League in New York. Chris Schinker of West Allis, WI, was our first official NFFC member in Las Vegas, as he signed up for the main draft at the Flamingo. Now we're going to continue to add to the list of signups by announcing each new signup on this thread.

Our first official signup for the Chicago NFFC draft is another NFBC veteran, Scott Stauffer of Duluth, Minn. Scott has signed up for the main draft on Saturday, Sept. 3rd and the Draft Masters League on Friday, Sept. 4th. With a little nudging, I think Scott may decide to play all three! ;) Anyway, we're glad to have you in football as well as baseball, Scott. Welcome to the growing NFFC family and best of luck in the hunt for the $200,000 grand prize.

Oh, and we won't charge any of your credit cards until Aug. 1!

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 8:13 am
Odds are pretty good I won't need much nudging... ;)

Just have to figure out how I can explain all the hours away since I closed the wife that we are going to Chicago for a getaway to celebrate our anniversary...shhhhhh, don't tell her :D

Fantasy Football, it's not just a game it's an addiction... :cool:

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 8:28 am
by Tom Kessenich
Tell her you needed to spend all that time that Saturday afternoon searching for the perfect anniversary present.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:46 pm
by wombat
Looking forward to participating in the NFFC for the first time. Thanks for setting everything up. Sounds exciting. Great idea.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:44 pm
by mrbill40
I am considering, I am doing Million Dollar League, WCOFF, WCOFF Auction, WCOFF Draftmaster, and Emil Kadlec's new Internet League, I dont know if I want to go to Vegas 3 times in 4 weeks.

Bill Ezzell

[ April 20, 2004, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: mrbill40 ]

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 2:44 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Mr. Bill, I must ask the obvious question: What is so wrong with going to Las Vegas three out of four weekends? :D :D

You are obviously a SERIOUS fantasy player and just the kind we'd love to have in the NFFC. I guarantee you'll like the competition, the goodies we'll give you, the weekly prizes and giveaways we'll be offering, the drinks we'll be buying and the comraderie we'll be providing. I understand if the time doesn't allow it, but you seem like a little nudging might bring you our way. I'll see if I can't give you a few love taps via e-mail and bring you home in September! ;)

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 2:55 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Ah, it's good to see the interest in football already. Our latest signup came in last night as Kyle Baldwin of Arlington, Texas will be joining us for the main NFFC draft in Las Vegas. Kyle wasn't an NFBC member this year, but he sure wanted to be one. He looked into travel too late in March and the prices for flights were just too outrageous at that time to make ends meet. He has promised to join us for baseball next year, but he's been true to his word for football and has become our fourth overall NFFC signup. Welcome to the growing NFFC family, Kyle, and best of luck in the hunt for the $200,000 grand prize.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 2:59 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Another NFFC signup came in last night for Las Vegas as Stephen Nover of Henderson, NV is claiming the early home field advantage at the Flamingo Hotel & Casino. Stephen has signed up for the NFFC main draft on Saturday, Sept. 4th. Welcome to our growing NFFC family, Stephen, and best of luck in the hunt for the $200,000 grand prize.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 3:34 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Okay, now we're starting to get somewhere. Another NFBC member, Dave Cushard of Leaderboard Sports (new web site coming soon!), has signed up to compete in all three NFFC events. Dave, or Dyv as he's known on the Message Boards, competed in the NFBC main event and the AL Auction League in Las Vegas this year. Now he's signed up to return to Las Vegas for the NFFC main draft, the Auction League and the Draft Masters League. He may change his mind on the location and instead do Chicago over Las Vegas, but there's no changing his mind on the number of contests he's competing in this year.

Thanks for your support, Dyv, and best of luck in the hunt for the $200,000 grand prize. Oh, and feel free to keep those Message Board zingers coming as it's time to rev up another area for posts. ;)

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:11 am
by Dyv
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Oh, and feel free to keep those Message Board zingers coming as it's time to rev up another area for posts. ;) What, me cause trouble?!?

No way ;)
