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Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:21 am
by Dyv
More details coming later this evening, but indications of interest are needed as soon as possible so we can move forward quickly when we're ready.

Basic outline is this:

14 team leagues, $1000 FA budget

$100 to enter, league champ gets bragging rights and an entry into the NFBC or NFFC in 2005.

Each team will put in bids PER draft spot they are willing to input, I will have a sheet ready for the teams to fill out that is self explanatory and simple to use, so don't fret about being confused ;)

We'll probably draft next Tuesday evening (or Monday during Monday Night Football?) and begin the season in week 5. We'll run a 13 week season with no playoffs (?) and best record wins the pot. Tiebreaker will be points scored. Yes, this does include the horrifying week 17 as part of the 'season' if we do it this way, so draft accordingly, etc. - everyone affected the same, so it's fair.

Greg will handle the blind bidding and assign draft spots based on each team's bid.

What questions/concerns do you have?

Are you interested in playing? If so, post here.

I know Gekko and I are in, so we have 12 spots available - others have posted previously in different threads about being interested, so I consider them 'in' if they want the spot.

Let's get this finalized with our group of 14 in the next 1-2 days and clarify any rules issues.

Scoring and lineups will remain the same, shall we try adding 1 rb and 2 flex spots instead of 2 rb and 1 flex? or is that too much for an experimental league to handle?


Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:25 am
by brad_brown
I am very interested Dave.

As for the lineup changes I would prefer staying with the same lineup structure we have here.

I am also assuming of course that we would be using this site as the means to keep score?

Only thing that would make me not be involved is if the draft gets pushed back as I am on vacation / unavailable from Tuesday, Oct 12th thru Wednesday, Oct 20th.

Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:30 am
by Dyv
Got it, Brad - draft will either happen next Monday/Tuesday or the season will fold.

Stats will manage the leagues on this site as long as we don't get too ridiculous in the alterations we need to customize it. The draft order process is irrelevant of Stats, so no issue. Running the season through week 17 shouldn't be any issue. Changing roster requirements might be a small one, but if we're going to experiment, let's get our 14 and then take a vote. Majority rules among the 14 and if it's a tie we'll leave it 'as is'

So, who is in? Draft position FA bidding is PART of this league, if you don't like that, don't join.

The roster structure will be by vote of participants.

So, are you in and do you want the rosters to be:

A. QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, Flex, TE, K, D
B. QB, RB, WR, WR, WR, Flex, Flex, TE, K, D

Brad is in, with a vote for A
Dyv is in, with a vote for B (what the heck, right?)
Gekko is in, vote not clarified yet.



Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:33 am
by Walla Walla
I'm in.

Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:36 am
by KW3
I'm in.

I think we should keep the same lineup. Vote A for me.

League: LV1
Team: Harry in the Hall

Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:36 am
by nnoy
I'd love the chance to flog the Gekko, count me in with a vote for A.

Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:37 am
by KW3
Anybody else think total points should win it?

Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:38 am
by nnoy
I bet you end up with at least 28, better plan on 2 leagues.

Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:41 am
by nnoy
Total points all the way. Especially since some teams will not have bye weeks and there is only one winner with no playoffs.

Mid Season Experimental League forming

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:49 am
by Walla Walla
First 14 in should play with no second league.
I'll go either way on the format. Would be fun to try B. though.