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Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:43 pm
by richieprimo
How do you think the players of these teams stack up? Being from Philly, my opinions may seem biased, but they really aren't. Remember, this is about NFL Football players, NOT fantasy-scorers. Here goes...

McNabb over Culpepper - This is close, but there are legit reasons for this. 1. Culpepper has had the luxury of having a Randy Moss and earlier, Cris Carter. 2. He had the benefit of Robert Smith and the recent slew of backs to keep a defense honest. Donovan has had neither of these things for the majority of his career.

Now, with T.O. on board and Westbrook who, by the way, is the REAL deal, McNabb will have his best season and make great use of the new weapons at his disposal. Also, keep your eye on L.J. Smith, who will emerge as a key component for what will be one of the best scoring teams in the NFL.

Owens over Moss - When you stop laughing, take a look at the bigger picture. Don't get me wrong. I think that Moss is incredible. But how often do you see him going over the middle? It's forbidden territory to Moss. Randy admittedly takes plays off when he's not the focal point. There are more things that go with being a complete NFL receiver than out-running or out-jumping cornerbacks. Comparisons to Jerry Rice??? Gimme a break, PLEASE. How about throwing a block downfield to spring a running back? I've seen quite a lot of both players and Owens does more of the "little" things than Moss. In my mind, that makes him a better "player" than Randy.

Well, I had to get this off my chest with all the talk in the media about tonight's game. By the way...I own NONE of the mentioned players in the NFFC, unfortunately. I would like your thoughts on these points as I gear up to watch what should be a clash of high-octane, offensive machines. Fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride.

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:51 pm
by Tkats96
McNabb is better by a wisker. Culpepper probably is better fantasy wise, but in real life he isn't as acurate a passer. Moss runs up under a lot of junk for him. THEY ARE BOTH EXCELLENT, but I like McNabb better and since Philly has some defense they should be a better team this year. Tonight well in one game ????? See my beloved Bears for details. Westbrook is for real too and glad to see someone else thinks so too.

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:01 pm
by TamuScarecrow
Ever since I got into those scraps at the Preakness this year with all of the Philly fanatics chanting, "We got T.O.", I've been rooting for the infamous torn ACL or maybe Jack Tatum to come out of retirement.

That said, I have compared McNabb in the past to Aaron Brooks who can throw the ball 70 yards, but whose decision making sucks. The two things McNabb has that Brooks doesn't is leadership skills (Brooks couldn't lead a horse to water if he was standing in the middle of the lake) and toughness. Culpepper has it all except like Brooks he can't seem to hold on to the football. I choose Dante for now but McNabb has the ability (and lack of excuses) this year to change that with T.O.

As for Moss or T.O., I'm still waiting to see T.O. throw a block. He can catch and run his mouth, but I never see him block for his fellow teammates like I do Moss. Therefore, with the other things being equal, I choose Moss. And Richie, I'm not being biased because I grew up in Baltimore and don't like the majority of people I've met from Philadelphia. Most of them were drunk and unruly :D

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:45 pm
by Tkats96
Honestly Aaron Brooks is handicapped by the worst coach in the NFL (even worse than Wanstandt). Two years ago the Saints lost to ATL who wads #30 vs the pass trying to run all day. This one game sums up how the Saints approach things ever since. Brooks is taken out of the equation by his coach down the stretch each year. Look at the Saints folding routine and Brooks lack of TD passes down the stretch too. He is taken out of the game plan. Brooks career is threaten by Haslet being incompetent (see Brunell v Coughlin) for comparisions. Hell Fred Taylor probably needs to take legal action against Coughlin for jamming his undersized ass up the middle for years too (resulting in injuries).

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:54 am
by richieprimo
Tamu. If Dante "has it all," then why hasn't he been able to lead his team to serious contention? You hit the nail right on the head when you spoke of leadership, which McNabb has in abundance and the others don't. As for Owens, you gave away your sour grapes feelings by saying that you're from Baltimore, who hasn't had a good receiver since Raymond Berry. I agree with you on some of the drunks in Philly, but Baltimore has plenty of drunks of their own who would have been foaming at the mouth to get Owens (and by the way, he DOES block downfield, and actually has seen the hashmarks on occasion). The proof was in the pudding last night when the Vikes were stuffed in the red zone all night, and McNabb proved that he "has it all." By the's Prime Time doing in Baltimore? I'm sure the drunks were spilling their beers on their crabs when they were told that he might play offense. :rolleyes:

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:55 am
by TamuScarecrow
I agree with you about Fred Taylor but not about Aaron Brooks. I've lived in New Orleans for 20 years so you know I've seen it all when it comes to the Saints. I had season tickets three years ago in the end zone upper deck and sat through eight games of Aaron Brooks trying to throw to Joe Horn in triple coverage while Ricky Williams was wide open in the flats and Boo Williams was wide open down the middle. Two years ago, Brooks hurt his ankle and was afraid to run the last 4 games of the season because he was in a contract year and cost them the playoffs. Last year they were finally healthy in December and managed a 2-2 split. Looks like with Deuce they may be getting the injuries out of the way early this year I hope. This team needed to keep Randy Mueller but the owner got the big head and screwed up.

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:10 pm
by Tkats96
Tamu if you saw it you saw it- I only saw TV games on and off. However I still believe Haslett is a lousy coach. I think Brooks can and should be better.

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:37 pm
by TamuScarecrow
Mike McCarthy, the offensive coordinator, is doing everything he can to make Brooks better but there were three questions that were asked when we got Brooks from Green Bay four years ago for a third round pick that no one could answer: (1) Why would Ron Wolff, the best GM in the business at the time, give up on "the next Brett Favre"?, (2) Why couldn't Aaron Brooks beat out Doug Pedersen for the #2 job if he was so good?, and (3) How could Brooks spend a year and a half with Brett Favre and not learn squat about leadership?
Answers: he can't read defenses, he has no leadership qualities, and he only opens his mouth when he wants more money. Haslett has tried to stay out of the offensive side of the ball as he has enough problems on the defensive side, his specialty. However, as previously stated, they have made bonehead decisions on draft day taking athleticism over football player. Case in point, they could have had E.J. Henderson last year but instead took Cie Grant.

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:38 pm
by TamuScarecrow
Greg, being a Wisconsin man, can you shed some light on the Brooks trade to N.O.?

Eagles vs. Vikings....Reality vs. Fantasy

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:20 am
by Tkats96
Surely you didn't think Brooks would be Farve? They aren't the same type QB for starters then there is just one Farve (and I am a Bears fan trust me on this). Hell I cannot wait for Farve to retire so the Packers can suck for another 20 years just like before he got there.