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Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:43 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Well, what do you think of commissioner Roger Goodell saying the owners want an 18-game regular season in 2012? It's going to be a tough, tough sell to the players and if it goes 18 weeks the players will definitely demand more money and an extra bye week. Can the NFL really make this plan work?

If the NFL goes to 18 weeks and two bye weeks, will it have to start on Labor Day weekend? It's hard to imagine the owners starting on Labor Day weekend or even earlier, but could the season really go into mid February? Late February??

I think most fans agree that four pre-season games are too many and a waste of our money, but 18 weeks is just too grueling for the NFL bodies. I know the owners will get their way here, but it devalues the regular season slightly and will definitely result in more injuries. It will also lengthen the season into a tough time in late August or a tougher weather time in January and February.

What's your thoughts on this proposal?

Is the 18-game regular season going to be part of next year's labor impasse or the solution to it?

Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:15 am
by kentucky
IMO, if it puts more money in the owners pockets, more money in the players pockets, gives season ticket holders one more meaningful game, adds to the union rosters...looks like a WIN-WIN for everybody.

they said it wouldn't work going from 12 to 14 and then 14 to 16.

Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:58 am
by jjsegura78
I could see it as a benefit for my season ticket status with the Texans, because I would waste less money each season on pre-season that I rarely go to. But, I also look at it like this, I wouldn't be crazy about my employer telling me to show up to work a couple more days a month, unless I was compensated for it. So this equals to more money for the owners, therefore the players should also make more.

Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:09 am
by kentucky
lol, yeah JT, i would hate to see NFL players be unfairly treated and have to go to work for a WHOLE year. :D

Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:14 am
by jjsegura78
Originally posted by KyThunder:
lol, yeah JT, i would hate to see NFL players be unfairly treated and have to go to work for a WHOLE year. :D Lol. Ya, poor guy huh...

Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:07 am
by kentucky
Originally posted by GK:
...if this ever does come to fruition indeed, injuries will reign supreme and really upset the fragile balance of roster spots on FF squads might have to hold one (or even two!) injury roster spots available for each team to keep players on...GK yeah, then Fantasy Football might even get as tough as Fantasy Baseball. :eek: :D

Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:40 am
i think this is good. it might save football next season. it might be a bone thrown to the players since they will make more money. the owners make more money. everyone is happy. i dont agree with you snake on the injury side. there are tons of guys that get hurt during pre season. how bout the vikings. how nice it would be for them to get rice back for the last 9 games of the season. it goes both ways with injury.

Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:55 am
by TamuScarecrow
The fact ALL of these guys are in the top 5% on income earners in the country loses cred with the sob story and more money beef. Do they deserve more money? Good question and I can't wait to see them fight over the answer. If I'm the owners, the argument I just made above will suffice in any union negotiations. If I'm the union, I have absolutely NO comeback for the above argument in today's economy and I start working on improving the retirement and insurance benefits.

Will The NFL Go To An 18-Game Season In 2012?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:37 pm
by Ry's Guys
I could see a scenario where guys would take a few games off every year.

Obviously the rosters would be expanded by 5-8 players assume. Which would "baseball up" football. Basically, what I'm trying to say is it will dilute the talent BADLY in the NFL. Which would probably cause a whole lot more injuries to the star players. Cuz if you've got your 3rd string LT playing and he should be a practice squad player and he's protecting your QB you got trouble.

I wish they'd leave it alone but the greedy pigs(owners) have to make more money so they can pay the other greedy pigs (players).