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Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:52 am
by Tom Kessenich
He'll report to camp tomorrow. The current rumor is the Packers will bury him on the depth chart, restrict him to individual drills only and then cut him right before the start of the season.

If true, this makes the team's already embarrassing behavior even more embarrassing. It's truly pathetic that Ted Thompson appears to think competition for the starting QB job is a bad thing for his team.

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:04 am
by Gordon Gekko
what a way for the favre legacy to end :(

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:44 am
by Diesel
I HOPE the Packers do this. I also HOPE that Favre is picked up by the Vikings, and they give Favre some time to learn the system. Favre takes over by around week 3-4 and leads the Vikings to a championship. It creates the perfect "good-guy, bad-guy" scenario that we all love to see unfold in the NFL.

The most important question here is would Greg and/or Tom buy the #4 Vikings jersey?

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:44 am
by mikeybok
Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
He'll report to camp tomorrow. The current rumor is the Packers will bury him on the depth chart, restrict him to individual drills only and then cut him right before the start of the season.

If true, this makes the team's already embarrassing behavior even more embarrassing. It's truly pathetic that Ted Thompson appears to think competition for the starting QB job is a bad thing for his team. Tom ... I think it's about time you and Greg made a few phone call's ... don't let this happen ... throw your Packer weight around a little!!!

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:46 am
by pizzatyme
I remember when Favre announced he wanted to come back and many were on him for being the bad guy and putting the Pack in a "bad situation". If this plays out the way Tom described above, I can't help but think there will be a lynch mob if/when the Pack begin to falter.

Screw the coach and GM here. Favre wants to play, let him compete. They risk losing their entire team in less than 2 months!

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:47 am
by Raiders
Originally posted by UltimateFFCheatsheets:
I remember when Favre announced he wanted to come back and many were on him for being the bad guy and putting the Pack in a "bad situation". If this plays out the way Tom described above, I can't help but think there will be a lynch mob if/when the Pack begin to falter.

Screw the coach and GM here. Favre wants to play, let him compete. They risk losing their entire team in less than 2 months! There ready to roll, they just signed Grant. ;)

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:45 am
by pizzatyme
They better hope so. ;)

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:36 am
by Tom Kessenich
Latest report indicates Favre and Rodgers will compete for the starting job.

It speaks volumes about the Packers' recent ineptitude with this matter that I'm shocked they might be doing the intelligent thing here. This has always been the best and most intelligent option for the team to make. There's no reason for any other option to even be considered in my opinion.

[ August 03, 2008, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Tom Kessenich ]

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:44 am
by Raiders
Latest report indicates Favre and Rodgers will compete for the starting job.

Compete. :D If Favre can't beat out Rodgers, Favre should retire. This is already becoming a very interesting season. Were does Favre rank at QB? Top 10? Grant, Jennings and Lee get bump.

[ August 03, 2008, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Raiders ]

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:30 am
by Shrink Attack
If these reports are true that Favre will really be given the opportunity to become the starter again, then I must admit that I was wrong on this one.

I didn't think there was any chance of this happening (As Liquid Hippo correctly pointed out, I used the term "zero chance" :( ). oops.

Well, hopefully I've gotten out of the way the one thing I'll be wrong about this entire NFL season. ;)