FF Unscientific Poll

Quick 6
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FF Unscientific Poll

Post by Quick 6 » Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:33 am

All three responses are tied for 1st!!!!

Captain Hook
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FF Unscientific Poll

Post by Captain Hook » Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:06 am

1) LOVE Football

Gordon Gekko
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FF Unscientific Poll

Post by Gordon Gekko » Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:07 am

A better question would have been...how many of the three choices have owners obtained? Go ahead and start snake. Thanks
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FF Unscientific Poll

Post by RiFF » Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:13 am

1. Competition, Hobby
2. Monetary Reward

In both NFFC and Fantasy Jungle, achieved both.

Gordon Gekko
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FF Unscientific Poll

Post by Gordon Gekko » Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:53 am

No need to create my own league. I enjoy having a chance to take other people's money.

So #1 on your list is my biggest reason. Take away the money and I have ZERO interest in playing. Imagine playing and no prizes were at the end of the carrot. The only thing worse than that is losing $ every year. I can't even imagine that feeling
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FF Unscientific Poll

Post by sportsbettingman » Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:25 am

I agree.

Take away the money and I'm out.

To me...money at risk = more effort/better effort to win.

Nothing to lose = nothing to gain. There is no "scoreboard" if measured in thin air.

Even playing cribbage with my Dad camping...first thing said as we sit down..."Buck a game and nickle a point?"..."Yup"

Money brings out the full level of competition...which is really what I like.

"The first man what makes a move can count amongst 'is treasure a ball from this pistol."

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FF Unscientific Poll

Post by Raiders » Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:34 am

I'm sure most started out in a non money League.

Or at least played in one non money League thru there years playing FF.

I'm sure like me all have one at least one non money League. You know that empty feeling you get when you win and you get nothing for it.

Well that's why I will only play in money Leagues from now on.

I guess also once a gambler always a gambler.

My order would be.

1. Money
2. Money
3. Money
4. You get it, by now. :cool:

Purple Helmets
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FF Unscientific Poll

Post by Purple Helmets » Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:39 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
No need to create my own league. I enjoy having a chance to take other people's money.

So #1 on your list is my biggest reason. Take away the money and I have ZERO interest in playing. Imagine playing and no prizes were at the end of the carrot. The only thing worse than that is losing $ every year. I can't even imagine that feeling I understand where you're coming from but am probably not to the same extreme as you on this item. Would I be participating if there were no potential prize money at the end of the year...probably not. But on the other end of the spectrum I don't tend to analyze payout percentages nearly as much as other owners do before participating. I'm willing to sacrifice some on potential ROI if I think the experience/event is going to be worth it.

So given the options above, my response would be:

1) fun
2) loot
3) recognition (really tied to #2 directly as success in these competitions brings both of these together)
Living the dream!

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