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516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:03 am
by Greg Ambrosius
If my math is correct, we now have 516 teams entered in the NFFC Online Championship League, an amazing debut. That means we have 43 leagues and our grand prize has grown to a little over $30,000. I am working on the new prize structure now and can tell you that with the additional 216 teams we will:

1. Now pay down 10 overall spots in the Championship Round.

2. Increase all of the overall prizes, with the grand prize getting to at least $30,000.

3. Increased the Combo Standings prize to $7,500

4. Added a Consolation Round for all teams that didn't make the Championship Round, adding four payouts with first place being at least $2,000. This will keep everyone fighting for points through the regular season and beyond.

We will now be paying out over $140,000 in prizes in this debut event. Thanks all and good luck. It's been fun hosting this contest and it will be fun watching this play out.

I'll post the new overall prize structure for the NFFC Online Championship League in the next few days. But it's all good, trust me.

516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:22 am
by Raiders

Something to think about:

1. Leave 1st place overall at 20,000.00.
2. Add the extra 10,000 to 1st and 2nd place in every League.
3. Someone name who's slips my mind like this idea. What it does is make 90 guys happy not just one, that being said now watch I'll win this. :D

Greg and Tom Thanks again for making this Contest Great. You guys need a raise!



[ September 08, 2009, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: Raiders ]

516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:33 am
by pizzatyme
While I'd like more to go to the leagues, $10K spread over 43 leagues is just over $200/lg. Not enough to spread even thinner to 1st and 2nd from each lg.

I would like to see a prize for regular season points leader.

I also would love to see as much as possible go to the combined points leader as they should be rewarded for double, triple, or quintuple dipping.

Thanks for an exciting new event!

516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:35 am
by Raiders
Originally posted by Just Russ:
While I'd like more to go to the leagues, $10K spread over 43 leagues is just over $200/lg. Not enough to spread even thinner to 1st and 2nd from each lg.

I would like to see a prize for regular season points leader.

I also would love to see as much as possible go to the combined points leader as they should be rewarded for double, triple, or quintuple dipping.

Thanks for an exciting new event! That's why I don't run a Contest. :D

516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:49 am
by Henry Muto
I would have liked to see more than the top 10 paid out. Top 10 out of 516 is near impossible. Obv 10 teams will get there but it been nice to pay out the top 20. 1st place at $25,000 is more than enough. Put the other money in more places even if it is only $500 from 10th - 20th.

516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:54 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
I agree that paying out more spots would be better than adding to the top prize. 10 more people making money is better than a couple raking more in, especially with that many entries.

516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:55 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
Congratulations by the way.

I would predict 2000+ entries next year in this event.

516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:30 pm
by Team Canada
I like $30 grand to the winner :D
It would be pretty insignificent spread too much...

516 Teams In The Debut NFFC Online Championship

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:39 am
by Robert Edwards
Originally posted by Henry Muto:
I would have liked to see more than the top 10 paid out. Top 10 out of 516 is near impossible. If it is 43 leagues, then at least 86 will get payouts based on 1st and 2nd place finishes even before the championship round. Much more possible.

I (in my hard-wired accounting type ways) was looking over last years 12-team format championship. Of the 43 championship round teams, one team came in with the next to the last weekly average (42nd), but ended up finishing 13th, moving up 29 places because his team did so well in the last three weeks, though finishing out of the championship money.

The payouts are great, but the team that moves up the most between the initial placement (average over the first thirteen weeks) and the final championship standings ought to get a little notice. Maybe a free entry for next year?

Just a thought.