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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:29 pm
by Azzurri
My partner called me before i even checked the waiver results for this week and said hey you see what those two guys who were talking at the draft pulled on us this week? I was like uh oh this must be bad as my partner is just not the type to talk like this.

We own Mike Williams Seat. and put in for Obomanu for insurance I also put in for Laurent Robinson as we also own Nicks and need some WR bodies just in case. We didn't have alot of FA cash to spend but we thought we might get one of them. Well when i go check the waivers history for this week i see that a team that is totally out of it, no chance at anything what so ever out bid us for both players. Now i could tell at the draft that a lot of these owners in this league knew each other quite well and even though i live in Boston i did not know ONE person in the draft. My team is .60 of a point out of the lead for total points in this league. The team in the lead had only 23 FA bucks to spend and i had 49 so i made sure i bid over 23 for the key player i wanted Obo. Well it turns out the top team didn't bid at all this week...but this other team who has no chance what so ever to win ANYTHING and both his coming match ups cannot affect the league in any way shape of form win lose or draw. His pick ups this week were meaningless. Now he put in for all three players i wanted and won them all over my bids(he had five times the cash i did) Now i know these guys are as good as they come in this hobby AS AM I..they both know exactly whats going on..AS DO I. This team also put in for Tony Romo who if does play again this year it will be when this team is DONE playing in this contest. Anyone looking at my roster who knows whats going on can tell i am looking for a WR and back up QB. My first two adds this week were Obomanu and LRob and i lost both to this team who is out of it completely. I was also hoping to score Romo for my back up QB going forward since i am in the playoffs(wildcard at very worst) How can i not feel i was targeted and had these players stolen from me? Myself and this team in question were the only teams who put in for these players. So i know something is very likely up here and IMO its really just legal collusion. I am sure one way or another that these players were picked up to block them from our team getting them and to give the team in first a better chance to winning total points in this league. I cant be sure these two owners spoke about this situation and what was best to be done for the current leader to hold on to his slight TP lead but it was done for just that reason and only that reason. But i no way you can get this by two city guys for Beantown this stinks like crap a bit to much for that. We might not have the best grammar or spelling but you wont find two guys with more street smarts or common sense so don't even think about telling us this wasn't done on purpose. My partner says these two were talking alot at the draft but i am not sure how well they know each other but i do know this was done to help the team in first keep his lead over our team. Its as clear as day what has gone on in this league.

Bad enough this league was likely as tough as any in this contest but to have to also deal with this in league BS really sucks. These two guys know exactly whats going on, that i am sure of. They can come in here and claim all they want about this but i know this was done for one reason and one only to block the players from our team. Not one other team put in for those players but mine and the team who is out of it and won them..not one team who actually still has a shot at the playoffs. See no team who has that chance needed a WR or BU QB..thats what tells me this stinks like heck.

Its sucks being up against play like this and anyone else in the years to come that might be in this out you are playing against teams who will do things to help each other win. It helps to be in a league with guys who will do things like this for you.

I'd ask Tom and Greg to look into this if i thought something could be done even if they felt the same way. I think it was done as a friendly gesture without it being directly talked about but im just guessing on that. ..the rules in place allow for teams out of it to still make bids and they both know this and thats why this was done. The winning bidder may have done this on his own to help his buddy out but for sure he knew what he was doing thats what i think happened..this owner made these pick ups in a friendly move to help out his buddy...kind of like a friendly trade in a home league kind of thing. Cant be anything else really as this team is well out of it league wise and is about 250 points from a wildcard spot and 200 from 3rd place in league. No way can he leap frog that many teams in two weeks to get a WC playoff spot or league 3rd place and both his league match ups are meaningless to the league standings. For these reasons i question what the heck is going on and why he made these pick ups this week.

Not sure how bad or wrong that is ethics wise? I do know it cost our team having a much better chance of winning our league and i know all involved knew this beforehand. All we can say is this is how we feel and we want to let it be known. If i thought there was any chance we are wrong i would never make this post but those pick ups just don't make any sense at all for the team who made them. Friendly helping is one thing but we think having integrity for the hobby and winning without this kind of help is more important IMO especially in such a competitive contest as this is. This type thing cant be good for FF in general or this contest. We had no idea we might be up against something like this when we took that last spot in this league.

I know this come next year and going forward after that you can bet your balls we will understand these factors before we decide where when and how to spend out FF dollars! What went on here was unfair and wrong and not soon forgotten!

Team Azzurri-Beantowns Best

Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:50 pm
It could also be that the team is playing spoiler. I know that when I have had an off year, I will still go all out, burn my FA dollars and try to pull an upset at all costs. Not saying that's what happened but because it is a possibility, I don't see that Greg and Tom would do anything nor is their really anything that could change the rules since it's still the regular season.

I was on the wrong end of a situation a few years back that cost me money where an owner who was in a dog fight with me went out of his way to contact a dead team that many had gotten the easy win in. They reached him and asked him to set his lineup so after they and others had gotten the gimmee, they get this team to come to life for the one week, load their lineup and beat me.

Morally/Ethically I will go to my grave knowing it was wrong but the ruling was that it stood. even created a debate on these boards where many said it was BS while others claimed it's all fair in love and fantasy football.

Just keep slugging away and believe that karma will come back your way or theirs...just my .02.


Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:32 pm
by Chi_Town_FEW
Sounds good when you say it, but looked at it and it looks ok. No offense. Everyone is loading up for the stretch run. there is a consolation round for money too. Romo for 2 weeks, sure. Nobody else bid on him. He picked up Ajirotutu for 122 the week before, SD receiver, I'd take anyone Rivers throws too. You probably laughed at that. Hasselbeck throws for 300 2 weeks in a row, Williams hurt, Obomanu, sure.. He only bid 69. Robbinson, he had VY and cut him. Another starter at wr. He has less than a hundred left. I will give him the benfit of the doubt. You should not have spent 62 on Kevin Boss, 52 on Kevin Smith, and 52 on Starks and 44 on LeFell the last four weeks. I did not even look farther back. We all love this, I feel your pain, been there, but I think it is ok here. Good luck.

[ November 25, 2010, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: Chi_Town_FEW ]

Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:26 pm
by KenGill
Bottom line: you should have saved more of your free agent money. People complain when teams quit, and then they complain when dead teams keep playing hard. Maybe the players you have on your team play well and you win the week anyway. Quit complaining.

Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:31 pm
by da bears
Originally posted by Chi_Town_FEW:
Sounds good when you say it, but looked at it and it looks ok. No offense. Everyone is loading up for the stretch run. there is a consolation round for money too. Romo for 2 weeks, sure. Nobody else bid on him. He picked up Ajirotutu for 122 the week before, SD receiver, I'd take anyone Rivers throws too. You probably laughed at that. Hasselbeck throws for 300 2 weeks in a row, Williams hurt, Obomanu, sure.. He only bid 69. Robbinson, he had VY and cut him. Another starter at wr. He has less than a hundred left. I will give him the benfit of the doubt. You should not have spent 62 on Kevin Boss, 52 on Kevin Smith, and 52 on Starks and 44 on LeFell the last four weeks. I did not even look farther back. We all love this, I feel your pain, been there, but I think it is ok here. Good luck. Agreed. There is a nice consolation round prize in this contest so even if my teams are out of it on a given year I'm still going to spend by FA money to try and improve my team to make a run at that prize.

[ November 25, 2010, 05:33 AM: Message edited by: da bears ]

Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:12 am
by Glenneration X
DT, I'm not sure what you're complaining about.

Has the guy you're accusing continuously made pickups? Has he set his lineup every week? If so, it sounds like he's doing what we ask everyone who's out of it to do, continue to play and not quit. If what I'm saying is true, you have no right to complain and if anything are making a baseless and very unfair accusation.

I'm playing multiple leagues, in multiple contests. Some are in the playoffs already, some are still in contention for the playoffs, some are already out of it and have been for a while. For those out of contention, I've continued making pickups and setting lineups though I've had very little to gain for doing so. I do it because I believe it to be the right thing to do, for the leagues, for the contests, and because it's what I'd want others to do if they were in the same position.

If someone complained to me for making a pickup on a player they wanted when I was out of it and accused me of wrongdoing, I'd tell them to go $%#& themselves.

DT, (or Arruzzi or whatever you're going by on other contest boards), I don't know you from Adam. I do know that I see you post a lot on various contest boards. I also know that almost every post you make is bitching & accusatory. Why don't you just stop your bitching, play by the rules of the contests you play, and try to win or lose with some class and grace? It's ridiculous already.


Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:36 am
by Coltsfan
I absolutely applaud the person who made those pickups dispite being "out of it." As long as there is a chance of winning something then go down swinging. This is exactly what is supposed to be happening here!


Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:42 am
by King of Queens
Did someone waive Dwayne Bowe in this league?

Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:11 am
by pizzatyme
Are you saying 2 dudes were conspiring at the draft to screw you in week #12?

Come on Man!

Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:16 am
by The Franchise
Originally posted by King of Queens:
Did someone waive Dwayne Bowe in this league? No