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Who's In The Hunt For The $75,000 Main Event Bonus?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:47 am
by Tom Kessenich
As many of you know, Lindy Hinkelman bucked the odds in the NFBC this past season and won both the main event and the Online Championship. That earned him a cool $75,000 for his efforts.

We have the same offer in place for the NFFC this year. If someone wins the overall title in both the Classic and Primetime events, they will receive $75,000 on top of the $140,000 they receive for claiming the two national titles.

Can it be done? Lindy proved you can do it in baseball. Who's trying to make the same mark in football this year? Here's the list:

Darren Fecich
Larry Schechter
Rob Silver
Thomas Kay
KJ Duke
Danny Dietrick
Ross Mallor
Bill Strickler
Mike Sanda
Mike Ferre
Greg Morgan
Cal Suer
Chris Gillman
Don Medlam
Dave Clum
Roger Gonzalez

Good luck to all of the above in the quest for $215,000.

[ December 20, 2009, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]

Who's In The Hunt For The $75,000 Main Event Bonus?

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:34 am
by Robert Edwards
My money is on Dave, Bill, or Kevin! Way to go all and good luck.

Who's In The Hunt For The $75,000 Main Event Bonus?

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:57 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Congrats to the 16 NFFC owners who are in the Championship Round in both the NFFC Classic and the NFFC Primetime. That is one heck of an accomplishment. Now let's see if anyone can win our $75,000 cash bonus for winning BOTH overall titles.

I forgot to make this post after Week 14 because I was flying to New York, but I wanted to update the list before today's games to see if anyone had a legitimate shot of pulling this great bonus off. All of the owners still have a shot, obviously, but interestingly some are excelling in one Championship Round but not the other. But there's lots of time left.

KJ Duke is in the best position as his Zefurs team is currently in first place in the NFFC Classic Championship Round and 23rd in the NFFC Primetime. Bill Strickler leads the NFFC Primetime and is 47th in the NFFC Classic. Darren Fecich is 4th in the Primetime and 22nd in the Classic. Should be an interesting finish.

Anyway, here's a look at this 16 owners and where their teams stand heading into the weekend's snowy games. Good luck all.

Darren Fecich: 22nd Classic, 4th Primetime
Larry Schechter: 36, 35
Rob Silver: 57, 33
Thomas Kay: 17, 43
KJ Duke: 1, 23
Danny Dietrick: 14, 30
Ross Mallor: 44,44
Bill Strickler: 47, 1
Mike Sanda: 31, 11
Mike Ferre: 54, 8
Greg Morgan: 59, 6
Cal Suer: 8, 45
Chris Gillman: 63, 19
Don Medlam: 62, 20
Dave Clum: 48, 5
Roger Gonzalez: 50, 36

Who's In The Hunt For The $75,000 Main Event Bonus?

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:07 am
by Eddiejag
Ild go with the Sandman because that is just a great nickname and he's from RHODE ISLAND.

Who's In The Hunt For The $75,000 Main Event Bonus?

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:37 am
by Sandman62
Thanks for the vote of confidence Eddie. But it's looking like if you don't have Andre Johnson on your teams, you're out of it. :(

Who's In The Hunt For The $75,000 Main Event Bonus?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:45 am
by Greg Ambrosius
It's going to take a lot of work for anyone to win the $75,000 cash bonus for winning both overall NFFC main event titles this year, but anything is possible as we head into the final week of the playoffs. Only one owner has both teams in the Top 20, but four owners have both teams in the Top 25. Let's see how the final week plays out.

Darren Fecich had a dominant regular season in both main events and his Golden Tornados have the best chance right now to win the $75,000 cash bonus. The Golden Tornados are 2nd overall in the NFFC Primetime and 17th in the NFFC Classic. Bill Strickler leads the NFFC Primetime, but Team Strickler ranks 58th in the NFFC Classic. Larry Schechter, KJ Duke and Mike Sanda all have teams in the Top 25 of each contest.

Here's a look at the 16 owners who have main event teams in both Championship Rounds and thus are eligible for the $75,000 grand prize:

Darren Fecich: 17th in the Classic, 2nd in the Primetime
Larry Schechter: 24, 10
Rob Silver: 57, 25
Thomas Kay: 16, 44
KJ Duke: 8, 23
Danny Dietrick: 35, 45
Ross Mallor: 20, 42
Bill Strickler: 58, 1
Mike Sanda: 25, 19
Mike Ferre: 36, 5
Greg Morgan: 59, 30
Cal Suer: 6, 30
Chris Gillman: 61, 36
Don Medlam: 48, 36
Dave Clum: 53, 24
Roger Gonzalez: 43, 35

Who's In The Hunt For The $75,000 Main Event Bonus?

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:39 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Nobody won the $75,000 cash bonus for winning both the NFFC Classic and NFFC Primetime overall titles, but Bill Strickler gave it a good shot. He led Team Strickler to the NFFC Primetime overall title and finished 40th in the NFFC Classic. Steve Luzzi won the NFFC Classic but his 1 800 GO DEEP team missed the NFFC Primetime Championship Round from Las Vegas League 4 by about 80 points. Great job both of you and I'm glad to see that both of our overall champions took a shot at the Combined bonus prize.

Sixteen owners had a shot at this bonus, up from 11 owners in 2008. Congratulations to all of the owners who made the Championship Round in both contests. Coming the closest were Darren Fecich who finished 2nd in the NFFC Classic and 20th in the NFFC Primetime and KJ Duke, who finished 15th in the NFFC Classic and 19th in the NFFC Primetime.

Here's a look at where all 16 owners finished:

Darren Fecich: 20th (in Classic), 2nd (in Primetime)
Larry Schechter: 35, 15
Rob Silver: 63, 11
Thomas Kay: 12, 43
KJ Duke: 15, 19
Danny Dietrick: 26, 48
Ross Mallor: 14, 34
Bill Strickler: 40, 1
Mike Sanda: 42, 22
Mike Ferre: 47, 5
Greg Morgan: 45, 18
Cal Suer: 3, 42
Chris Gillman: 60, 10
Don Medlam: 56, 40
Dave Clum: 37, 25
Roger Gonzalez: 46, 29