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I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:40 am
by Erok
I must admit, I am very disappointed in this, especially as one of the original members who made the trip to New York in 2004 for the live draft. Also, one who has played the NFFC every year since via Satellite leagues.

I am still waiitng on my $500 prize check and it is mid-February. It was supposed to have been mailed the first week in January, then again at the end of January and I have not received anything.

Please let me know what is goin on with this.

Thank You-- EH

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:00 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Erok:
I must admit, I am very disappointed in this, especially as one of the original members who made the trip to New York in 2004 for the live draft. Also, one who has played the NFFC every year since via Satellite leagues.

I am still waiitng on my $500 prize check and it is mid-February. It was supposed to have been mailed the first week in January, then again at the end of January and I have not received anything.

Please let me know what is goin on with this.

Thank You-- EH Eric, all of the checks did go out as stated on Friday, Jan. 18th. It looks like you contacted Tom about something previously, so maybe we didn't have the W-9 at the time that we sent the checks. Anyway, contact Tom at [email protected] and he will get right on your situation and if we have everything I'll make sure we cut you a check ASAP. We pride ourselves on paying everyone as soon as possible, so I'll look into your situation first thing Monday morning.

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:48 am
by pizzatyme
Either way, why post this in a public forum?

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:05 am
by bald is beautiful
AFFL has Erok spooked.

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:00 am
by sportsbettingman
Originally posted by bald is beautiful:
AFFL has Erok spooked. It struck me as funny how when you posted legal jargon on that other is very believable and sounds to be coming from an educated man. When another who claims to be a lawyer posts on sounds like he's just entered law school or is faking it. Sorry for the unnecessary compliment.


[ February 18, 2008, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: sportsbettingman ]

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:06 am
by Erok
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Erok:
I must admit, I am very disappointed in this, especially as one of the original members who made the trip to New York in 2004 for the live draft. Also, one who has played the NFFC every year since via Satellite leagues.

I am still waiitng on my $500 prize check and it is mid-February. It was supposed to have been mailed the first week in January, then again at the end of January and I have not received anything.

Please let me know what is goin on with this.

Thank You-- EH Eric, all of the checks did go out as stated on Friday, Jan. 18th. It looks like you contacted Tom about something previously, so maybe we didn't have the W-9 at the time that we sent the checks. Anyway, contact Tom at [email protected] and he will get right on your situation and if we have everything I'll make sure we cut you a check ASAP. We pride ourselves on paying everyone as soon as possible, so I'll look into your situation first thing Monday morning.
[/QUOTE]Greg--- Thanks for getting back to me. I was under the impression that you guys still had my W-9 from years past. I also received my check for winning the league this year, just not my $500 check for leading in total points. If you need anything in terms of paper work from me, please let me know. I will email Tom today.
Thanks Again--E

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:07 am
by Erok

[ February 19, 2008, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: Erok ]

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:21 am
by Erok
Originally posted by ultimatefantasyfootballcheatsheets:
Either way, why post this in a public forum? Either way, how is it any of your business? You do not know what communications we've had prior to this. Emails were exchanged. Bottom line though is, it's been almost 8 weeks since I was supposed to have received my money and still have not. That, coupled with the fact I've been stiffed out of my money from other outlets before has me on edge a little, thats all.

Now, having said that, I will say that both Tom and Greg seem like top notch guys, having met them in NY. The NFFC is a first class league and in my opinion, the best run league of them all. Once this situation gets resolved, I will still continue to play the NFFC every year with no worries at all.

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:59 am
by Tom Kessenich
I emailed Erik today to let him know his check was being mailed out this week. On behalf of myself and Greg, we apologize for the delay but the check is headed Erik's way.

Erik did nothing wrong by posting this here in my opinion. He was owed money this year and wanted to know the status of his prize check. Now we have the matter resolved and hopefully he'll receive his check in the next week or so and he can enjoy the fruits of his 2007 fantasy season.

Again Erik, we apologize for the delay.

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:58 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by bald is beautiful:
AFFL has Erok spooked. I think this is true for everyone!!

I have no idea why you were paid initially in December and you weren't paid for the playoff win. Obviously a clerical screwup somewhere. Tom is on it and we'll get that $500 out to you Eric as soon as we can. Certainly it's doing us no good here!! :D

[ February 19, 2008, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]