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Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:51 am
by BillyWaz
I spoke with my good friend Jeff Clampitt yesterday, and we had a nice discussion about the NFFC, and the future of everything. He made a very good point about all the complaining about Fanball, etc. (and I am guilty of that as well). He said this is almost like it is the NFFC's first year (due to the merger with Fanball), and if we all remember back to 2004, it wasn't like this event went off without a hitch. He also said something else that really made me rethink things..."If this is the worst that happens this year (the website being less than subpar for a week), then I think things are definitely going to be great going forward!" (or something close to that!) ;) He is absolutely right. There ARE going to be bumps in the road, and while we won't like every decision, the great thing about the NFFC IMO is the format (14 teams, KDS, 3RR) and more importantly, all the friendships I have made over the 6 plus years in this event.

I remember walking into the $650 auction on Friday night in NY in 2004 (1st year of NFFC), meeting Tom and Jersey Paul. I remember Eddie (I think it was Eddie) falling out of his chair, Diesel with his William Green jersey on, and I recall a guy sitting two spots to my left I didn't say a word to. That guy was Glenn Schroter who is now a great friend I talk to at least 4x a week.

The Main event was the same thing. I drafted my Main Event team, and immediately after the draft, Matt Bayley came up and said, "I liked your pick of Antonio Gates in the the 11th round" (he was DEAD ON that one!) Nevertheless, after that I gathered my things, went to my car, and headed down the Garden State Parkway to meet my wife in Atlantic City. No standing around analyzing draftboards, no having drinks and laughs with friends, etc. times have changed! This year I am headed to Chicago, and we are having a party at Darryl's house on Thursday just to talk football, eat great food, play cornhole, etc. I know there will be some betting on the ponies probably both Friday and Saturday, and if history repeats itself, a trip to the casino and Denny's after 4 AM will be on the card! :D

I don't think you can put a price on all the friendships I have made over the years from the NFFC. As some of you know, today is my 40th birthday. Yes, I know about all the "monumental ramifications" of turning the "BIG 4-oh", but to me it was just going to be another day.

That was until my wife spearheaded her "postcard idea" where I received a postcard from a different friend or family member each day 40 days prior to my birthday. She basically got a hold of my phone, and called many of the "familiar" NFFC names she knows I talk to (or talk about) virtually every day and called them to be a part of this. She is so great because she really does a great job of selling that she cares when I talk about football (NFFC, you guys, etc.) when I'm sure she has the least bit of interest whatsoever! But it didn't stop there, as I received birthday cards in the mail, a "birthday box", etc. I just wanted to thank all of you who were a part of making this a great day! :D

The whole point of this post is that I NEVER would of fathomed that almost 6 years ago I would know so many great people all because of fantasy football. Again, you cannot put a price on all of these friendships. I think we all need to remember that before we are so quick to bring down Fanball, tear into each other, etc. (and again, I am as guilty as anyone). Without the NFFC, we wouldn't have a lot of the friendships, laughs, excitement, etc. in our daily lifes that we all sometimes take for granted when things get a little rough. :D

Thanks to Greg and Tom for all their hard work, and may the best years be ahead for the NFFC!!! :D

[ August 15, 2010, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:06 am
happy birthday billy. have a great day !!

Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:11 am
by Coltsfan
Great Post Billy and happy birthday!


Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:17 am
by Sack
Happy Bday Billy Waz!

What a blast that first draft in NYC was for the NFFC. It was Eddie G that fell ass backwards off of his chair. He bounced up quickly, so everybody
was able to laugh with him.

Glenn was runing all over the place with that computer, it sent a message to most of us that
this was some serious stuff. Good luck this season!

For my part, I'm flying out to Las Vegas this year so that I can have a small flavor of Sin City. I plan on taking part in the Auction and possibly the Draft Champions on Friday. Because sharing this with my Son has become so important, I'm taking the redeye out of Vegas that same evening so that I can handle both Main Events on Saturday at Citi Field
with my boy at my side! Doesn't get any better for a Dad.

[ August 15, 2010, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: Sack ]

Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:29 am
by Sandman62
Happy birthday Billy!

And Sack, I agree w/ you on sharing w/ your son. My son is 16 now and he's been my co-manager since he was 9 - and I'm not talking about just some figurehead whose name is on the team w/ me - he's been an integral part of this and often pushes me away from my conservative nature. Lifelong memories being built as we speak.

Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:35 am
by Sabretooth
Happy B-day Billy! and it is good to hear some positivity. I agree, I have made some good friends and learned a lot about the fantasy game in the process in my first 3 years here. and the live draft,KDS,3RR and just the whole weekend experience with the guys is something special.

Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:37 am
by philpo
Happy B-Day Billy great post.

Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:38 am
Jeff ( wiseman ) spoke with great hindsite & vision!! Sometimes it's takes another breathe of fresh air to see the light! I haven't had the chance yet to meet Billy in person so I didn't make the card & phone list, but Billy was the first person here to step out to me & make me feel welcome & create a little "long distance get to know a little bit about you chit chat" as I tried to "find my way" thru my first draft last year and I really appreciated. (all the time he was probably thinking "new blood,easy money :D :D ), so I would like to extend a HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY BILLY!! (u kno it only comes around 1 time so ENJOY!!!!! TODAY cause you got some changes coming post 40 to that softball doubleheader body that you had know idea was lurking! :D

[ August 15, 2010, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: WOODERSON ]

Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:42 am
by Glenneration X
Great post Billy and Happy Birthday you old f**k you!


Why the NFFC is so special!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:58 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Great post Billy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You do know that today's 40 is the new 30, right?!! :D

Jeff Clampitt is a perfect example of what is soooooo good in the NFFC. He's part of a Chicago group that has become big-time friends. They talk throughout the year and enjoy Draft Day like it's Christmas Day. They've all had their ups and downs in their personal lives and they've been there to help each other out during good times and bad. Jeff went through a bit of a career change since 2004 and those friends were there to encourage him on.

Recently he went on a mission to South America and NFFC members donated to his trip. And not just the folks from Chicago, either. Other NFFC members who have never met Jeff but who have known him through invitational leagues were there to support Jeff and his daughter financially. People in the NFFC didn't think twice about helping Jeff out because they knew he was a good guy and this was a good cause. He didn't ask for any help, the word just got out.

All of the contests have good people. I just know that deep down we have REALLY good people. And they get together each year around Labor Day weekend, a labor of love if you will. :D Thanks for shining some light on the good side of the contest Billy and for showing why some of us like the personal touch of the live drafts.