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Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:13 pm
by Dirty Deeds
Tom and Greg and all NFFC Senior Fantasy Members,

I was in the 9/4 9:00 PM NFFC Online Championship Draft.

Jeff Tirabassi had the second overall pick.

He lost his connection and was awarded Matt Forte.

Jeff called the online commish to halt the draft however by the time the online commish halted the draft the next 6 picks were already selected and exposed.

The online commish alleged that he contacted Greg/Tom/NFFC and there was going to be a Do Over restarting with the the 2nd pick of Jeff's as he wanted MJ Drew instead of Forte and this was executed. (Bad Luck Jeff MJD Hurt Now)

There are 3 things in Life that are certain...Death.Taxes and Never Never Never any Do Overs in a Fantasy Football Draft.

This coming on the eve of the NFFC Classic and Primtime Leagues, which include for the first time High Dollar Online Drafts is a travesty.

Allowing multiple teams to change their Draft Picks after they have revealed their choices due to one member’s problem is unacceptable.

It is the witching hour as this is posted at midnight before draft day I would like the Senior NFFC Members immediate input and an official decision from Greg and Tom prior to the Classic and Primtime Online Drafts.

Sure, there is supposed back up in the Main Events for the online participants via phone line however.what if that fails.

It is my hard stance that if you accept the risk of an online draft and all back up fails that you MUST accept the pick that was assigned for you and feel fortunate that you received that pick instead of having to sacrifice your spot and pick at the end of the round.

As Tom Hanks said in " League of There Own" There is NO CRYING in Baseball.

Not as famous, but equally as historic, Dirty Deeds says "There are NO DO OVERS in Fantasy Football Drafts"

The implications are monumental especially if it happened in the 2nd or 3rd round.

My 4th Year...Other NFFC Senior Members ? Greg/Tom ?

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:19 pm

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:25 pm
by pizzatyme
My 3rd year. I agree, no do overs going more than 1 pick.

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:28 pm
by doctordavetaylor
Fire? There is no fire. The rules are clear. The draft moderator made a decision and did the best that s/he could do. My team was the one that was affected and I didn't have a problem with it. I did have to get a new roster sheet because I am anal and don't like crossing things out. But I expected to get Forte. I was happy to get MJD. A tad disappointed, sure, but if you think drafts are won and lost in the first seven or eight picks ... no way. This is not worth their time.

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:36 pm
by Dirty Deeds
Too self centered Dave..its not about you..its about the 6 other teams that revealed their picks and had the ability to change them. Furthermore I agree that Championships are not won in the first round, however what if this ruling was appilied mid 3rd or 4th round after 6 or maybe 8 picks were expeosed?

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:41 pm
by bald is beautiful
So Dave is self-centered because he stated his opinion? I think you need to go to bed and chill.

It didn't happen in the 3rd or 4th, so deal with reality.

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:51 pm
Hey Jack, shouldn't you be in bed as you have a draft tomorrow? ;)

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:53 pm
by Dirty Deeds
B & you condone redrafts ?

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:10 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
I was contacted right away on what happened and had ABSOLUTELY NO qualms about ruling the way I did. It was the first round, the guy drafting second overall lost connection and got auto-picked and told the MDC moderator as soon as he could what happened. Yeah, **** happens but we had the chance to correct this right away and make sure this league ran correctly. Jeff got the player he had intended to draft and we moved on from there for 20 good rounds.

We specifically state in our rules how we handle these situations and from my standpoint everyone did the right thing. The second and third picks got swapped players which is the way it was going to happen before Jeff lost connection to the site.

We rule this way in all NFBC and NFFC Satellite Leagues and all NFBC and NFFC Online Championship leagues. Other leagues don't do it this way. So what. We intercede when there are technical glitches and when we can correct something quickly and make the league whole from that point on. Again, I made the call and I have absolutely no problem with it.

Good luck all and hopefully we'll all have a good day tomorrow.

Greg/Tom Put Out This Fire !!!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:15 pm
by jjsegura78
That sux, but I guess the facilitators made their minds up, and nothing can be done now. Good luck. What team did you end up with by the way ???