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Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:22 am
I would just like to get some feedback from you MB guys here. I think that the Hype of winning the "Ultimate League" and the Credit that is given is just way to much.

First off, I think it should be named the "Ultimate Cash League". Or be drafted before the other events.(DC, Auction, Main Event.)

How can you give so much respect to a draft that is done after you get to see everybody's draft picks from the two other days. And also Not everyone can come up with that kind of money.

So I guess Im asking if you guys think Money or Skill Matters more????? Does having more money make you have more skills????? Does it put you up against better players?????

Thanks for the Feedback :D :D :D

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:44 am
by Greg Ambrosius
I think you're being extremely naive to think the Ultimate League champ doesn't deserve special attention. In fact, I don't think we give the Ultimate League champ ENOUGH credit. I just put Larry on our next cover of Fantasy Sports Magazine because I do think it's a special accomplishment. I wish I had done the same with Eddie last year. Hmmmm, now I see the angle of this post!! ;)

Winning ANY NFFC league is a great accomplishment. Winning this one is the Ultimate accomplishment, outside of the $100K.

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:05 am
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
I think you're being extremely naive to think the Ultimate League champ doesn't deserve special attention. In fact, I don't think we give the Ultimate League champ ENOUGH credit. I just put Larry on our next cover of Fantasy Sports Magazine because I do think it's a special accomplishment. I wish I had done the same with Eddie last year. Hmmmm, now I see the angle of this post!! ;)

Winning ANY NFFC league is a great accomplishment. Winning this one is the Ultimate accomplishment, outside of the $100K. Greg,

I will PM Ya.... :D :D :D

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:11 am
by BillyWaz

Greg is right as outside winning the 100K, the Ultimate should be next in line.

IMO, you have to look at it in the simplest of terms.

Who deserves more recognition, a guy who wins his local league at $50 entry, or a guy who wins his NFFC Main league at $1,300? (both 14 team leagues)

Hopefully you said that the NFFC deserves more, and therefore, a $5K entry would deserve even more than a "regular" Main entry, right?

I see your point that some people can't afford to enter (it would currently be difficult for me as a teacher), but you have to think that MOST people who are willing to throw down 5K "know what they are doing". Now maybe there are exceptions to the rule, but the same could be said about the NFFC Main.

As far as seeing the picks the day before, do you REALLY think that the people entering the Ultimate have no idea where people will get picked before the Main?? :confused: Plus, the Main is so different in almost EVERY draft, that it doesn't make a bit of difference IMO.

Bottom line is you are still trying to defeat 13 other people, and if you are willing to throw down more cash, then you should reap the rewards if you are successful.

[ July 19, 2007, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:12 am
by Gordon Gekko
i agree with greg and billy. the ultimate winners shouldn't be punished because others can't afford the league.

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:14 am
by sportsbettingman
If you win your league in the Main...there's your entry! A lot less competition than the main event for the following season...nice parlay up!


Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:18 am
Originally posted by BillyWaz:

Greg is right as outside winning the 100K, the Ultimate should be next in line.

IMO, you have to look at it in the simplest of terms.

Who deserves more recognition, a guy who wins his local league at $50 entry, or a guy who wins his NFFC Main league at $1,300? (both 14 team leagues)

Hopefully you said that the NFFC deserves more, and therefore, a $5K entry would deserve even more than a "regular" Main entry, right?

I see your point that some people can't afford to enter (it would currently be difficult for me as a teacher), but you have to think that MOST people who are willing to throw down 5K "know what they are doing". Now maybe there are exceptions to the rule, but the same could be said about the NFFC Main.

Bottom line is you are still trying to defeat 13 other people, and if you are willing to throw down more cash, then you should reap the rewards if you are successful. Billy,

I can play Lawyer also.... :D :D

Steven Jackson and LT2 have a bet who scores more TD's for the year. There Bet is Loser buys dinner.

Ledale white and Chris Brown Have a Td bet for $5,000????? Who's is worth more....

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:20 am
Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
i agree with greg and billy. the ultimate winners shouldn't be punished because others can't afford the league. GG,

If you can't win a Main event with the #1 pick, LT2. But you can win the Ultimate a day later whats that tell you??????

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:31 am
by King of Queens
Johnny, are you joining the Ultimate League this year?

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:39 am
Originally posted by King of Queens:
Johnny, are you joining the Ultimate League this year? King,

I wish I could come up with $5,000 to get in.

Another thing, It's a H2H League. There could be two teams that out scored two playoff teams and didn't get in....

At least have it be Total points for that kind of money. :eek:

[ July 19, 2007, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: RI WORKHORSE ]