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The Dallas Cowboys

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:15 am
by botherk
I have no allegiance to any professional team.
My son-in-law lives and breathes the Dallas Cowboys.
He's probably a little worse than the typical fan, he never wants to hear or admit what is wrong with the Cowboys, only what is right.
After the first few weeks, I told him that the Cowboys will not be a playoff team without a receiver that provides seperation. Of course, he thought Williams and Crayton were good enough, afterall, they're Cowboys. Now, with Austin Miles, he has seen that seperation gives Dallas a weapon that they have not had this year.
So, with the Cowboys comfortably ahead last week, I thought I'd give him another jab.
"Don't you think the Cowboys are horribly miscoached?", I asked. Afterall, it took Williams getting hurt and out of the lineup before they would even give Miles a chance. This wasn't a rookie who just burst on to the scene, this is a guy they've seen in practice over two years. After seeing Williams and Crayton's production over the last two years, I would start Miles and Hurd next week and tell Hurd that this was his chance to take a starting job.
And speaking of bad coaching, Barber is either hurting worse than they are letting on or is just plain done, he is just not himself,but still plays, while Choice is on the bench.
In typical Cowboy fandom, he replies,"We're ok, I think right now we are playing better than the Giants or Eagles!"

I am discovering that fans that are truly hooked on a professional franchise are not 'Big Picture' type of people.

The Dallas Cowboys

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:24 am
by mikeybok
Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:
I thought I'd give him another jab.
"Don't you think the Cowboys are horribly miscoached?", I asked. Afterall, it took Williams getting hurt and out of the lineup before they would even give Miles a chance. This wasn't a rookie who just burst on to the scene, this is a guy they've seen in practice over two years. After seeing Williams and Crayton's production over the last two years, I would start Miles and Hurd next week and tell Hurd that this was his chance to take a starting job.
That's funny.

Some coaches think it's about being loyal to his starting players. Lovie Smith does the same thing to a fault. Sadly .... IMO it's disloyal to the backup players and it's also disloyal to the team (by leaving better players on the bench). It's also dishonest to the fans by not using the best players to win. I really am not sure how a coach (like Lovie) gets to the point where he promises starting players ... other players CAN'T win their jobs like Lovie did with his two QB's last year. IMO it is wrong regardless of if this is a stated fact (like Lovie) or an unspoken truth like it seems to be in Dallas. I just don't get it either.


The Dallas Cowboys

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:06 am
by botherk
Excellent point, Mike.
Coaches in the NFL are so wrapped up in plays and aligning their offenses and defenses for their next opponant that they lose sight of their personnel.
Going back to the Dallas example, without Williams getting hurt, Miles is still on the bench. There was not even a hint that either Williams or Crayton would be benched before the injury. In some cases, coaches become like fans, just knowing their guy will break through, when they know deep in their hearts that those chances are slim and none.
They have to be the adult. Hard ass coaches like Ditka, Cowher, and Chuck Noll would actually sit ANY player that was underperforming, something that isn't done much now.
Todays players have changed for sure. What is good for me, my agent, and my contract comes before team. That attitude runs rampant in the NFL. Once they have the starting gig, they know they only have to perform up to the standards that got them there. Most players now, do not try and exceed those standards.
Brandon Marshall acted like a total idiot out of perception that HE would have less to do with the new Denver offense. McDaniels suspended him, and even though it was still pre-season, that incident foretold a lot about McDaniels and his concept of team first, me second.
Maybe, the NFL could use more coaches like this.

Dammit, somebody call the rant police.

[ October 27, 2009, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: DOUGHBOYS ]

The Dallas Cowboys

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:30 pm
by Eddiejag
I think the cream alway's rises to the top and Miles would have gotten there sooner then later.He did take advandage of his chance to start when Williams was out but last week with Roy back in the lineup he still had another monster game.I think the coaches always new this kid has talent and that's why he's had a very good chance to be the man.They had to let Roy be the number one just because of that joke of a contract.But after the last two week's Miles is the number one and Roy might do better being the two or thats what im hoping for.I do agree about getting Hurd in their more as he has some upside too.Also Martellus Bennett is a beast and they need to get him more plays like last week.
I think Barber is still hurt and it's just going to take time,hopefully we get the Barbarian back in the next couple week's.They also need to get Choice 5 to 10 play's a week because he just produces and what he did last year when Barber was out was hurt was a great shot in the arm with huge games againest great teams.Also last but most important is that Romo looks really good.I still feel he's a top 8 qb in the nfl but was crushed by many when he had a couple bad week's.
Overall the Cowboys are good enough to win the division and make the playoff's. HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS

The Dallas Cowboys

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:32 am
by botherk
I wasn't trying to pick on Dallas, Eddie, as much as show the difference between a fans perspective and someone that is not attached. I have that relationship with my son-in-law. That, evolved into the serious lack of perception and understanding of talent by the Dallas coaching staff. The cream always rises to the top, but it takes the right coaching to seperate the cream from the rest.
I, too, think that Romo has been good all year. Its been tough for him to throw to receivers that just are not open. Actually, I can only think of a handful of quarterbacks that are as accurate as Romo.
I don't think anybody knows what is really up with Barber, except Barber.
As far as Williams as a number two, I'd have to disagree. He is not even a possesion receiver and should be at home counting the money that he stole from Jerry Jones.
The Cowboys could very well be a playoff team. Thanks to Williams injury, they finally have a threat on the outside. And thanks to the Williams injury, the Dallas coaching staff may have saved themselves from a 7-9 or 8-8 team when they had the talent to be in the playoffs.

[ October 28, 2009, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: DOUGHBOYS ]

The Dallas Cowboys

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:12 am
by mikeybok
Originally posted by Eddiejag:
They (the Coaches) had to let Roy be the number one just because of that joke of a contract. This is a prefect example of the BAD coaching we are talking about. Seriously ... coaching decisions to start players based on player contracts is weak ... at best. Do you really want a guy coaching who is fearful of upsetting the GM (or whoever is in charge of player drafts and negotiating player contracts).

Big Mike

[ October 28, 2009, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Ugly Yellow Tomatoes ]

The Dallas Cowboys

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:26 am
by botherk
Originally posted by Eddiejag:
I think the coaches always new this kid has talent....Again, you make the point for us....Good coaches would have been playing that talent. Bad ones play the higher contracts or settle for mediocrity.
It probably seems that I am picking on the Cowboys, I'm not. There are probably ways for every team in football to better themselves and most are roadblocked by their own hand.