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Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:14 am
by renman
I am surprised this isn't a bigger topic of discussion since it impacts the competition so much. Peyton Manning and his situation impacts so much in this years event. How do you value Wayne? Garcon? Collie? Dallas Clark? Even the RB's get impacted.

All the fantasy buzz I heard from "experts" with "inside information" was that Manning was off the PUP list and cleared to practice around Aug 27thish. Did anyone hear ANY report that his arm strength was gone and he couldn't throw over the next 5 days? Was there any report that his back was bad?

The signing of Collins was as much an indictment on the back up's they had (they cut one) as any sign that Manning was in serious trouble. At worst I think most people thought Manning 'might' miss game one but would return as the typical Peyton Manning soon after. Now I am sure some may come here post as if they somehow knew Manning was worse off than being reported. The reality is he was drafted in every league in and around the area where big Ben, Matt Ryan, Josh Freeman were going and before Flacco, Cutler, Eli, etc.

The bigger point is how frustrating it is when certain coaches play games with information regarding injuries.

Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:27 am
by DoubleG
collins made britt look pretty good. at least one of the colts will have some good value this year

Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:28 am
by Sandman62
I agree w/ Snake here (and we didn't load up on Colts either ;) ) ... we may be pleasantly surprised at how well Collins can drive the Cadillac of offenses. Not suggesting he's anywhere near Peyton, but if he could run that offense 75% as smoothly, the other offensive skill players might not drop as far as we think?

[ September 06, 2011, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Sandman62 ]

Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:47 am
by renman
I agree with what all of you are saying. My bigger point is how nebulous NFL teams are about injuries. There was this hazy vague information about Peyton Manning and his sore neck. I disagree with what someone else said (can't remember who), if he was having shoulder or elbow problems, or even problems with a knee/ankle where he could not run, I think legit concern would be there.

This was never really reported on with any detail and once he was removed from the PUP list and cleared to practice (which WAS actually reported) I think it was fair to assume the same ole Peyton Manning would be back even if maybe off to a slower start.

It is mind boggling (to me) that all of a sudden reports come out that his tricep is bad, his arm strength isn't there, his back is hurting all on top of his mystery neck issue.

Had this information been reported on (and released by the team) accurately like it should be I believe it would have impacted a lot of things in fantasy for those drafting on labor day weekend.

As for how well Collins can do. Hard to say. I think maybe we underestimate how much of that offense was run by Peyton. I guess we will soon find out. I am glad I passed on Wayne and Dallas Clark as of now that is for sure.

Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:57 am
by KenGill
Renman, remember that the teams don't care at all about fantasy football -- their only object is to win football games, and they WILL withhold information about injuries if they think it helps them win foobtall games. I'm quite happy that they convinced Kerry Collins to come back, because I have R Wayne on one of my teams and his value would have really gone down if the Colts had to go with Curtis Painter.

Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:57 am
by Dead CropSlackers
The Colts offese is not gonna be anything we recognize. To think Collins has the offense down enough to complete a game plan is one thing, but to be able to run the offense as" 75% as smoothly as Peyton" is rediculous. There will be no no-huddle, or audibles. This offense goes back to the stone age with anyone but Peyton under center.

Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:01 am
by mattjb
Originally posted by Dead CropSlackers:
The Colts offese is not gonna be anything we recognize. To think Collins has the offense down enough to complete a game plan is one thing, but to be able to run the offense as" 75% as smoothly as Peyton" is rediculous. There will be no no-huddle, or audibles. This offense goes back to the stone age with anyone but Peyton under center. the good news is the defense sucks so whatever the offense is Kerry might be slinging it 50 times a game.

Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:11 am
by particra
I think the people who get hurt are the TEs and RBs mostly because they are going to have to stay in and block more. The O-Line is bad and no one has Manning's ability to read and release, especially not Collins. I think the impact on the WRs is real, but is being overplayed.

Peyton Manning mess

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:56 am
by SS
I think the Colts are waiting to see if they have to put Manning on IR. I think he is done this year, which is too bad because he is on my Online Championship team...