Hey Liquid - I competed in the first WCOFF plus the DraftMaster and Auction last year. I had to miss the main event because my (*!@$@#) Brother-In-Law got married that day. Inconsiderate... @&*%^##$... Nevermind that.
Anyway, I decided to skip the WCOFF this year...not that they noticed
Here's the comparison I did.
Disclaimer: I owe nothing to anyone. This is my opinion as a gamer - and my group will throw a dozen or more entries at big money contests just because they exist every year and we love them! Addicted gamers - we confess.
The things that matter to me in a big money event isn't necessarily what the event co-ordinators get..> I could care less if they make a profit or not - that is their problem! (Although I hope they are successful enough to host it again!)
What do I put in vs. what I get out plus usability, reliability and fun.
The Basics
WCOFF: Now entering it's 3rd year - they had 600 teams last year and will put up 672 this year. I believe they are now full. 56 Leagues, 12 teams per league. Draft day is September 11 (Saturday) and is in Vegas only.
NFFC: This is Greg Ambrosius' first year running a high stakes fantasy football competition. I've been impressed with his attitude in baseball. Krause publishing (they do all the fantasy magazines) is who Greg works for and I'm sure the events will occur. Prize money may need to change if the entries aren't there to support the cash, but it will end up being fair IMHO. I expect this will remain open right up until the week before draft. 43 Leagues, 14 teams per league. Drafts are on Sept. 4 simultaneously occurring in Las Vegas, New York and Chicago.
The Cost
WCOFF: $1450 per team + mandatory $285 "events fee" + optional co-manager fee of $150 (option meaning you don't have to have one!) [Included in the events fee you get 1 night hotel and a pre-draft party at the ESPNZone] Total cost for you and a co-manager would be $1885 (but includes 1 night hotel and a party)
NFCC: $1250 per team + $100 co-manager fee. Certain conditions like existing NFBC members may get that $100 co-manager fee waived.
The Prizes
League 1st = $5,000, League 2nd = $1500, League 3rd = $500
Overall 1st = $200,000 (+ travel and accomodations and tickets to the Super Bowl... probably $10,000 value?), 2nd = $45,000, 3rd = $22,500, 4th = $13,500, 5th = $9,000, 6th = $7,200, 7th = $6,300, 8th = $5,000, 9th and 10th = free 2005 team.
Consolation = $12,500 plus 2 free 2005 teams paid out to the top 10 finishers in the consolation bracket
Bonus: There is also an $11,000 kitty being offered to the 2nd-12th place teams ($1,000 per team) to the 'toughest league' (the league that puts up the most points during weeks 1-11)
League 1st = $5,000, League 2nd = $1500, League 3rd = $500 (the same payouts, but notice 14 team leagues instead of 12 team leagues)
Overall 1st = $200,000, 2nd = $20,000, 3rd = 10,000, 4th = $5,000, 5th = $2,500, 6th = $1,500, 7th = $1250, 8th = $1250
Consolation = $6,000 available for the top 4 finishers in the consolation round.
PayBack Breakdown
WCOFF: Total prizes = $7,000 per league x 56 leagues = $392,000 + $210,000 + $108,500 + $12,500 + $11,000 = $733,500 in prizes + 4 free teams = $739,300
NFCC: Total prizes = $7,000 per league x 43 leagues = $301,000 + $200,000+ $41,500 + $6,000 = $548,500
I'm valuing the hotel room for the WCOFF to be worth $90 (you can find better AND worse hotel deals in Vegas or get comped for free, so I'm just picking a number) and the ESPNzone party to be worth $25:
WCOFF $1885-$115 = $1770 paid in x 56 leagues = $1,189,440 received. Payouts = $739,300 or a payout percentage of 62.155%
NFCC: $1350 x 602 teams = $812.700 received, payouts = $548,500 or a payout percentage of 67.49%
(Obviously these would change if you were doing the WCOFF/NFCC without a co-manager, etc.)
The Rules
Pretty close to the same - not enough differentiation to worry about until you decide on the contest. THEN you better understand the rules
The items I can't factor in... include management attitude, enjoyment. In season service... and quite frankly, the goodie bags, free drinks for the NFFC party and the weekly give aways by Steiner. All that, PLUS a higher payout percentage tilts me towards this contest.
That's why I signed up here.
Good luck if you don't land in my league... may twisted ankles haunt you if you do