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An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:43 am
by Greg Ambrosius
I think all of us are sick and tired of negotiations, but it looks like a lot is at stake over the next three weeks for our country and for our upcoming football season. I think I know which one will cause the most damage, but I don't like the outcome of either one if negotiations take a wrong turn.

One of my references above is the NFL lockout, which hopefully is turning toward a resolution. Can this 118-day impasse finally be coming to an end? Can the billionaires beat the millionaires once and for all? Can we please get a deal done in time to save the pre-season and make this deal not only last for 10 years but maybe 110 years so that I never have to witness this again? Sheesh. JUST GET IT DONE GUYS.

Fortunately, it looks like this will get done and our 2011 NFL season will be saved. None of us can guarantee that, so of course our fantasy plans remain on hold. But at least this contentious negotiation process is nearing an end and it's no longer a matter of if this will get done but when.

My second reference above involves the US government and our debt limit, which reaches the end of its credit card limit in less than three weeks. Our burn-at-all-costs Congress is looking to make a statement with the President and could let our debt limit run out. If that happens, our entire economy is in peril. I think we all hope that our elected officials will be smarter than that, but hardball is being played in Washington like we've never seen before. Can a deal be done in time to save the economy? And can it be done for the long term, thus allowing companies to know what the playing field looks like and start hiring new employees as a result?

I'm not sure who looks worse here:
a) The NFL and its greedy owners and players
b) Our Congress and President, unwilling to make deals that limits our debt and grows our economy
c) The prosecutors who screwed up so badly that a mistrial was declared in the Roger Clemens trial

I think there's plenty of stupidity to go around here. Let's just hope that three weeks from now we at least have a deal in the NFL and a deal in Washington. Times are tough enough without more self-inflicted wounds, don't you think?

Is anyone to blame for these messes we find ourselves in today or is everyone to blame for all of this? I find all of it very, very frustrating and you'd think we were solving the Middle East peace process or something. Instead, we have the greatest country in the world haggling over taxes for the top 2% and revenue splits for a league that expects revenue to jump from $9 billion to $16 billion in the next five years. Amazing country we live in and yet so foolish.

Sorry for the rant, but it's frustrating sometimes.

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:16 am
by DoubleG
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:

My second reference above involves the US government and our debt limit, which reaches the end of its credit card limit in less than three weeks. Our burn-at-all-costs Congress is looking to make a statement with the President and could let our debt limit run out. If that happens, our entire economy is in peril.
ya, let's get a new credit card to pay off the old one. :rolleyes:

i have one main requirement for government officials...LEARN HOW TO BALANCE A CHECKBOOK. most of these guys/girls are IDIOTS.

just think, our economy is in the shitter NOW. AND THAT'S WITH AN EXTRA 14 TRILLION DOLLARS PUMPED INTO IT.

they are trying to hide a "depression", but sooner or later it will be forced upon us all.

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:19 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
We are supposed to be the model for democracy yet we cannot seem to find common ground on any issue or pay our own bills? It's embarrassing.

Makes me want to run for office!

Fun Side Note: The first home my wife and I bought is now worth less than what we paid for it in 1989. Nice.

The "adjustment" that started a few years ago is no where near bottom. The housing market has not bottomed out and a good example is now that Fannie is offering incentives if you buy from their pool of foreclosures. You can almost forget selling your home for a value that even comes close to what it is really worth because everyone is buying distressed properties and now Fannie is offering deals to compete with the open market?

This is all before what could happen in a couple of weeks as Greg mentioned if these idiots in Washington cannot find some level of common ground and do the right thing for the US.

The NFL fans should be outraged at both of these parties. I really wish we could find a way to boycott the NFL in a way that hurts them the most. In their pocketbooks. I would like to see the fans who go to games in week one buy NOTHING while attending. No beer, no brats, no shirts or foam hands - no nothing! You have to speak their language to get them to listen.

Those greedy little bastages need to know who is really in charge - The Fans!

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:25 am
by Erok
To be honest, I never paid attention to any political nonsense until a year ago.

I have always been registered independent as I believe both parties are filled with corrupt liars who only look out for themselves or their cronies. Sad but true.

All I know though is that slowly but surely we are losing our freedoms and liberties. It seems to all be hidden under the guise of safety or "homeland security."

If any of you know anything about history, you know this never ends well.

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:01 am
by DoubleG
Originally posted by W. Klown:

If any of you know anything about history, you know this never ends well. it ends when people are sick and tired of being taxed to death and/or with enough loss of liberties (ie police state). i wonder if our founding fathers would be labeled "terrorists"

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:15 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by Silver and Black:
I would like to see the fans who go to games in week one buy NOTHING while attending. No beer, no brats, no shirts or foam hands - no nothing! You have to speak their language to get them to listen.

Those greedy little bastages need to know who is really in charge - The Fans! This is a great idea, Rob. Someone mentioned not going to the games at all, but they already got their money for that.

I rarely buy anything in the stadium when I go, but to get everyone else around the country to do it would be PRICELESS!

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:31 am
by Getpaddled
I drink because of most reasons in this thread.....

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:57 am
by Getpaddled
Adam Schefter
Filed to ESPN: two sides agreed to new Rookie Pay System. Still i's to dot, t's to cross on rookie system, but it's not impediment to deal.

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:06 pm
I hope there is no right of first refusal and 500 free agents hit the market end of next week in a scramble for teams.Will make the august online contest drafts fascinating.

An IMPORTANT Three Weeks For All Of Us

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:20 pm
by Glenneration X
Ironically the NFL & fantasy football used to be an escape from real life problems like the economy.