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The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:30 am
by Greg Ambrosius
I know a lot of you folks are preparing for other high-stakes drafts this weekend, but I thought I'd seek some input from you anyway at this time. Now that both of our main events are completed, give me your feedback on 3RR and it's effects in the 14-team format and the 12-team format.

Quick questions:
1. Did 3RR bring the players to your area of the draft as you expected or were you surprised by what was available when your turn came around?

2. Did 3RR have more of an effect in the 14-team format or the 12-team format? Some folks said that 3RR wasn't needed in the 12-team format, but did you like the advantages that 3RR gave you at the bottom, middle and top of the draft in that format?

3. Were you glad that you set your KDS preferences the way you did now that the draft is over? Or now that you know the answers to the test, do you wish you had moved to a different spot in the draft?

Any thoughts are appreciated and enjoy the first weekend of the NFFC season. Thanks all.

The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:36 am
by pizzatyme

I thought the draft went just as planned in both events for me. I was happy with what was available based on where I set my KDS.

I think 3RR had more of an impact on the 14-teamer, as the talent thins at a certain point in Rd. 3 IMO.

I think the day more people set their KDS to the back end of the draft than the front is the day 3RR isn't needed in the 12-teamer. Until then, if you want to be at the front, you have to pay the price by going at the back in rds 2 and 3.

I was and am perfectly happy with my draft slots. #8 in NFFC Classic and #4 in NBC Primetime.

The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:44 am
by renman

I personally love 3RR as it provides a setting for pre season strategy as opposed to sitting back and getting whatever spot you get. We all know someone can win from anywhere on the board. That isn't the point. The point is the perceived sense of control over things that in reality we have little control over (predicting).

I personally got my 1st and 2nd draft spots from my KDS preferences. Other years I may prefer to be in a different place on the board. Each year will differ. I know some friends in the NFFC that were thrilled with their draft position and it was on the dead opposite side of the board as where I wanted to be. Most fantasy players will have vastly differing opinions as to where they want to draft from and that is why this works. Keep in mind those who don't have a strong feeling about KDS can pick to be in the middle and have limit to no impact on their own draft.

The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:03 am
by GOD Loves You
I figured 3RR wasn't needed in the 12 teamer, but anything to add a layer of complexity is a bonus to me. I wasn't a participant in the NBC event, so I don't know how it played out.

Whatever you do, please allow the 3RR to always remain in the 14 teamers......that and the KDS make the NFFC the best event/draft there none. Well that and the great customer service and competitors.

The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:04 am
by wayne123
I have no idea where the argument that 3RR doesn't matter as much in the 12-team as in the 14-team events came from? Sure, there are less players, but the impact is still a percentage of the whole. According to my rankings, the 12 team league was very balanced due to 3RR, hile the 14 team league could have used a 8RR in addition to the 3RR. 3RR along with KDS is outstanding and what makes this league my choice. Please keep it and promote it!

The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:50 am
by perrylin
I drafted 11th in the 12 teamer and felt that 3RR definitely favored the back end of the draft. Of course, I was real happy with my draft (TO, Portis, Calvin Johnson, B. Jacobs, Palmer).

The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:53 pm
by Coltsfan
3RR and KDS are absolutely awesome! For me the draft was extremely balanced this year. I set kds preference at the bottom of tiers as opposed to 1-14. I wanted one of a certain group of WR's in the 2nd so kds was set accordingly.

I did like drafting 1st in the nbc because the 2nd round pick was still a solid choice. However I felt that 3rr really balanced out the 1st pick in the 5th and 6th rounds. There was a huge drop off in talent at this point in the draft.

To answer your questions, yes the players fell somewhat as expected (there are always values falling to you), I think 3rr was very effective in both formats, and I would have set my kds slightly later in the nffc but fairly close to where I ended up.


The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:20 pm
by Dr. FI$HER
Drafting from the 1 hole I felt that the 3RR was very challenging. Drafting where I did gave me virtually no chance at getting a top 7 consensus WR the way the draft played out this year. However, I luv Calvin Johnson and would not be suprised if he finished the season in this class. I also felt like i was in a black hole for my 5th and 6th picks and had to make a decision to either play it safe or take a couple of reaches on guys I liked that would normally go 15-30 picks later. I also think it would be fair to do another reversal at some point in the draft.

Although overall I feel prectty confident in the squad that David and I drafted, I feel that the clear advantage was picking later as far as the talent pool or RBs and Wrs which flew off the boards this year.

I dont feel the 3RR is necessary for the 12 man league and since we drafted at 5 it didnt have much on an effect on us either way. Id like to see you guys do away with the 3RR for the 12 man.

As far as KDS we got our top preference in the 14 man (even though I did not personally want this pick) and a top 5 preference in the NBC which I was much more psyched about going into the draft.

Ask me these questions in 12 weeks and Im sure I will have a different answer. :cool:

[ September 05, 2008, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Dr. FI$HER ]

The Effects Of 3RR This Year

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:14 pm
by Uncle Rico
I didn't think 3RR was necessary in a 12 teamer until I got back home and did a traditional 12 team snake draft with the home crew. It was then that I realized the serious talent that was falling to the top 3 picks overall in the third round.

I see a need for it in both the NFFC Main Events.