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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:59 am
by bradycole
I have been to a great many message boards and none keep my interest. When I come to the NFFC, there is a guy with some well written clever posts concerning Fantasy Football and Amphibians. The guy refers to himself as a Serpent or Reptile. Can you be both,? Can one become a Democrat or Republican ?
I like the great insight provided by SNAKE. It is time to share some love for a guy that gives his all on the message boards. Fantasy Sports is all about passion, desire, competition and a few laughs. The slithery one seems to deliver on all fronts.

Where else do you get a guy to admit he is into porn and Fantasy Football.

...can't find the article but this past week The Serpent read somewhere that during the NFL football season that FF sites now account for the second most hits (first are porn sites year-round) of any type of Internet site around (supplanting weather information sites)...simply thought that was rather interesting news...SNAKE

I think with time that Snake will become a hero for the youth of America. He is on a career path that seems that is a total reversal of the Micheal Jackson collapse in the pop world.

In yet another post that claims Snake is big on self evaluation.

Snake likes to look at small things that wriggle around on his screen.....or elsewhere
I want to thank the Reptile for constantly educating the masses here at NFFC message boards. There should be no BANS of the SNAKE. I actually propose a PARADE for the snake. On ST. PATRICKS day of course. Lets not drive the snake out of the NFFC. Lets celebrate his existence.

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:01 am
by Raiders
Where does Snake Live? Just asking?

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:08 am
by bradycole
Not sure..My guess Ricky Williams garden.

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:16 am
by Raiders
My guess, Jacksonville.

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:37 am
by Greg Ambrosius
There's nothing wrong with creative writing and a passion for the sport, both traits that Glenn has. He is football 24/7/365 and his passion for the NFFC is uncontested. I know he truly loves this event, the competition and all that goes into the chase for the grand prize.

That being said, sometimes we all take our passion a little too far without even realizing it. Hell, on Sunday I was watching the Packers' game with my kids and by halftime they had all left me because "daddy was getting scary." I didn't realize it and even enjoyed the time alone during the continued second half beat-down, but my passion went too far.

I don't like personal feuds on our message boards and whether it's Snake vs. Billy or Gekko vs. KOQ or me vs. you, they can be done in jest and fun without hijacking any particular thread. I've made this point countless times to everyone without much luck. So now I've asked some folks to just chill for a bit and let the boards flow again freely. Kind of like getting the financial markets flowing again before we start the partisan rhetoric again. :D

Let's talk nothing but football for the next week and move on. The NFFC boards are unique, but let's make them uniquely informative and fun again. I've reached out to some folks to make that possible, so again let's move on in a positive way.

Thanks for the post, but I do NOT want this thread to veer off in a way that I think we all know thisi can turn into.

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:51 am
by bradycole
Great Points Greg!!!!

I often get a little crazy and now when I act solemn people ask if I am feeling well ? I am do appreciate the guys like SNAKE,and GEKKO.

Lets get back on course..When the heck is Marques Colston coming back ?

Has anyone reached out to Ricky Williams about his urge to toke the ganga ? Do they have an Employee Assistance Progam in the NFL ?

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:43 am
by Inf4life
No where in that first quote did snake admit to looking at porn.

He lives in plantation, Florida

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:22 am
by mikeybok
Originally posted by Go Getta:
No where in that first quote did snake admit to looking at porn.

He lives in plantation, Florida Absolutely true. Nice catch. I assume this was an honest mistake by Bradycole of reading to quickly.

His point was that Snake was very open about his opinions. I don't think any harm was intended.

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:51 am
by Eddiejag
Hey Guys i have to admit too these boards wouldnt be the same with out Snake.I understand about hijacking threads and other things but that also goes both way's and others dont take the abuse he takes.Ive also meant Snake in person and we were in the same league one year and i consider Snake a friend.Greg i know you dont want to go this way so ild stop.Just wanted you to know a lot of people out their like Snakes takes. Like you said Greg nobody does fantasy football or has the passion like the Snake.
That's it just needed to say this.

Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:57 am
by sportsbettingman
If you forced SNAKE and Gekko off the MB...they would basically come to a screeching halt.

Controversy inspires long threads.

We'd be left with weekly ranking updates, and a few threads per week.

Try it for a'd be surprised at how boring the MB would become.
