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Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 3:14 pm
by Nag'
Here's the set up:

NY League 3. One of this week's games is between two 5-4 teams, "Not Dead Yet" and "Black Sabbath". Both teams are 2 games out of first, but with 4 teams in front of them with a 7-2 or 6-3 record, getting best record is close to unreachable. Team "Not Dead Yet" is 4th in points with 1140.75. Team "Black Sabbath" is 9th with 1070.75. Team "Not Dead Yet" has a problem this week as his QBs are K.Collins (Bye) and S.McNair (likely out). The only available PLAYING QBs on the wiver wire are: Q.Carter, C.Krenzel, K.Boller, B.Volek and D.Garrard. Team "Not Dead Yet" has only $3 bidding bucks left so he bids $1 for all of the above QBs, needing to get just one.
Team "Black Sabbath" decides to bid $4 on all of the above QBs as well, ending up with 4 of them (the 5th was picked up by another team) and thus blocking "Not Dead Yet" from picking up insurance at QB. Team "Black Sabbath" is now carrying SIX QBs on its roster.

Now you may guess by the tone of this post that the team left without a QB is me. So my opinion is obviously bias about this development. And legality is not in question as no rules were broken and collusion is not suspected.

My question to all of you is - what is you opionion of the above situation? Do you approve or not and/or what would you have done?

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 3:38 pm
by dgamblnman
Hey Nag, I hate to admit it, but it's a good move. Unless he dropped good serviceable players, I don't have a problem with it. It shows he is still trying to win and not throwing in the towel. Sorry.

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:58 pm
by JerseyPaul
Excellent move. "Not Dead Yet" should have prepared for the bye week at least a week ago. I picked up Garrard a week early to cover for Plummer this week (in the Gekko Satellite).

Using your FAAB and planning for end of season moves is all part of the game. Think "Survivor" strategy.. Outwit, Outplay, OutLast.

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:09 pm
by mikeybok
Originally posted by Vega$ Gambler$:
it's a good move. Unless he dropped good serviceable players I agree

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:03 pm
by Gordon Gekko
Nag - I've done a similar block...a couple times. It's a good move. Who did he drop?

[ November 13, 2004, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: Gordon Gekko ]

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:55 am
by Route Collectors
Vegas and Gekko (imagine that) both said what I first thought. Who did they drop? Their team must be pretty shallow if thet have 4 roster spots available this late in the season.

It would be funny though, if you won anyway. :D

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:57 am
by BillyWaz
Good strategy, and I also would have done it in a heartbeat!

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:38 am
by Walla Walla
No class! I don't buy its a good move. Drafting 4 so so QB's so another team can't draft one is stupid. If he had four nobodys to drop for 4 bottom QB's than it looks like he wasn't really trying until this week. Which makes you wonder about the true reason. I call B.S. one this one. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:46 am
by richieprimo
Originally posted by Walla Walla:
No class! I don't buy its a good move. Drafting 4 so so QB's so another team can't draft one is stupid. If he had four nobodys to drop for 4 bottom QB's than it looks like he wasn't really trying until this week. Which makes you wonder about the true reason. I call B.S. one this one. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Gotta agree with Walla. My team sucks, but I still don't have 4 worthless players to drop in a "blocking" move. Sounds like the "blocker" has way too much time on his hands. :rolleyes:

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 4:31 am
by khandy29
you should have never spent all of your budget so early. Sounds like you must have been involved in the Lamar Gordon sweepstakes...