Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Greg Ambrosius
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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:19 am

In the past few months, there has been a lot of discussion about implementing a new way of determining each owners' draft spot at the beginning of the season and I've listened to all of the ideas and even taken a poll to see if today's owners would be willing to make a change. That poll showed me that if the Blind Bidding Draft System was one of the options, then no change was preferred by almost half of the members who voted. That was enough evidence to convince me that the time isn't right for BBDS in our main event, although I believe there is a way to do BBDS in some satellite leagues next year.

Although BBDS hasn't been accepted, I am interested in seeing if another system would work better than our random draft selection process. It would be the Kentucky Derby Style, where owners rank their preferred draft spots and then Tom and I randomly select the leagues and the draft orders. No FAAB would be involved and draft orders would still be selected randomly, although there would be some input by each owner.

I am taking a poll of NFFC members to see if they would be in favor of implementing this Kentucky Derby Style draft selection process for the main event in 2006. Here is the basis of the rule change:

Owners would be allowed to rank their draft spot preference after they've signed up and tweak that order continuously until we selected the leagues in August. Once Tom and I picked the leagues and random order, we'd then assign the draft spots according to each owners' preference. So if we picked Joe Smith with the No. 1 pick and Joe's top preference would be the third pick, we'd slot him third. If John Doe was No. 2 and his top preference was fifth, we'd slot him fifth. We'd do this for all 14 owners in each league and announce the order for each league after the changes were made. The No. 14 pick wouldn't get any say in choosing his favorite spot, obviously, but he also might not be slotted 14th if someone else wanted to control the ends.

In order to pull this off, we'd have a system in place online where you could rank your 14 preferences and change those rankings right up until our deadline. Tom and I would then take it from there. A system would have to be created like this:

1st Choice: No. 1
2nd Choice: No. 2
3rd Choice: No. 3
4th Choice: No. 6
5th Choice: No. 4
6th Choice: No. 7
7th Choice: No. 5
8th Choice: No. 8
9th Choice: No. 10
10th Choice: No. 14
11th Choice: No. 9
12th Choice: No. 11
13th Choice: No. 12
14th Choice: No. 13

This is the only option I'm thinking about using in 2006 for the main event. If there is a consensus against this, we'll leave the random slot selection order in place. Each team will get one vote in this process.

Just as an FYI, we are going to implement this in the NFBC in 2006 and STATS will create a Draft Preference section on the NFBC game site for owners to select their preferred draft spots. Baseball will be our first test of the system, but I'm confident it will work very smoothly. But we'll only use it in football if the interest is warranted. Thanks for your input everyone.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by BillyWaz » Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:28 am

Sorry to hear that BBDS won't be adopted, as I know Gekko put alot into it.

That being said, I have recorded my vote for this poll.

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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by renman » Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:26 am

Though I am receptive to both.. and have actively defended the Kentucky method vs. those who mocked it. My vote is cast.

Captain Hook
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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by Captain Hook » Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:59 am

While I would prefer that you and Tom just draw the people for the leagues and we then do the "Kentucky Derby" method LIVE at the draft, I did vote for the KD version you suggest as opposed to the random draw.

BillyWaz - if you and GG like the bidding option, come to Vegas for the High Stakes alternative (with bidding on draft positions) that I am suggesting to Greg.

CC's Desperados
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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by CC's Desperados » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:31 am

If I don't vote, am I taking a stand that the only switch that offers anything is BBDS. I think 90 percent of owner will list the order the same as now(1 to 14). I like it as a change in baseball, but it doesn't do anything for me in football.

Captain Hook
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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by Captain Hook » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:34 am

Shawn - I don't understand why you like it for baseball and NOT football.

CC's Desperados
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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by CC's Desperados » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:42 am

There are 60 players to chose from and many different paths to take in baseball. Pitching, hitting, stolen bases, save, etc....After 4 rounds, everyone's team looks good, no matter where you pick. In football, there are only a handful of impact players each year.

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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by Bezoar » Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:32 am

Originally posted by CC's Desperados:
If I don't vote, am I taking a stand that the only switch that offers anything is BBDS. I think 90 percent of owner will list the order the same as now(1 to 14). I like it as a change in baseball, but it doesn't do anything for me in football. I have been in several "owner picks draft spot" drafts and I have never seen the draft order exactly mimick the random order of selection. :Anecdote:

GOD Loves You
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Would You Consider Kentucky Derby Style In 2006?

Post by GOD Loves You » Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:54 am

Originally posted by CC's Desperados:
If I don't vote, am I taking a stand that the only switch that offers anything is BBDS. I think 90 percent of owner will list the order the same as now(1 to 14). I like it as a change in baseball, but it doesn't do anything for me in football. Just curious....are you saying 90% would choose the #1 pick as their first choice and #14 pick as their 14th choice?

If so, I guess I would fall into your 10%.....

Example, in this years draft if I didn't have one of the first 3 picks, I would rather have the 13th or 14th pick.

I am sure A LOT of people would agree with me as well...probably more than 10%.

The talk about draft position coinciding with one's results is a tad bit skewed.

While it would be fantastic to have LT, Alexander, or Edge, One player does not make or break a team..

I drafted from the 12th slot this year and am in the top 65 overall.

I have left A TON of points on the bench, and blew $600.00 of my FA funds the first week, (yes this is my first year playing), yet am doing half way decent.

It would be fantastic to have some say as to where one drafts from, and as others have stated before, you might be the 12th person selected and end up with your 2nd choice....You never know.

Ultimately, though it is the players and your knowledge of the NFL more than where you draft from.

Hopefully the poll results continue to represent us who want a change to allow a say in the draft!

My regards to Gordon and the others who wanted BBDS, at least this is better than random..(I know to some it is not)

Sorry to have rambled, haven't been on the boards for a while and got carried away. (I actually had more to say but shall end here!)

I must add though, I am going to enjoy watching SNAKE fall out of contention these next 2 weeks..

Has anybody else noticed his demeanor changed a little bit as he flew up the standings?

Peace and harmony????

I am sure he shall return to conflict and dissension :D

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