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WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:45 am
by TradeStar28
I am impressed with the amount of loyalty and dedication that is shown here by team owners towards NFFC , and Greg & Tom.

With that being said, I would like to hear some feedback about how todays Free Agency Blunder in WCOFF will impact new sign ups for NFFC in 2007?

The public wants the best product / service around...and now the WCOFF players will have to switch to the NFFC if they want this. I can say the NFFC product is alot better than WCOFF before today, but now the rest of the world can witness their inferior product/ service.

Will new sign ups for NFFC go through the roof ?

Should Greg exploit their crisis into gaining marketshare ? (using fair trade practices ofcourse)

I would also here from Tom K on how he would handle the situation if he was Lenny/Emil...that would be cool.

[ November 03, 2006, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: FISHER ]

WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:06 am
by ultimatefs
Depends on what WCOFF did to correct this.

There are scenarios that could drive masses over.

There are scenarios that could build on established good will.

The latter usually requires 10x more work to fix the problem....

Any updates would be appreciated.

WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:10 am
by sportsbettingman
Greg and Tom are class acts. To exploit another persons hardships would not go hand in hand with their character.

The problem is with the Xpert sports hosting site...something that was voted on by the WCOFF customers. This will be voted on again in the off season.

I'd like to hear how they would handle it when reviewing the contract.

It doesn't say there cannot be more than one FA processing time per week, but does state clearly the blind bidding structure.

Because there was no warning to an early FA processing...I'd guess the best bet would be to re-run the bidding at the proper time...and eat one week of seeing other bidding on left over "scraps" that still remain unclaimed after 8 weeks.


WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:16 am
by TradeStar28
I guess the word "exploit" is a bit harsh. I meant that NFFC can be marketed in the future with facts stating that their league management website has a 100% successful track record with a zero failure rate.

I would guess that this means alot to potential and current customers because as of right now, the results of WCOFF for this year are skewed by xpert sports malfunction.

[ November 03, 2006, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: FISHER ]

WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:23 am
by Eddiejag
What happened with the Evil Empire.Something bad, or what, please explain.

WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:37 am
by ultimatefs
I think there should be a bidding processed established to see to what degree Greg should exploit this. ;)

Comparison marketing is done all the time and works well in this industry, especially when done tastefully.

The consumer has the right to know.

WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:57 am
by TradeStar28
Originally posted by Eddiejag:
What happened with the Evil Empire.Something bad, or what, please explain. This is what I gathered from speaking to my cousin....

In WCOFF, the Free agency closes @ 8pm EST on Friday. WCOFF uses xpertsports as their league management website.

Today (Friday) @ 8am, Xpertsports server malfunctioned and operated as if it was 12 hours ahead. It was operating like it was 8pm. Within minutes, the free agency bids were emailed to all team owners including back up bids. Also, free agency closed @ 8am so no one was allowed to put in their selections today or change them if needed.

I just finished my Free agency for NFFC about 5 minutes if this happened to NFFC, I would be screwed since I need some aquisitions to field the a better squad...

Should get interesting

WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:12 am
by ultimatefs
Originally posted by FISHER:
Within minutes, the free agency bids were emailed to all team owners including back up bids. What an incredibly stupid idea this is.

If I remember correctly, they post all bids right?

It's no wonder now they had to leave as is.

Just proves that Tom/Greg made the right move by only posting the 2nd best bid w/o leaving the team name. :D

WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:36 am
by TradeStar28
I think this is the right time for Greg to go in for the kill during the off-season and pick up favorable market share.

He should revise the Krause budget, and bump the event up to $250,000 grand prize and market the heck out of it.



THis will trump WCOFF and its 200k and also lure the people over like Peter Piper. Shoot for 650 entrys.

WCOFF's Black Friday : How does this impact NFFC 2007 ?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:45 am
by ultimatefs
Originally posted by FISHER:
I think this is the right time for Greg to go in for the kill during the off-season and pick up favorable market share.

He should revise the Krause budget, and bump the event up to $250,000 grand prize and market the heck out of it.



THis will trump WCOFF and its 200k and also lure the people over like Peter Piper. Shoot for 650 entrys. Agree 1000%

There comes a point where you have to make a move.

I remember a time when some new fantasy mag editor talked me into going from 1/4 page ads to full page ads when I couldn't afford the 1/4 page ads. Anyone care to guess who the editor was? :D :D