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Future Superbowls Overseas?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:39 am
by Nutty Scrat
In my opinion bad idea. May be great for marketing but I think they really have to rethink this possible idea!

Goodell says Super Bowl may head overseas

NEW YORK — Commissioner Roger Goodell said Thursday the league is looking into the possibility of playing a Super Bowl outside the United States, although not before 2012 at the earliest.
It was among a range of proposals he announced the league is considering during a meeting with sports editors two days before the league's annual draft.

Goodell said the three most likely international sites for a Super Bowl would be London, Toronto or Mexico City because they are in time zones that would allow the game to be televised in the United States at reasonable hours.

Also, the league also could expand its international appeal by cutting the exhibition season to three games and adding a 17th game, to be played outside the United States.

The NFL already has played one regular-season game in Mexico City and the New York Giants and Miami Dolphins will meet in London next Oct. 28 as part of a planned rotating schedule for annual overseas games involving different teams.

A 17th game would have to be approved by the NFL Players Association, but would solve the problem of taking a home game from a team, as the current plan does. The game in London was scheduled as a Dolphins home date.

There is some talk of changing the date of the Pro Bowl, perhaps to the weekend before the Super Bowl to get more fan attention. There are three years left on the league's contract to play the game in Hawaii, but the league is allowed to move it in one of those years.

[ April 27, 2007, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Nutty Scrat ]

Future Superbowls Overseas?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:04 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
I think that the NFL Super Bowl should NOT leave the US. That would be a travesty.

There are too many cities in our wonderful country that deserve to host this event before it goes overseas.

I would rather they consider Buffalo than London and I have been to a game there. (Disclaimer: No offense meant to the fine city of Buffalo)

I am also of the opinion that it would be cool to see the Super Bowl played in one of the colder, less weather friendly cities one of these years.

To go one step further, I think the Super Bowl should rotate or cycle through all of the NFL teams. These cities support their teams and deserve to share in the economic boon that this game brings. Too bad if it is going to be 6 degrees at game time with snow and sleet. Some of my fondest memories are of games in the elements. That is football as I remember it. The frozen tundra is where the men come to play.

So what if folks pay $5000 for a ticket and want to sit in ideal conditions, this year it didn't pan out as most of them got drenched in Miami anyway. TS I say. If you want to go to the Super Bowl you better be ready to tough it like the players.

In this day and age, a return to the glory years and a little toughness would be good for the game and fans alike.

The Pro Bowl is another topic. How many folks can really afford to go to Hawaii to see this game. I can't and I won 100K. If it was stateside it might draw a larger crowd and be better for the game in the long run. Right now it is a joke.

I could see the Pro Bowl going overseas and maybe that would spur interest in that market but again you are pricing most of us out of the running for tickets but then again, do they give two schlitz about the average fan?

Future Superbowls Overseas?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:01 pm
by nostradamross
i agree ted. the money generated by the event should stay in the u.s.

Future Superbowls Overseas?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:10 pm
by sportsbettingman
Good stuff, Rob.

I'm torn on the "bad weather" Superbowl...I like the angle...but it could backfire.

Say two warm weather teams make it, and it turns out to be a poor showing by both teams.

I'd rather the best game plan, best talent, best in game coaching won the Superbowl...not the team who happens to be used to the snow.

Plus there's the fans to consider.

BUT...a side of me also likes the tough crowd/fanbase, and all that could go wrong with those frozen footballs, fingers and toes!
