NBC Sports FFC Signup List For 2008
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:06 am
Okay, I'll officially update this signup list with the appropriate cities soon, but after our announcement we quickly got several e-mail signups for the main event. Marc Quitsch officially becomes our first main event signup for the debut NBC Sports Fantasy Football Championship as he's entering the 12-team format this year.
Most of our other signups are folks doing the NBC Sports FFC plus the NFFC's main event. Here's the official list to get us started:
1. Marc Quitsch
2. Rick Thomas (nothing wrong with being No. 2!!)
3. Russ Steele (I wasn't sure if you wanted the main or DC & auction)
4. Don Medlam
5. Shawn Childs
6. Jeff Tirabassi
7. Michael Edelman
8. Matthew Bauler
9. Todd Ullman
10. Don Thompson
11. Perry Van Hook
12. Dave Cushard
13. Kevin Dukesherer
14. John Reuss
15. Tom Yates
16. Ormond Rose
17. Frank Ferreira
18. Wayne Ellis
19. Lewis Lipsey
20. Kyle Pope/Derek Anderson
21. Andy Langwald
22. John Mikuluk
23. Billy Wasosky
24. John Kistler
25. James Mack
26. Jodicus Prosser
27. Darryl Hope
28. Glenn Schroter
29. Jules McLean
30. George Kleemann
31. Chris Schinker
32. Rob Benetti
33. Eugene Min
34. Jason & Reyes Lopez
35. Kevin Schiller
36. Ken Magner
37. Paul Clein
38. Darren Eliason
39. Paul Spradling
40. Matt Bayley
41. Bill Ezzell
42. Sean Brown, Palatine, Illinois
43. Michael Miller
44. Jeff Dawson
45. Jay O'Neill
46. Greg Shepard
Las Vegas $650 Draft Champions League
1. Kyle Pope/Derek Anderson
Las Vegas $1,300 Draft Champions League
1. Kyle Pope/Derek Anderson
2. Bill Ezzell
Las Vegas $650 Auction League
1. Rob Benetti
2. Johnny Frisella
Las Vegas $1,300 Auction League
1. Bill Ezzell
New York $650 Auction League
1. Michael Edelman
2. Danny Mitlof
3. Michael Rinaldi, Glenmont, New York
4. Marc Quitsch
Chicago $650 Auction League
1. Don Thompson
Chicago $650 Draft Champions League
1. George Kleemann
2. Ted Kasten
3. Don Thompson
4. Tony Guido, Berwyn, Illinois
Sunday, Aug. 31st
$2,500 NBC Sports Super League
1 p.m. EST/10 a.m. PST
1. Paul Clein
If you want a spot in any of the NBC Sports events, just e-mail me at [email protected] or post here in this thread. It will be a few weeks before we get the Registration page on the new web site active, so just contact me personally. You obviously don't need to pay us until Aug. 1st for any of this anyway. Thanks all for the early support and let's have fun that weekend!!!
[ June 02, 2008, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]
Most of our other signups are folks doing the NBC Sports FFC plus the NFFC's main event. Here's the official list to get us started:
1. Marc Quitsch
2. Rick Thomas (nothing wrong with being No. 2!!)
3. Russ Steele (I wasn't sure if you wanted the main or DC & auction)
4. Don Medlam
5. Shawn Childs
6. Jeff Tirabassi
7. Michael Edelman
8. Matthew Bauler
9. Todd Ullman
10. Don Thompson
11. Perry Van Hook
12. Dave Cushard
13. Kevin Dukesherer
14. John Reuss
15. Tom Yates
16. Ormond Rose
17. Frank Ferreira
18. Wayne Ellis
19. Lewis Lipsey
20. Kyle Pope/Derek Anderson
21. Andy Langwald
22. John Mikuluk
23. Billy Wasosky
24. John Kistler
25. James Mack
26. Jodicus Prosser
27. Darryl Hope
28. Glenn Schroter
29. Jules McLean
30. George Kleemann
31. Chris Schinker
32. Rob Benetti
33. Eugene Min
34. Jason & Reyes Lopez
35. Kevin Schiller
36. Ken Magner
37. Paul Clein
38. Darren Eliason
39. Paul Spradling
40. Matt Bayley
41. Bill Ezzell
42. Sean Brown, Palatine, Illinois
43. Michael Miller
44. Jeff Dawson
45. Jay O'Neill
46. Greg Shepard
Las Vegas $650 Draft Champions League
1. Kyle Pope/Derek Anderson
Las Vegas $1,300 Draft Champions League
1. Kyle Pope/Derek Anderson
2. Bill Ezzell
Las Vegas $650 Auction League
1. Rob Benetti
2. Johnny Frisella
Las Vegas $1,300 Auction League
1. Bill Ezzell
New York $650 Auction League
1. Michael Edelman
2. Danny Mitlof
3. Michael Rinaldi, Glenmont, New York
4. Marc Quitsch
Chicago $650 Auction League
1. Don Thompson
Chicago $650 Draft Champions League
1. George Kleemann
2. Ted Kasten
3. Don Thompson
4. Tony Guido, Berwyn, Illinois
Sunday, Aug. 31st
$2,500 NBC Sports Super League
1 p.m. EST/10 a.m. PST
1. Paul Clein
If you want a spot in any of the NBC Sports events, just e-mail me at [email protected] or post here in this thread. It will be a few weeks before we get the Registration page on the new web site active, so just contact me personally. You obviously don't need to pay us until Aug. 1st for any of this anyway. Thanks all for the early support and let's have fun that weekend!!!
[ June 02, 2008, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]