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Marvin Lewis

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:26 am
by Diesel
I thought Marvin Lewis made one of the best coaching decisions of his career when he held a press conference regarding the Bengals' refusal to trade Ocho Cinco.

Lewis told the world that Chad Johnson has stated that he'd rather sit or be traded this season, and if he doesn't get what he wants, he WILL sit out. With that, Lewis has said that he knows Chad Johnson to be a man of his word, and since the Bengals will NOT trade him, he respects the fact that Johnson will keep his word and not play the 2008 season.

I know Ocho Cinco is throwing a fit in his mansion right now. He's not going to be traded. He's not getting a raise. He's not expected to play. All work and no play is making Chad a dull boy.

Does he "man up" and understand the he signed a contract and should fulfill his end? Or will he pout and lose a year's salary, along with losing his youth. He's not getting any younger.

Good play Marvin.

Marvin Lewis

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:44 am
by BillyWaz
The problem with all of this is that we have heard this "time and time again", and eventually the owners always "give in".

It won't shock me at all if within a month or two, Chad gets a good portion of what he wants, and everyone (especially Chad) is happy.

Marvin Lewis

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:20 pm
by Diesel
A few times, a star player has sat on the bench. Let's hope that's what happens here if Chad doesn't play nice with the rest of the class. It's amazing that when a receiver is just on the cusp of the decline in his career, he looks for the most. I think it was Tim Brown that said "a contract is a contract", and if you sign it, you play it out".

You know what, I'm going into work tomorrow and tell my boss that I've put in more electrical devices than anyone else in my company over the last year. With that, I expect a company car, I'd like to be a major share-holder, and be given a corner office with an expense account that I can charge NFFC events on. I'll keep you informed on how that works for me. ;) Thanks Chad.

[ April 22, 2008, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: Diesel ]

Marvin Lewis

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:49 pm
by nostradamross
maybe chad should punch marvin again.

Marvin Lewis

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:13 pm
by Diesel
Celebrity Death Match...Johnson Vs. Lewis.