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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:40 am
by Raiders
This was posted on another site:

'Gotta say there is some concern with Fantasy Jungle this prize checks have been delivered as of yet. People are getting nervous. Prize winners were told that their winnings would be delivered after the completion of the Super is now almost a full month later and no answers. Oh boy. '

Billy anyone else, what's the update? Please say you got paid.


Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:41 am
by BillyWaz
NO money received here yet, and I even e-mailed a week ago with no response. :mad:

That is VERY uncharacteristic of them, as their customer service WAS not far behind the NFFC IMO.

In this current economic quagmire, I have NO CLUE why high stakes contests hold on to people's money! :confused: Send a mass e-mail and people MIGHT understand. Just "letting it go" is not good business. People don't forget this kind of stuff and it can only hurt a contest in the end.

Thank goodness for the NFFC and their QUICK payouts! :D

[ February 28, 2009, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:41 am
by Raiders
Sorry to hear that Billy. Please post if and when they do pay. I don't get these Leagues. Winning the League is only one part(Your part), the paying part is there part. I think these contest think that they don't have to pay if they don't want to.


Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:08 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
This was posted yesterday on that MB.

Kevin Dulin
Undrafted Free Agent
Posted Sat February 28 2009 06:32 PM Hide Post
I am the main event winner of the football Jungle contest and am also still waiting for my prize check. (as many of you are). I have emailed multiple times and never given any indication when the prizes are coming out, only "soon". I had heard that Fantasy Jungle paid prizes "promptly", but we are entering March now and being that our contest ended before Christmas, we are well beyond "prompt" or "soon".

I know that Scott and Mike strive to be the best high stakes contest out there and paying prizes lightning fast would go along ways towards doing that. Instead, we are all left wondering if Fantasy Jungle will just disappear.

I feel like I have been very patient, but am quickly running out of that. I plan on contacting my laywer by the end of the week and at least finding out what options i will have. I also won 3 different satellite leagues, so really want this to work.

I will be happy to answer emails from other players regarding this situation if need be. In this day and age, no one can hide very easy. The internet provides us lots of tools if needed.

Mike and Scott, if you read this, please get this done today, there is no reason to delay any further. It has been 66 days since my team played their final game.

I believe that we will get our prizes, but each day that passes by, I find myself thinking more about laywers and federal prosecuters and less about enjoying the $50,000 first prize.

Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] (either players or FJ officials)

Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:14 am
I would be beyond shocked with these two if something like this went down. Mike and Scott have been at it a while, paid and grown. All that you could ask for from a High Stakes contest.

I will call Scott again and ask him, because this is just too surprising to read.


Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:18 am
by Raiders
Thanks Rob.

This kind of thing is killing Fantasy Football.

It's now at least 4 different Contest that have not paid out and kept the money and closed shop.
Will it be 5? I hope NOT.


[ March 01, 2009, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Raiders ]

Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:49 pm
by King of Queens
I tried to check out the Fantasy Jungle message boards, but the link has been deactivated.

Billy and Lou, please keep us updated if you hear anything.

Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:38 am
by Raiders
Originally posted by King of Queens:
I tried to check out the Fantasy Jungle message boards, but the link has been deactivated.

Billy and Lou, please keep us updated if you hear anything. Thanks Glenn. Unreal, just like AFFL last year.


Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:25 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by King of Queens:
I tried to check out the Fantasy Jungle message boards, but the link has been deactivated.

Billy and Lou, please keep us updated if you hear anything. That is true as it has been deacivated.

Although I fully intend to get paid, this has a dubious similarity to AFFL's "problems" in 2007. :mad: (remember when Neil disabled his boards???)

After years of great customer service, I just can't believe Mike and Scott have ALL of their customers "hanging out there" (including the grand prize winner! :eek: ) as to when they will get paid.

Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:38 am
by Diesel
I don't know Mike and Scott personally, but I did have conversations with Mike this past season. He asked me if I wanted to write their news articles on their homepage for them. He was going to pay me with fantasy jungle leagues. A very generous amount of leagues. In his email, he explained how he wanted to expand his website and grow clientelle. I've heard good things about them from the past 2-3 years, so I had no reason to not believe in them.

I turned them down to write, because I was already signed up for around 12 fantasy football leagues and I thought it would be too much work to do my 12+ leagues, AND write for them, AND run the leagues they were offering me to write for them too. Even though I didn't accept their invitation to write for them, I did play in 3 of their low level contests, since they were only $50 each.

I don't know how this could happen to any legit fantasy contest. If the site's Main Event doesn't fill it's expected amount of entries, they have the right to cancel the contest and return all money, OR alter the prize payouts and give people the option to stay or go. There should NOT be a 3rd option of "let's just let this year play out and run it's course...It's over"...AND THEN NOT PAY.

I truly hope these guys do their best to pay everyone, and SOON. "Option #3" as I'm now calling it, is tearing people's trust apart. It's taken SO MUCH and SO LONG for the NFFC and WCOFF to gain people's trust for these other contests to tear that trust apart.

To anyone who is new to these boards, and/or considering playing high stakes fantasy, please know that in 5 years of the NFFC, I've never had a problem receiving prize money. AND in year 1 of this contest, Greg and Tom decided to change the grand prize from $200,000 to $100,000, because they didn't get the amount of signups they had expected to get. THIS was an honest man's business move. So if you're reading this thread, with reluctance to step into the high stakes realm in 2009, please know that we are speaking freely here about OTHER contests, and the NFFC has been nothing less than 100% dependable with their prize payouts.

[ March 02, 2009, 11:40 AM: Message edited by: Diesel Inc. ]