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FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:56 am
by BillyWaz
As someone who is owed $$$/"free" teams from the Fantasy Jungle this past season, I was wondering if anyone else has heard anything?

I e-mailed Mike Williams (co-owner) a few times months ago, and his response in a nutshell was "we don't need to tell anyone specifics of why we can't pay."

So what are we to assume here? In this day of people scamming people out of money at every chance they get, why isn't it logical to think Fantasy Jungle did the same?

Of course the worst thing is the fact that they have added yet ANOTHER "black eye" to the fantasy football industry. While Neil Wickham of AFFL was forthright, and the new owners even offered credit to play at AFFL (kudos to them, as they seem to be doing a good job of turning that contest around), the owners of Fantasy Jungle have decided to disclose NOTHING, and simply have ZERO accountability as to where hundreds of thousands of dollars "disappeared". :mad:

A friend of mine is owed more money than I am, and he unfortunately won't be playing in as many events as normal, because this is simply "lost wages" for him.

While I wouldn't consider myself extremely religious or spiritual, I DO believe that people who "do wrong" eventually get what is coming to them. If the Fantasy Jungle did in fact "scam" hundreds of thousands of dollars from MANY loyal customers (and without ANY explanation, how are we to assume otherwise? :confused: ) I am sure they will get what is coming to them also.

What is refreshing is that in the NFFC we have TIMELY payouts and GREAT customer service. ZERO concerns here!

Less than 2 weeks!!! :D

FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:14 am
by pizzatyme
Agreed Billy. They owe me too. They asked me to provide a bunch of content for their site last year. I was paid by entries into leagues they weren't going to pay off anyway. Besdies that I won a league and am out that money as well.

Enjoy the money fellas!

FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:46 am
by kjduke
lawsuit filed

FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:52 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by KJ Duke:
lawsuit filed Good for him, KJ!

I think the guy who won $50,000 also filed a lawsuit, but not sure.

Funny thing is I have an e-mail from Mike in mid-January replying to me asking when the money would be sent out. He told me that they were sending the money out after the Super Bowl. :mad:

[ August 23, 2009, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:03 am
by Diesel
In all seriousness...If someone owed me serious money and pulled this, all of my rationalization of what's right or wrong would be distorted. So if I found out where this person lived, I would most definitely have to take a trip to his HOME and find out first hand why he stiffed me. If he took one step outside his door, I would find a way to take my money's worth out of bone marrow.

FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:20 am
by da bears
Originally posted by KJ Duke:
lawsuit filed Good to hear Kevin. I hope these thugs are forced to pay all the money they owe to all the winners.

FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:26 am
I see in the lawsuit it states "Mike & Scott Williams", but I'm pretty sure Scott had a different last name. I hope it doen't matter in the suit. The winner of the $50,000 did state on the MB that he was going to file suit, but immediately after it was posted the MB was shut down. The guy actually had his name & address on there in case any other players wern't paid and needed him. All info on board was immediately ersaed and now there is no MB even though website still exist. I have spoken & emailed with both these guys many times and really thought they had their ducks in order and were legit owners, but what a DISASTER this has turned out to be. The game was exciting, both baseball & football and I have been paid by them for some winnings in the past but whatever happened to them & that company in the last year is beyond me to figure out. I only hope that all the players owed money from them will get justice and if KJ or anyone else has any follow up news on the lawsuit or else please keep us updated. I would like to see these players who invested their hard earned money in to FJ get paid. If I remember correctly I think Mike & Scott were former players here.

FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:30 am
Diesel: now I know why you're the "DIESEL"!!!

If I ever need backup, You're my #1 draft choice!!!!

FANTASYJUNGLE....laughing off into the sunset???

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:35 am
by kjduke
Mike Williams and Scott Gunaca.