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Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:39 pm
by Gordon Gekko
I've always voted republican (for tax reasons) until now. Kerry gets my vote. Here's one of the deciding factors...

Sept 11th...
When the second plane hit the tower, his chief of staff entered the classroom and told Mr. Bush the nation is under attack.

[Bush picks up a children's book]

Not knowing what to do, with no one telling him what to do, and with no secret service rushing in to take him to safety, Mr. Bush just sat there, and continued to read "My Pet Goat" with the children.

[the time is measured on a clock in the corner of the screen]

Nearly seven minutes passed with nobody doing anything.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:52 pm
by Dyv
Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
I've always voted republican (for tax reasons) until now. Kerry gets my vote. Here's one of the deciding factors...

Sept 11th...
When the second plane hit the tower, his chief of staff entered the classroom and told Mr. Bush the nation is under attack.

[Bush picks up a children's book]

Not knowing what to do, with no one telling him what to do, and with no secret service rushing in to take him to safety, Mr. Bush just sat there, and continued to read "My Pet Goat" with the children.

[the time is measured on a clock in the corner of the screen]

Nearly seven minutes passed with nobody doing anything.

Anyone have any thoughts? I think Kerry is a stooge. Doubtless he would have quickly polled the children to help determine his course of action.


Election Time

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:28 pm
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by Dyv:
I think Kerry is a stooge. That's kinda the same way I feel about Bush.

Originally posted by Dyv:
Doubtless he would have quickly polled the children to help determine his course of action.
We know EXACTLY what Bush did....Nothing

Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:36 am
by Dyv
Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Dyv:
I think Kerry is a stooge. That's kinda the same way I feel about Bush.

Originally posted by Dyv:
Doubtless he would have quickly polled the children to help determine his course of action.
We know EXACTLY what Bush did....Nothing
[/QUOTE]What if his Chief of Staff told him that the country was under attack and that he would have more intel in 7 minutes, so keep reading while they gather reports?

I'm not terribly satisfied with Bush, but I don't see your example proving why I should vote for Kerry. If it's enough for you - then I hope you get busy on election day and forget to vote ;)


Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:32 am
by TamuScarecrow
Come on, Gordon. You're smarter than that I hope. No one knew what was happening on 9/11. You can't sit there and say you knew we were under attack by terrorists at that very moment and the president's chief of staff didn't know it either. There was no need at that time for him to get up and rush out of that classroom. And come to think of it, I don't remember seeing any Democrats rushing to NY to help either and the Clintons were just down the block. Don't judge Bush by what he did on 9/11 because all of us who weren't in NY or DC sat there pretty much stunned by what we were seeing and hearing, just like the President. Instead, judge him by what he did afterwards which was clean house in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Don't buy in to everything the media tells you. This is the problem I have with the majority of people north of the Mason-Dixon line and why I have never voted for anyone from north of the Mason-Dixon line. They are puppets of the liberal media who in my opinion are nothing more than power hungry wimps who hide behind the cameras and try to be newsmakers instead of news reporters. They do whatever Tom Brokaw tells them to do and believe whatever Tom Brokaw wants them to believe. That and the fact the majority of people in NY put a carpetbagging, murdering **** who can't go back to her own home state without being arrested in the U.S. Senate. And Vermont and Massachusetts, whose liberal politicians preach separation of church and state, decide to subvent the Constitution and allow same sex marriages. Why states should be allowed to consummate and desolve religious sacraments is beyond me. I'd love to have the money to take on the ACLU on this issue.

I still believe the northeast has the best institutions of higher learning in the world but I'm beginning to wonder if the graduates come out knowing how to use that education. Their arrogance in having that education is only surpassed by their ignorance of how to use it. We here in the south call it a lack of common sense. Kerry is both arrogant and ignorant and I'd write myself or one of you in before I'd vote for him.

Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:54 am
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
There was no need at that time for him to get up and rush out of that classroom. That's one of the funniest and saddest things I've ever heard. Actually if that's how you really feel, I feel sorry for you.

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
Don't judge Bush by what he did on 9/11 Again, I feel sorry for you. Hopefully the Bush people will use this as their slogan for re-election.

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
Instead, judge him by what he did afterwards which was clean house in Afghanistan and Iraq. Okay, he spent 150 billion dollars and here's what's been accomplished:
1) hasn't found Bin Laden
2) hasn't found weapons of mass destruction (why we went to war)
3) domestic security is still a joke
4) Patriot Act erodes our civil liberties

Get the pic yet? I'm not saying I like Kerry, but I'm saying he can't be any worse than Bush.

Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:20 am
by BalticSQ
Hmmm,Gordon you Sound like an exact replay of the Howard Stern Show over the Last 3 Months , get an original thought before u Decide to Vote

Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:26 am
by khandy29
Fact is its voting for the lesser of two evils and Bush is about oil and money and continuing to pad his friends & families pockets so wake up and smell the coffee. If you tend to have alot of money and dont care about all of Bush ploys and lies then you will vote for him. But have you even noticed how gas prices are still ridiculous even though we have taken control of oil? I wonder why...Somebody is pocketing all that money...

Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:46 am
by TamuScarecrow
Gordon, you being a New Yorker and being as close to the action as you were, I'm going to cut you some slack in that your emotions could still be clouding your judgement. But let me throw out some food for thought. Bin Laden is on his home turf in that region of the world with a whole lot of supporters and we're saddled with a military force and an intelligence agency that were gutted during the Clinton administration by Sen. Kerry and his cronies. To think he was just going to stand in the middle of Kabul and ask to see the president was not and is not going to happen.

As for WMD's, we saw them in the Gulf War and to think they are not sitting in Syria or Russia right now is either ignorant or naive. Had Bush gone into Iraq without giving them 7 months warning in trying to appease the Democrats and getting UN support, which we later found out was never going to happen because the major players were all in bed with Saddam, gave Saddam ample time to get them out. Remnants have been found but the press isn't going to report that.

As for the last two points, I agree with you but 9/11 changed a lot of things and if there are terrorist cells in this country, the majority of people will want the government to do what they have to do to get them. After all, that's what I'm supposed to be paying taxes for according to the Constitution, defense of country. To me, taxes, social security, medicare and medicaid, just the government collecting and spending our money for their political pandering and their pension funds they don't put one dime into.

Question, Gordon. After the planes hit the Twin Towers, what should Bush have done differently on 9/11 and I read what your heart thinks. Don't think for one minute I wasn't feeling the same hurt and rage you were once I found out who was responsible. But it took more than 7 minutes to find that out. Now tell me what your brain thinks.

And for what it's worth Reign, I agree with you except I'm voting for the guy going after the bad guys, not the guy who wants to hop in bed with them. All politicians are pocketing your money. Some are just better at hiding it than others. Some call it a tax increase to offset a deficit that they created by padding their own pockets with a pension they didn't contribute to (Do you know, Reign, there are politicians who have been out of office for 10 years who have been receiving over $1million a year pensions?). And some get their money from big business. What gets me is the Democrats are getting their money from China and selling out to them seems to be ok with some folks.

Election Time

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:14 am
by khandy29
And in response to you Scarecrow, do you remember Bush saying that we would get Bin Laden with whatever means it took and immediately? Why was it so easy to get Saddam but not Bin Laden? It seems to me like he is probably holding out on trying to catch the #1 person behind all of this b/c of his "agendas" which you may or may not believe he has. You are gonna believe what u want so I'm not gonna try to convince you otherwise but if I am President of the USA and BOTH Twin Towers just got hit by passenger airlines, no I would not still sit and read with the class. I would excuse myself from the kids and, I am gonna take a wild guess at this, but maybe contact the Mayor of that city to get a first hand update on whats going on...