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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:19 pm
by khandy29
Baltic it's 2004, not 1964 so your ignorance is really sad which is also why it isn't a dead issue. Tom tried to keep you from putting your foot in your mouth and everyone else that was in this convo tried to stop you at the pass but you chose to try to justify your racist comment. You obviously still harbor ill feelings and have flashbacks from the OJ case but the way you think is out of place and offensive to a whole race. If black people thought the way you did, I guess they should be scared of every "white" cop that passes them on the street for fear of being beat up, huh? You really must be from a small town in the midwest to have the cojones to try and justify the way you think.

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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:37 pm
by BalticSQ
A) Please answer my question and tell me , How i sterotyped a Whole race like u stated? and ,PS : im from the same city u are , .......And the fact that u think im from the Midwest ,is Kinda like a Sterotype like u like to state know ?????u just put your foot in your mouth moron

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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:44 pm
by BalticSQ
Black,if you have any friends at all,,,,,,Please dont sterotype them and say that from the Mid West ,meaning they must be white and racist ...pot calling the kettle black if u ask me ...

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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 5:47 pm
by khandy29
No, what I was saying Jim Crow was that you obviously must live on a farm in the midwest and are not exposed to people of other races being how ignorant your comments are. If you have a job go there tomorrow and say exactly what you said on this message board to a black person and see their reaction. In fact if your boss is black say it to him so that way come Monday you can focus ALL your energy towards this draft.

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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:34 am
by BalticSQ
A) are u ever going to tell me, How i sterotype a whole race?

B) Again i simply stated if your Rich,Black and famous u could beat just about any Rap.....Id say that to anybuddy know matter what there race is unlike u i am not scared to speak my mind even if there is a race issue that i think helps out in the BIG 3.......

C)I have my opinion if u disagree thats fine , but u are judging me because i dont think like u..

D)and PS> we all know what i stated is true dont be afraid to admit it

E) Im taking a wager as we speak that Lewis will be cleared and it will some how be the Feds Setting him up or making a false case ill start at 4-1 odds

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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:46 am
by Diesel
Baldik, in this country under the 1st amendment, you have the right to speak your opinion as much as anyone else has the right to say there's a time and place for everything. If people knew you, and knew that you were a fair thinking person, you would say something like you did, and get no response at all, or maybe some light banter back at you. No one knows you, and they have no idea where your thoughts are coming from. An educated opinion is best heard when you aren't yelling it at people.

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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:51 am
by BalticSQ
Is this Mike tyson himself????? the man who would of been the best boxer in the world ??? The guy is and was a Bum has nothing to do with his Leagal troubles

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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:08 am
by BalticSQ
OFF,The Topic i see u are from Staten Island ,,and being we are talking Boxing . i used to train down at Cromwell Center...Teddy atlas used to come in and help out down there about 2x a week

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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:52 am
by khandy29
Since you are obviously punch drunk from your 2 sparring sessions I will make it short and sweet for you. You stereotyped a race because you said Jamal would get off b/c he was balck, rich and famous. Why cant someone be white, asian or indian and be rich and famous and get off? You singled out the black race you nut case. Rich and famous people can tend to get off on certain things that others would be convicted of b/c they have the resouces(ie money) to afford the best lawyers etc. I bet you think black people are the highest percentage of people on welfare too, right? Learn to educate yourself on certain things before you try to speak on them, and no we dont come from the same place as that is very obvious as you are out there on the "island" where there is a 5% minority population(which I am sure you are not a part of) and they tolerate your kind of mentality.

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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:58 am
by Dyv
Originally posted by Black Reign:
Baltic it's 2004, not 1964 so your ignorance is really sad which is also why it isn't a dead issue. Tom tried to keep you from putting your foot in your mouth and everyone else that was in this convo tried to stop you at the pass but you chose to try to justify your racist comment. You obviously still harbor ill feelings and have flashbacks from the OJ case but the way you think is out of place and offensive to a whole race. If black people thought the way you did, I guess they should be scared of every "white" cop that passes them on the street for fear of being beat up, huh? You really must be from a small town in the midwest to have the cojones to try and justify the way you think. Just to be clear - being ignorant or sheltered has nothing to do with the Midwest, Small Towns, Farms or anything of the like.

In fact, I think you'd find far more racist historical roots in the Southern parts of the U.S., but I digress...

I live in a small town in the Midwest. Nobody here is perfect, but we don't own ignorance and stupidity in this part of the World either.

There are lots of stupid, ignorant and racist people in big cities - don't be insensitive.
