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Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:02 am
by ericttspikes
I was in the Chicago 5 last year that had an owner not show for the draft. I can't find any rules that addresses this situation for this year (at least I can't find it).

Last year the decision was made at the draft to have an NFFC rep pick from NFFC draftsheet in the missing owners draft spot. As much as we hope this never happens again, I think there should be a clear rule on this.

One thing I propose is that any owner not there for the draft loses their draft spot. (this guy bailed on the 4 spot!!!) The next owner in line gets to decide if they want to move up, on down the line (moot if it's team 14).

The NFFC rep still picks the team, but I think some rule needs to be adhered to as far as rostering these lame duck teams. I think it was assumed that the owner would just take over week 1 and that never happened. We were told that if the owner completely bailed on the season, that an NFFC rep would only change rosters for injuries and byes. This didn't happen and the lame duck team rostered bye week and injured players some weeks. This obviously had an impact.

Again, I realize this is a rare situation and one we hope doesn't happen, but for this kind of cash I think a rule should be in the books and adhered to that makes if fair to the other owners who show up for the draft and expect a competitive league.

Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:17 am
by mikeybok
A very good point Fockers.

I personally think the owner should be replaced and his spot be given or sold to another individual. It is not good to dilute a league with a non-existant owner. Everyone should contact the Draft Admin if they are going to be late. The no shows (unless they have contacted Rocky or whoever) should be replaced with 10 minutes to go before the draft. I am sure you could find someone to take a team for a hundred bucks or so. There are a lot of teams that would surely split up for a basically free entry ... I know we would ... and it would maintain the integrety of the entire draft.

What does the WCOFF do about this?

Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:50 am
dont think having someone play for less than others is good idea either. think they should have one standby player in each city
that wants in for full amount and play his team hard all year. whatever draft position that falls to him is simply luck.

Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:04 pm
by ericttspikes
What was rough is that the NFFC picked team had Holt and Alexander. It actually was a very strong drafted team that could of really challenged for the title if managed. It simply wasn't competitive because nobody did anything to create valid rosters for most of the season. I got to play the team at full strenght when SA went off for multiple TDs, which sucked.

It was also decided no FA pick-ups could be made for this team, which made sense, but then why let the team pick from the 4 hole sopping up some great talent if it clearly won't be a competitive team?

In retrospect, I think this team should of been put up for sale Week 1. Heck, I might of even popped for it. Somebody would of gladly taken a team anchored by SA and Holt. This situation seemed like it was kind of made up as we went, something I hope to avoid this year.

Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:14 pm
what is done , is done. no sense rehashing it. the standby person should solve this.

Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:32 pm
by moyer1313
Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
what is done , is done. no sense rehashing it. the standby person should solve this. Unless, of course, there are two no-shows.

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Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:36 pm
it is rare enough someone throws 1300 bucks out the window. two in one city wont happen.

Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:10 pm
by ericttspikes
If the standby thing doesn't happen, I think trying to sell the team on these boards is the way to go.

Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:43 pm
by DavidPope
with airport travel these days, any number of no shows is possible.....NFFC should set a rule....

Draft rules for no-show teams?

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 1:06 am
by D-Day Heroes
Someone can get hit by a Bus , in the middle of the season, or come play-off time, what do you do then..?