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Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:38 am
by wayne123
I was under the impression that we would get to witness the draft order selection at the draft. Seems like the "good ol'e boys" got all the best picks. Like last years winner! The advantage is definately toward the low numbers and I am very skeptical because this process was NOT transparent. I am used to being cheated by fantasy football commissioners. No problem. I can overcome a reasonable amount of it. But, I can now only assume that the IR pick-ups will also be "hidden" from view. The league is designed so that very little opportunity to cheat exists (that's good), but, right now I sense that what small opportunities are there are being exploited. Has anyone in contention suddenly not had their picks updated or lost a seemingly obvious IR bid? I want to know what I am up against.

Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:04 pm
by D-Day Heroes
_____ Blue Foot _____ is your Brain the size of a Blue Berry...? If these guys wanted to cheat you out of your $$$.... you would never even know what hit you. I can't take people like you that make ACCUSATIONS without HARD your case , not even soft evidence. They are organizing a draft and implementing a draft that consist of OVER 300 people, and you want them yo hand out a deck of cards to everyone..? There comes a time in certain endeavors in life when you have to either trust the people your involved with or not. Seems to me these GUYS are very Trustworthy or this league would not be Thriving every year. Don't make accusations you can't PROVE....!!! " Only those means of security are good, are certain, are lasting, that depend on yourself and your vigor " Nikki Machiavelli

Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:29 pm
by Gordon Gekko
bluefoot - everything is on the up and up. you musta gotten a crummy draft slot? as for moves disappearing...never happens.

as for last years champ having the #1 pick, who gives a chit. it will take a lot more than that to win 100K.

Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:36 pm
by RedRyder
BlueFoot___Not sure how you formed that impression. The Draft selection is made very clear under Item 15 of the rules:
http://www.fantasyfootballchampionship. ... es2006.asp
Just so you know, I got a TOP 3 draft pick and I am neither a past league winner nor a "good ol'e boy" fact, I am new to The Main Event. Everyone has their own perception as to what draft slot has an advantage...I did a $250 Satellite this Sunday and picked 14th. I am thrilled with my team and have no doubt I will compete.

In regards to IR pick-ups, I'm guessing you mean Free Agents pick-ups. Everyone's bids are secret until the free agent transactions are run, at which point you are able to see the winning bid and the runner-up bid.

I think you will find the NFFC a top notch organization with exceptional customer service, I don't think you are "up against anything", except maybe yourself.

Good luck, enjoy the season...BTW, what league are you in?

Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:44 pm
by kjduke
Originally posted by RedRyder:
BlueFoot___Not sure how you formed that impression ........ I don't think you are "up against anything", except maybe yourself.

lol, I think you hit the nail on the head Jules!!

[ August 29, 2006, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: KJ Duke ]

Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:50 pm
by kjduke
Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
I am used to being cheated by fantasy football commissioners. No problem. Really, and you keep playing?? :eek:

... or is it that you think you're being cheated because you can't figure out why you're not winning? That seems more plausible.

Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:48 pm
by Jersey Dawg
Blue_Foot: I guess you can say I'm a "good ol'e boy" as I've been in every draft ever run by these guys since day one. I got pick 13 this draft. I hope that makes you feel better.

As mentioned above, free agency is done by blind bids. We all start with the same amount of bid money and all have the same chances at getting who we want. If you don't believe me, then bid your entire pool on your first player week one. If you don't get him you have a legit complaint.

Good luck. I know getting a "bad" draft selection stinks, but you only have 3 chances out of 14 of getting a top 3.


Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:54 pm
by RiFF the mouth: as has been pointed out, if you read the rules you would have been aware of how and when draft slots are selected. If historically, this represents how closely you read and understand the rules and format of the contests you enter, it helps one understand how you may feel FF Commissioners have "cheated" you in the past. I suppose, with few exceptions, everyone would enjoy the "rush" of experiencing first hand the draft slot selections. Of course the trade off of doing it just before the draft is the lack of preparation time for the draft slot you drew. And I also suspect, most participants would favor having adequate time to prepare and develop a draft strategy based on their draft slot.
This is my first year also. But I did at least read the rules thoroughly prior to signing up; in addition to doing a brief check on Krause Publications. Krause Publications, the company behind this contest, has over 400 employees, has been in business over 50 years and is currently the leader in hobby publications with over 40 annual periodicals and 125 book publications. This is in addition to running numerous hobby shows. They have also had two successful years running this contest. Does it really seem reasonable to you that an organization with that much at stake would "rig" draft slots to satisfy the "good ol'e boys" with their favored slots? Or could it be that the chance of drawing one of the favored slots is about 1 in 5, meaning 4 out of 5 participants aren't going to be enamored with their assigned slot. In the future "foot in the mouth" I would suggest you doing a little research before you start popping-off. Otherwise, you really come across as a total jerk. :rolleyes:

Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:30 pm
by BillyWaz
Pretty much the same sentiments as everyone else here Blue Foot.

Basically, just play the hand you got. If you don't think you are good enough to win from ANY spot, then DON'T GET IN!!!! I got a feeling that;

A) $1,250 is "chump change" for you, and you won your 10 team free Yahoo league last year, so you think you can do well here.


B) You had these big dreams of how you could win with a top 3 pick, and were to blind to see anything else.

Skeptical Draft Order

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:48 am
by renman
Obviously Blue_foot likely regrets his comments and no one supports his claim. But I want to look a little deeper. Anytime there is competition and people are staking money (big money to many) in the process you will get people who are not happy with results and will come up with some kind of conspiracy theory. He is likely a bit nervous and maybe somewhat overwhelmed with joining a high stakes event and had it in his mind he was getting Larry Johnson. So I will give him a pass on his frustration fueled outburst.

I will say this is NOT my first year with the NFFC. This is my 3rd and I feel comfortable in saying I have a nice rapport with the guys running this event. I won a league my first year and have recruited people into this event both years since. One could argue that if there is an old boys club I would be part of the fraternity on some level at the very least. Having said that, I drew what most expert say is about the worst draft position one can get this year. Am I disappointed? Sure. But there is an element of chance to this and every good fantasy player knows you can win from any part of the draft board. I immediately focused my attention on where on the board I will draft from and will do my best to win from there. Like every good fantasy player, I feel I will field a winning team no matter where I am.

You have two types of people in the world of competition. Those who dig in and accept/embrace a challenge and those who panic, bail out and finger point or make excuses, sometimes even before the competition begins. I hope for the sake of blue foot he takes a step back, looks at the reality of what is going on here, and re-focuses his attention and energy on putting together a good team and accepts the challenge the NFFC provides.

[ August 30, 2006, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: renman ]