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Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:53 pm
by wayne123
Originally posted by Hard heads:
Agree luck plays too big a part sometimes, but I do like H2H. I actually am in 7th based on record and points, but in an all play would be 2nd and 2 games behind first, but that is the luck of the draw. I missed LT, LJ and am missing Ronnie Brown this week now as well as having missed Portis and Bush early on, but still had plenty of poits scored against me. It would be nice to find a system as KJ brought forth where teams are rewarded for better all play records, while still keeping H2H in play.
It has been an exciting league and am proud to be a contender in such a tough one as well. I didn't notice till just the other day that Z-Man is actually managing a team, Noverdamuses, which loads this league even more! Anyway, great thread and who knows we implemented 3RR, so maybe we are the first high stakes league to do some sort of all play as well? I did not realize that was Z-man's team! Now it makes wonder he got so defensive about the poker comment way back at the beginning of the year! I was trying to start a fuss, but didn't understand why he took it so directly. Now I understand! Jules and I were in the same poker league with him. For the record, I do believe that collusion took place in the poker league, but it was legal collusion...they (and it wasn't even Z or Jules) were covering each other and betting things up. Normal team play....nothing wrong with it. Now, that is my belief....I do realize that I could be wrong....but I doubt it :D Regarding LV league #2, I was making an off the cuff remark about the collusion based on a hunch and just for the fun of it. I really think that a mistake was made by the owner and that Smith should not have been placed back on the roster. I was trying to prempt Greg's decision on this. I should not have brought the poker thing into it (not because it was nessessarily wrong, but because we really did have more than one of these players in this league. Damn...I have to admit that was "uncool" of me. Dang! I wanted to cause a fuss. I wanted to make people think. I may have even wanted to be a target of sorts. But, I did not intend for the inuendos to hit so close to home for Jules and Z-man. That was an oversight on my part. Sorry Jules and Z, hope you have a good season!

Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:53 pm
by wombat
Hardheads I don't understand your comment that Z-man is running my team, Noverdamuses.

I am the owner and have been running it since Day 1. Where did you come up with this?

Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:59 pm
by Hard heads
Sorry Steve, wrong team, it was Phin City Madness. Had your team on the brain as you make a run up the standings. My apologies for the mistake.

Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:59 pm
by wombat
No problem. Good luck the rest of the way.

Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:01 pm
by sportsbettingman
Originally posted by Hard heads:
Agree luck plays too big a part sometimes, but I do like H2H. I actually am in 7th based on record and points, but in an all play would be 2nd and 2 games behind first, but that is the luck of the draw. I missed LT, LJ and am missing Ronnie Brown this week now as well as having missed Portis and Bush early on, but still had plenty of poits scored against me. It would be nice to find a system as KJ brought forth where teams are rewarded for better all play records, while still keeping H2H in play.
It has been an exciting league and am proud to be a contender in such a tough one as well. I didn't notice till just the other day that Z-Man is actually managing a team, Noverdamuses, which loads this league even more! Anyway, great thread and who knows we implemented 3RR, so maybe we are the first high stakes league to do some sort of all play as well? You know I like you, Hard Heads (and I'm pretty buzzed...come to think of it...I need to take my kids to see Virginia City soon!)...but I must disagree with the all play stuff.

If the New York Giants beat Tampa Bay 56-55...they can't look to the Atlanta 9 49ers 7 game and say..."Look...we would have crushed BOTH of THOSE teams if we played THEM this week!"

You play (and win or lose) the team you face each week.

In the end...if it's not good enough to make the playoffs...we needed to score more points...or win more games.

Part of the fun is the bugger of a schedule.

Some teams face every stud on the bye week...lucky them...etc.

No offence, HH...I'm feeling no pain!


Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:54 am
by RedRyder
Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by KJ Duke:
Nice win hard heads! And a big BOOOOOOO to the Gigglin Marlin team and the Mean Machine team, both started 3-4 bye week players! more and more BS luck of the draw. is it time to go to the all-play format? aren't people sick and tired of the crap results H2H causes? [/QUOTE]yes.

Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:09 am
by RedRyder
Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by KJ Duke:
Nice win hard heads! And a big BOOOOOOO to the Gigglin Marlin team and the Mean Machine team, both started 3-4 bye week players! more and more BS luck of the draw. is it time to go to the all-play format? aren't people sick and tired of the crap results H2H causes? [/QUOTE]Yeah, its a lot of luck. But, the luck is what makes it fun....and frustrating! I just wish the win-loss record matched the strenght of the teams in most leagues. Our top team is certainly a very good team and deserves his record. Jules has gotten a lot of breaks. Others farther down have gotten screwed! But points can be luck too! One big game (like my team had) is not indicative of the strenght of the team but can result in playoff contention.
[/QUOTE]Huh, and here I thought I was making my own luck by:

- picking up the BUF DEF for a buck and getting 30+ points for them, thus beating Hard Heads

-the next week, picking up Cleo Lemon, even though I had Jason Campbell as my bye week fill in, and getting 30+ points from Lemon.

-2 weeks ago picking up SEA DEF, even though I had one of the highest scoring DEF's (MN) and getting 30+ points from them.

I will say I was not too happy that MEAN MACHINE left players on the bench, even e-mailed Greg & Tom that Sunday (was told that yes, the situation sucked, but they can't babysit every team)...however, I would have beat him even if his bench was in.

Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:11 am
by RedRyder
Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
quote:Originally posted by Hard heads:
Agree luck plays too big a part sometimes, but I do like H2H. I actually am in 7th based on record and points, but in an all play would be 2nd and 2 games behind first, but that is the luck of the draw. I missed LT, LJ and am missing Ronnie Brown this week now as well as having missed Portis and Bush early on, but still had plenty of poits scored against me. It would be nice to find a system as KJ brought forth where teams are rewarded for better all play records, while still keeping H2H in play.
It has been an exciting league and am proud to be a contender in such a tough one as well. I didn't notice till just the other day that Z-Man is actually managing a team, Noverdamuses, which loads this league even more! Anyway, great thread and who knows we implemented 3RR, so maybe we are the first high stakes league to do some sort of all play as well? I did not realize that was Z-man's team! Now it makes wonder he got so defensive about the poker comment way back at the beginning of the year! I was trying to start a fuss, but didn't understand why he took it so directly. Now I understand! Jules and I were in the same poker league with him. For the record, I do believe that collusion took place in the poker league, but it was legal collusion...they (and it wasn't even Z or Jules) were covering each other and betting things up. Normal team play....nothing wrong with it. Now, that is my belief....I do realize that I could be wrong....but I doubt it :D Regarding LV league #2, I was making an off the cuff remark about the collusion based on a hunch and just for the fun of it. I really think that a mistake was made by the owner and that Smith should not have been placed back on the roster. I was trying to prempt Greg's decision on this. I should not have brought the poker thing into it (not because it was nessessarily wrong, but because we really did have more than one of these players in this league. Damn...I have to admit that was "uncool" of me. Dang! I wanted to cause a fuss. I wanted to make people think. I may have even wanted to be a target of sorts. But, I did not intend for the inuendos to hit so close to home for Jules and Z-man. That was an oversight on my part. Sorry Jules and Z, hope you have a good season!
[/QUOTE]Unbelievable that you bring the poker thing up again AND call out your LV2 leaguemates AGAIN.

At this point I can only view you as mentally imbalanced.

Where is my friggin' MUTE BUTTON?????????

Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:21 am
by Gordon Gekko
Oh jules, I'll be sending u an email later tonight. Me need your helpopinion on something. Might not be till late as I have to do my trick or treat'n 2nite.

Las Vegas League 2

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:48 am
by RedRyder
Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
Oh jules, I'll be sending u an email later tonight. Me need your helpopinion on something. Might not be till late as I have to do my trick or treat'n 2nite. Okay. Have fun!